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    Ground Source Heat Pumps – Compare Offers from Local Installers in the UK
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    Media & Testimonials
    Last updated: 25 January 2023

    10 Facts About Geothermal Energy

    Discover the Benefits of Geothermal Energy

    Geothermal energy is a clean, sustainable and affordable source of alternative energy. Making an informed decision is important when switching to geothermal energy. We are here to help you in your decision-making process! Simply let us know about your needs and preferences and we will help you find your best deal! You will receive up to four free, non-binding quotes from our suppliers.

    In the meantime, here are 10 facts you should know more about :

    1. Continuous Power and Heat Delivered to Homes and Buildings

    That’s right. Geothermal energy is a renewable source which means it doesn’t run out. This type of energy is continuously created beneath the Earth’s surface from the heat generated by rocks. Water runs in a closed-loop system to the underground where the heating process takes place.

    You can rest assured your home will have ongoing heating and power supply. It is simple and proven.

    2. Home Grown in the UK 

    Geothermal energy has been tapped in the UK since Roman times, via the hot springs at Bath and elsewhere. Since then, the potential of geothermal energy on a commercial basis has been successfully exploited in the UK. Southampton city council is operating a geothermal power station since 1986. The power station provides heating for the city hall, superstore, swimming centre, 300 flats, hotels plus the port of Southampton.

    Other cities exploring geothermal energy potential are Cornwall, Newcastle, Eastgate and others more. Geothermal energy can help make the UK energy and climate secure.

    3. Electricity Not Only Heat

    Another great benefit of choosing geothermal energy is the potential of providing geothermal electricity for your home. Geothermal power plants are being built all over Europe, thus serving as not just a renewable source, but as a backup for the intermittent renewables. This source of electricity is having major advantages over other sources of electricity due to its reliability and low impact on the climate.
    Here is how geothermal energy is converted into electricity:

    Geothermal Energy Process

    4. One of the Lowest Carbon Footprints of Energy Sources

    Geothermal energy makes a minimal environmental impact. Drilling level is low compared to shale gas extraction and takes place only at the creation of the heat reservoir. On average, industrial projects involve drilling of only 2-3 wells whereas shale gas extraction requires extensive drilling.

    Besides, geothermal power does not need transportation and further processing, so no heavy traffic flow and industrial production.

    5. Energy for 25% of Europe’s Population

    A report published in May 2014 by the European Geothermal Energy Council emphasizes the potential of alternative energy sources in Europe. Currently, there are 4,174 districts heating geothermal systems that operate in 3,731 cities across Europe. Geothermal power generation is successfully implemented in countries like Germany, France, Netherlands, Hungary and many more.

    On the map below you can see the potential of geothermal exploration in all 28 EU countries.

    Map Geothermal

    6. Flexible Renewable Energy

    For heating, geothermal resources can be used in applications such as space and district heating, spa and swimming pool heating, greenhouse and soil heating, aquaculture, pond heating, agriculture, industrial heating and also snow melting. With the advances in technology, soon we will hear about new applications arising from geothermal energy.

    7. Cooling Functions

    Geothermal energy can provide both heat and cooling functions for your home thanks to the insulating properties of the earth. In summer, the geothermal system pulls heat from your house and carries it through the earth loop, where it deposits the heat into the cooler earth/aquifer. Imagine a home where temperatures are always comfortable.

    8. Geothermal Energy = Affordable

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    Fossil fuels extraction and natural gas imports are currently used to heat up households. Unfortunately, we have seen a lot of price fluctuations and increases in gas and fuel prices. By replacing these resources with geothermal energy, a lot of costs will be cut. Because the energy is generated right on the spot, it saves on processing and transportation costs. A home geothermal energy pump can cut energy bills by 30 to 40 per cent and will pay for itself.

    9. An Industry Worth £30bn by 2020

    Geothermal energy is a booming global market that is growing rapidly. Significant investments in the alternative energy field over the last few years are giving the homeowners the option of clean energy consumption. In 2011 alone, the subsidies for renewables amounted for the US $88 billion globally. 

    10. Geothermal Heat Pump Systems

    are warranted by the manufacturers, and their working life is estimated at 25 years for inside components and 50+ years for the ground loop. Read more about heat pump systems here and contact us to get a free estimate on getting geothermal energy today.

    A geothermal heating system can be a great solution for you! Do not hesitate to contact us if you would like to get free quotes on ground source heat pumps! We will be happy to help you!

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