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You’re probably aware that travelling isn’t always good for the planet or for local cultures. Fortunately, an increasing number of individuals are approaching travel with a more conscious mindset. This means they have smaller footprints, engage in activities that are less harmful to the planet, and give back to local communities.
After extensive research by the GreenMatch Team, we have nominated and selected the top conscious travel blogs of 2016.
We asked our favourite conscious travel bloggers the following question:
“What is your top tip for someone who wishes to become a conscious traveller?”
GreenMatch has divided the winners into several categories of conscious travel blogs:
Below, you can find brief descriptions of our favourite blogs along with their top tips for conscious travellers.
Thanks to all the nominated and finalist bloggers that gave us great tips to help anyone wanting to become or improve their conscious travelling experiences!
The featured blogs are more than welcome to use the code below to place the badge on their website.
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Sustainable Travel Blogs
The sustainable travel blog category features blogs that provide tips, guides, and travel experiences from an environmentally conscious viewpoint.
Lisa, the founder of Girl about the Globe is a travel journalist and self-confessed travel addict. Since the age of 21, she has travelled to over 100 countries, and mostly as a solo traveller. The blog recommends the best eco properties abroad so you can do your bit for sustainable travel, and also discusses how tourism is affecting local communities abroad and how you can help.
Thoughts “Start thinking differently about the way that they travel. Begin to see a destination through a local’s eyes. Get to know the locals and how they really think and immerse yourself within the culture, buying goods from local people and not big organisations.”
I am Aileen follows the journey of Aileen Adalid, a digital nomad (entrepreneur & travel writer) living a sustainable travel lifestyle. She inspires people through her life story and personal travel adventures, and shares detailed articles that revolve around travel hacks, guides, recommendations, and tips.
Thoughts “To become a conscious traveler, the best tip that I can give you is to maintain your awareness at all times. This basically means that you should do your homework beforehand, and that at the same time, you should remain to be respectful of the places and the people that you’re visiting in order to lessen the impact that you might inadvertently execute.”
NOMADasaurus is a blog about long-term adventure travel that focuses on sustainable tourism. Alesha and Jarryd aim to inspire others to go out and travel, by documenting some of the best off-the-beaten-path destinations around the globe.
Thoughts “Our top tip for someone who wishes to be a conscious traveller is to learn the local customs and etiquette of every country you visit and abide by them, even if they seem unusual to you. Respecting the attitudes and beliefs of the people you will be visiting is the most important thing you can do and will help encourage the positive effects of tourism and culture.”
Green Pearls® is more than the blog. We are a collection of handpicked, sustainable and unique places worldwide. We have 90 partners in 30 countries and support them in their green communication, spreading the message on eco-friendly tourism
Thoughts “It is all about making conscious decisions. Choosing an authentic sustainable accommodation alone is a big step in becoming a conscious traveller. Eco-friendly hotels do so much in terms of sustainability, reaching from green architecture and management, over local and seasonal food to supporting the local community through projects and employing locals.
By choosing an eco-friendly hotel, you support the area and protect the environment […]Another conscious decision is about the length of your stay. Let’s face it, while other transportation is much more eco-friendly, some places can only be reached by plane. But then don’t fly from Europe to Asia for a week – stay longer, discover more and choose eco-friendly places. All these conscious decisions will lead to becoming a conscious traveller.”
The Greenloons Blog is an ecotourism travel resource that can help you find eco travel destination profiles, and provides environmentally friendly travel tips, ecotourism certification information, eco trip reviews, and more.
Thoughts “Our top tip for spotting authentic travel experiences is to ask questions of the hotels and tour operators you will be working with. For example, ask how are they supporting conservation of natural areas and wildlife, ask how are they respecting local cultural traditions, ask how they are maximizing opportunities for local prosperity, and ask how are they are enhancing the local ecosystem to avoid physical or environmental degradation. You’ll quickly be able to determine if the travel company is supporting local communities socially, economically and environmentally or just greenwashing its efforts.”
