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    lean-to porches</a>, <a href="">conservatories and greenhouses, dwarf walls generally have glass above them. With a dwarf wall, you have the benefit of having to pay for less glass while maintaining the inside temperature better and being easier to clean.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>Having a dwarf wall is also a great protection against low-level damage and damp, for example.</p>\n\n\n\n<h2>Dwarf wall conservatories</h2>\n\n\n\n<p>While traditional conservatories are often full-glass creations, they can often end up feeling like a greenhouse in summer when the weather is warm. With a dwarf wall conservatory, there is less glass and so less heat in summer. Dwarf walls also make your conservatory look more like a blended extension to your home.</p>\n\n\n\n<h2>Dwarf wall conservatory height</h2>\n\n\n\n<p>Dwarf wall conservatories are, as their name suggests, <a href="">conservatories that incorporate a brick wall</a> below the glass. With partial walls, you have more privacy but can still admire the views and be bathed in natural light.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>The standard height of the brick wall is usually 600mm but they can be made to measure according to requirements. It’s even possible to combine full walls and dwarf walls, depending on the space.</p>\n\n\n\n