Charlie on Travel is a sustainable and slow travel blog written by Charlie and her life and travel companion, Luke. They are “ slow travellers, nature lovers, vegetarians, green advocates, sustainability enthusiasts and house sitters.”
Thoughts “My top tip for anyone wishing to be a more conscious traveller is to do your research. Take some time to find out about the local area, customs and wildlife wherever you’re going. Be mindful of the little things like making eco-conscious packing decisions, your clothing (for example, when visiting temples in some countries you may need to cover your knees), who and what you’re photographing and whether your activities could be disturbing local people or wildlife in any way. Conscious travel is all about being respectful and aware.”
Jim O’donnell is an author, freelance writer, photographer and the content creator and writer behind around the world in eighty years. His research and writing focuses on environmental issues, the impact of tourism on culture and conservation, science, and history.
Thoughts “First, it is important to realize that unless you are walking or biking to your destination you are having a negative environmental impact. Travel, even budget travel, is a luxurious privilege that is typically very wasteful. Owning it is step one.
Step two is recognizing that there is nothing wrong with exploring your own home and region.
Three, if you are going to travel further afield make sure your money goes to nations and companies that seek to minimize their environmental impact and maximize the socio-economic benefits for the locals. Finally, support conservation protections and laws in your home country where you can have the most impact.”
Education is also one of the main reasons for us, to set up Conscious Travel Guide. We saw there was a gap between the conscious choices people make at home and when they are away, due to the lack of easily accessible information.
Thoughts “Educate yourself step by step, so you can make more conscious choices, have a positive impact and build on a better world together.”
Amanda is an environmental management practitioner and news journalist. She’s also a sustainable travel blogger that has visited 28 countries. Knowing that travel is not good for your carbon footprint, Amanda is always looking for ways to engage in guilt-free and environmentally responsible travel.
Thoughts “My top tip for anyone who wishes to become a more conscious traveller is to really do your research! Choose a location that hasn’t already been put under strain by tourism, or try to find a place that has remained relatively unaltered by visitors, and has a commitment to maintaining the integrity of the site you’re visiting. Check out the sustainability credentials of the tour company you plan to use, look for any certifications and be wary of green wash! Excellent research can help you avoid any unintended consequences of your travel.”
Canadian travel writer and long-time yoga student Mariellen Ward started travelling in India and blogging about her transformational journeys in 2005. In 2009 she launched Breathedreamgo with the goals of sharing her love for India, advocating for female solo travel and demonstrating cultural respect through story telling. She is passionate about travel’s ability to transform and enlighten.
Thoughts “The moment you become interested in being a more conscious traveller, you are already on your way. To keep the momentum going, start to pay more attention to the “other.” Quite often in travel writing, the “other” becomes a backdrop to our own adventures. If you are sensitive to the people around you, especially if you are in a foreign culture, you are unlikely to make stereotypical judgments and cultural blunders.”
Margherita and Nick are long-term travellers who love nature and adventure travel, with a focus on sustainability, “in our opinion, nature and adventure can be found anywhere – on the ski slopes, on a mountain wall or on a hiking path, but also in cities. We write about ‘traditional’ nature and adventure travel, but also about alternative cities, urban nature and local festivals.”
Conscious Travel – Anna Pollock
Anna Pollock is a change agent, strategist, visionary, and international speaker. She is the founder of the conscious travel model, a more sustainable and profitable approach to tourism and an alternative to the more common mass industrial tourism model. “Conscious Travel is a movement, a community and a learning program that enables places to attract and welcome guests in a manner that doesn’t cost the earth […] and celebrates the uniqueness of the people, cultures and ecosystems on which it depends.”
Eco Traveller Guide is written by Linda, a Northern Irish traveller, writer, and mother with a passion for green living and travelling the world. The blog is focused on ecotourism and offers green travel guides and tips and inspiration for those looking for new ideas and new ways to travel.
The co-founders of Green Global Travel – Bret Love & Mary Gabbett – are passionate about ecotourism and its potential to help save the planet. It was a trip to South Africa that changed Bret’s life and encouraged him to spread sustainable philosophies of ecotourism and conservation.
Soul Travel is written by Ellie Cleary, an avid traveller who started to blog to explore how it is possible to travel sustainably and mindfully. She wants to have a positive effect while travelling the globe, and sees travel as the perfect opportunity for self-growth as well as positive exchange.
Steph is an Italian blogger and travel addict that writes about travel from a responsible angle. She provides tips, reviews, and city guides to help you make your next adventure more eco conscious.
Dorian writes about green travel as a Lonely Planet blogger through her Traveling Naturally blog, the Green Earth Guide series of travel books and apps, and contributes to Edible Green Mountains magazine. Traveling naturally is an information source for environmentally and health conscious travellers wanting to minimize their footprints.
Vegan Travel Blogs
The vegan travel blog category features blogs that provide tips, guides, and travel experiences from the viewpoint of vegan travellers that are conscious of their impact on the environment.
Amanda Burger is a vegan solo full-time world traveler. She is slowly house-sitting her way around the world, hanging out with lots of animals, eating vegan food and writing on her blog.
Thoughts “My top tip for someone who wishes to become a conscious traveler is, overall, to be mindful. To be conscious and conscientious of yourself, is to be aware of your surroundings and your subsequent impact on them. To do whatever you can do to not cause harm, whether it’s to people, to animals, or to the environment. To try to make educated and informed decisions as to where you spend your money and to choose business and attractions that don’t exploit or harm the earth or any of its earthlings.”
Jenny became a vegan in 2014 and has since been sharing recipes, her favourite cookbooks, and started writing about food she’s eaten in cafes and restaurants on her travels. “I’m on a mission to visit as many European cities as possible, and eat all the good vegan food I can find!”
Thoughts “My tip for conscious travellers is to do plenty of research before you travel so that you know where to find vegan food and won’t be caught out when you’re hungry and tired. Happy Cow is my favourite resource.”
Indefinite Adventure is a travel blog offering guides and stories from Sam and Zab – a vegan and digital nomad couple. They travel light and slow, and give practical advice to other potential long term travellers, while constantly seeking great vegan food, digital nomad work places, fun street art and interesting things to do on their travels.
Thoughts “Consider where you spend your money while you are travelling. We can all influence the world around us by what kinds of businesses we choose to support or not. To be a conscious traveller, one of the most basic things you can do is to spend your money in local businesses where your custom will directly benefit the locals rather than giving it to large corporations whose profits will likely leave the country you are visiting.
So, if for lunch, you have the choice of an international burger chain or a street vendor selling their homemade dumplings, go for the street vendor. This way you’ll also more memorable experiences and get to interact with locals on a more personal level. So in the end, everyone wins!”
Wendy Werneth is a nomadic traveller and vegan foodie who seeks out vegan treasures in the most unlikely places. She’s on a mission to show you how you can be vegan anywhere and spread compassion everywhere. You can follow her adventures at The Nomadic Vegan and download her free ebook, “9 Steps for Easy Vegan Travel”.
Thoughts “Consciousness is created by connection. So, to become a conscious traveller, you need to really interact with and connect with everything around you – the people, culture, animals and landscapes that make up your travel destination. By doing this, you will start to become aware of the impact that your presence has, and whether that impact is positive or negative.
You will start to ask yourself questions like: Is the money I spend here going to local people who need it or to large, wealthy companies? By hiking through this landscape, am I helping to ensure it stays protected, or am I attracting new construction and development to a fragile ecosystem? What resources had to be used to produce the food I ate for dinner? Could I have chosen a different meal that would have used fewer resources?
Sometimes the answers to these questions are not obvious, and we need to do further research to dig up the facts that will tell us which of our actions are having the most negative impact, and what we can do differently. These facts often run counter to what we believe to be true. For example, many people are surprised to learn that animal agriculture is the most destructive industry facing the planet and is the leading cause of climate change, rainforest destruction, species extinction, water pollution and habitat destruction. Once we know the facts, we can start making better choices.”
Ligeia and Mindy are vegan travellers who aim to discover vegan-friendly places everywhere they go. “We believe that every country has something wonderful to offer and discovering these hidden gems – food, culture, people, scenery – is our daily motivation.”
Thoughts “The first step in becoming a conscious traveller is leading a conscious life in general. Think of the environmental impact of everything you do and make changes in your life to reflect your concern about the earth. Go vegan, rescue an animal, go solar, plant trees. If you lead a conscious life, you will naturally continue this lifestyle while traveling, always researching the environmental, cultural, political and human impact of the activities you plan to do.
You will naturally seek out vegan options, question tours that involve animal exploitation, and learn about the cultural and political ramifications of visiting certain locations. A conscious traveler will explore volunteer options and sign up to participate in green projects that help the environment, the people or the culture of a given area. You will automatically want to know where your money goes when paying for a service and how the employees are being treated.
A person leading a conscious live will also no longer be interested in riding an elephant, camel or horse, participating in tours that disturb untouched and beautiful places, or buying souvenirs where the money does not directly go to the artist or designer. Not only is conscious travel better for the planet, but it is also the most rewarding way to see the world!”
Amelie is a solo vegan traveller with an interest in healthy living. She posts about travel destinations, packing tips, vegan recipes, healthy living.
Thoughts “Always aim to travel slow. Consider traveling overland if you have the time and, if you are up for a challenge, why not even by bicycle. You’ll cross unexplored areas, have no impact on the environment, save a lot of money, and do something amazing for both your body and soul.”
Christina is a vegan travel and lifestyle blogger: “My mission is to be a firsthand resource for all things vegan. Whether it’s travel, beauty, lifestyle or food.”The blog documents her vegan findings from her backpacking adventures across Europe.
Thoughts “My best piece of advice would be to not be afraid to make mistakes. But when you do make those mistakes be sure to learn from them and become a better traveler. I truly believe that it is only when I make mistakes that I learn something new. I like to consider myself well researched but it is not until you are in a foreign land can you actually learn what the local remedy, food, mode of transportation, etc is that would impact the earth the least and what is most authentic. With each error I like to see it as a reminder that I am traveling and there is infinite beauty in each experience.”
Maria is a world traveller and vegan that provides guides, tips, and information on vegan dining worldwide, including food at airports and on airlines, vegan travel guides, vegan accommodation,and vegan clothing.
Thoughts “With online research, it is possible to find animal-friendly and eco-friendly travel products such as non-leather luggage tags and travelsize skincare. Travelers can also find resources for eco-friendly accommodations near rainforests and animal sanctuaries. These B&Bs also serve vegan meals.”
Amelia is a vegan living life as a nomad, yoga teacher, travel writer, and a general life-enthusiast. Her blog has a whole section dedicated to conscious travel and lots of vegan travel guides and posts.
Dale & Franca, are an Angloitalian and vegan couple that have been travelling the world since 2012. They share everything they experience and learn about slow & budget travel throughout their journey. “The moment we started going slow, the better our travel became. Instead of two days in one city and three days rush sightseeing in another we now take our time to immerse ourselves in local culture, trying to live as they do, and enjoying every encounter we have along the way.”
Yara is a vegan that likes to travel light, with the least impact possible on the planet: “I believe TOURISM and TRAVELING don’t have to be intrusive and destructive. I believe in responsible traveling, Ecologically and most of all giving back to the community. I love traveling off season and supporting small locally owned business. My travels attract both the backpacker as well as the luxury travel […] It’s all part of the fun that inspires a generation searching for something more and deeper than simply become a passive tourist. It’s all about traveling with a meaning.”
Justin and Lauren are part-time vegan travellers who love nature, beautiful scenery, and outdoor adventure challenges. They are passionate about their health, the environment, and animal welfare.
Giselle and Cody are a vegan travel loving couple that have been on the road for 3 years and who aim to travel in a compassionate and responsible way. They post about vegan food, animal rights, culture, working with animals, and more.
Shawn and Jess are a Canadian-Australian couple who love hemisphere-hopping and who write about outdoor and urban adventures, as well as their food and drink adventures (both vegan and non-vegan.
Jojo has been vegan for over a decade and began writing Vegan in Brighton in 2009. It has evolved into a vegan travel, food, and lifestyle blog Early 2015, Jojo began her full time adventure to explore the vegan options the rest of the world has to offer.
Katie is a vegan travel blogger who posts about vegetarian and vegan travel, general travel tips, travel stories, and her personal vegetarian recipes. She is currently exploring the veggie options in the Middle East!
Caryl and Paul left England in January 2014 to ‘Find, Eat & Write about the Best Vegan Food in the World’. They now call South East Asia home. Vegan Food Quest was created to help vegan travellers decide where they can stay, what they can eat and where to stop along the way. They provide hotel, restaurant, and travel guides.
Nicole is a vegan expat currently living in Berlin. When she’s not in Germany, she is out exploring new countries, vegan cafes, and seeking out other vegans around the world. She posts about vegan accommodation, vegan food, and vegan travel tips.
Grace & Benjamin are a Peruvian -French couple and vegan travellers who are discovering the world while eating delicious vegan food. They created The Vegan Globetrotter to show readers’ that it’s easy to be a vegan traveller. Check out their restaurant reviews, recipes and general vegan travel advice!
Social and Responsible Travel Blogs
The social and responsible travel blog category features blogs that provide tips, guides, and travel experiences to help individuals minimize their impact by connecting with the local environment, whether through volunteering, sustainable acts, or slow travelling.
My Slow Journey is written by Katarina Mancama, a Swedish woman living in South Africa. Her journeys are geographical, since she travels for both work and holiday. They are also physical, since she tries to be a fit and healthy person. Her journeys are also sometimes spiritual, as she tries to be mindful and love herself, people around her and the Earth. Among several characteristics, slow is eating locally produced and seasonal, slow is travelling consciously, and slow is meeting new people and cultures.
Thoughts “A conscious traveller, to me, is someone that takes care not to harm the environment of the destination; contributes to the local economy; and engages with people and culture in a respectful manner. While the first point (environment) should come naturally (no littering, careful use of resources etc) the other two might be a bit harder. So I want to focus my answer to these two points; how do I contribute to the local economy and engage with people and culture? Personally, I think it is as simple as this:
Be curious! Seek out areas away from the Top 10 attractions listed in your travel guide; stroll quiet residential areas and see how life really is in the destination; buy from local traders (my favourite is the fruit and vegetable markets and small coffee shops) and talk to them; find out what and where the locals eat and try it. Ask the staff at your hotel to point you in the right direction, then talk to people as you go along. This way, you will leave with a better understanding of the destination, its people and its traditions. At the same time, traders away from the busy tourist areas (who otherwise do not draw many benefits from tourism) get a piece of the pie.”
Vanessa McGrady, the blogger of Green Means Go, aims to live a meaningful and thoughtful life. Her goal is to leave the planet better than how she found it. She looks for elegant, practical and efficient solutions, all while saving money. “I want my daughter to understand the fragility of life and the complex interconnection of everything and everyone on this planet. That’s why I started this blog. Because maybe you do too.”
Thoughts “You can turn any trip into an environmentally and socially conscious one by leaving a place better than you found it. So that might mean picking up trash on a beach, volunteering with a local organization, re-using towels and sheets, and eating locally grown food. You never have to sacrifice fun to stay green!”
Ivana Greslikova and Gianni Bianchini are a digital nomad couple, travel writers, photographers and video-makers. “On our journey, we will show you places where you can replenish your spirit, take good care of your body, eat and drink decent, healthy, local food and beverages. With our blog we want to encourage you to do small or big actions to get rid of anything that hinders you from living your life fully and more consciously.”
Thoughts “Be kind to the world around you as it is your own home, share your passion and give back as much as you can.”
Spending a minimum of 24 hours in each country, Torbjørn C. Pedersen is travelling to every country in the world without taking a flight, “ I have been given the amazing honor of traveling as a goodwill ambassador for the Danish Red Cross. As such I get to represent and promote the Red Cross in 189 countries in the world […] I knew very little about the Red Cross when I left home. But from interviewing and listening to volunteers all over the world I have been amazed.” He blogs about his journey travelling the world by scheduled ground transportation to ensure time is spent with locals and travelers.
Thoughts “I would have to say that my top tip would relate to people opening their ears and closing their mouth. Because being conscious often isn’t really about what the traveler already knows. It’s more so about what the traveler can absorb from its the surroundings. We already plunge ourselves into the world with a general knowledge of what we think is right and wrong. We have our ideas preset before we even take off. The way we do things are, often to us, the right way.
Besides there is also safety in numbers so we rely on what others around us have always done. There are many ways of life. Our way of life in the western world is not sustainable. That is quite clear I think. And our way of life comes at a cost to others. If we understood that cost better then me might be more prone towards change. However that requires much more listening, observing and thinking before one can become more conscious…I think.”
P.S. I’m On My Way is not a blog offering destination guides, itineraries and travel tips. Instead, Trisha Velarmino approaches topics such as culture, language and immersion adventures. Trisha writes about topics such as how to survive growing up, and the deeper meaning of life which we learn through traveling.
Becki is a British Travel Press award winning writer and avid explorer that advocates for travelling with a social conscience. For Becki, journeys abroad mean more than simply following a bucket list, but they are a powerful way to change our social, political and cultural understandings. Her aim is to show others how to travel differently, adventurously, responsibly and with purpose.
Cristina is a traveller, journalist and volunteer. The blog began with her passion for travel, and has since become her happiness project, which is helping her create a more meaningful journey. “Chasing Travel focuses on authentic, local experiences, and slow travel through Europe in ways that connect us to local people, places, and culture. And discovering along the way.”
The Travel Word is a website that focuses on responsible, sustainable and local travel, “We are committed to inspiring mindful and independent travellers headed off the beaten path with local businesses making responsible and sustainable decisions about their destinations.” Their local voices inform travellers on unique and ethical ways to experience destinations, while travelling responsibly and sustaining the unique qualities of an area.
Catherine Mack has been writing about sustainable and responsible travel for the last eight years, “for me, responsible tourism is as much about people as it is about place, and giving a voice to people who have created exemplary, exciting responsible tourism products is one of the best aspects of my job.”
Tammy & Chris are a German-English couple that write about their volunteering and travel tales, “We work in international development, and have been working on social justice and human rights issues abroad since 2011 […]Through this travel blog we want to share stories of our unusual travel adventures and life as international development workers.” started with the aim to be a healthy travel resource where travellers could exchange insights about healthy eating while travelling the world. The blog is sponsored by the Global Citizens Association and covers topics such as wellness, dieting, adventures and tips.
Wanderlust and Lipstick is a place where travel expert Beth Whitman writes with the hopes of encouraging women to travel independently. Over 30 years of travel experience led Beth to start the WanderTours and the WanderWorld Foundation, a nonprofit that aims to help women and children in developing countries.
That Girl Carmel is written by Dana Bell, who curates discount deals for travellers and spreads the voice of social and responsible travel. She shares her stories of volunteering and engaging with locals to stimulate travellers to think beyond taking traditional vacations in paradise and encourages them to do find ways to help local communities.
Ethical Traveler is a nonprofit organization which seeks to use the economic clout of tourism to protect human rights and the environment. It is a valuable resource to empower travellers to make a positive impact on the world.
Travel for Wildlife is a beautifully designed blog featuring ‘How to guides, destination tips and great photography of wildlife encounters. It is written by Hal and Cristina, both very passionate about wildlife & travel. Travel for Wildlife promotes conservation through responsible wildlife tourism.
At GreenMatch we do our best to share inspiration and information for how you can live a more sustainable life. Besides writing articles on the topic of sustainability and green technology, GreenMatch is also comparison service. We help you compare compare quotes for things such as conservatories, windows & heat pumps.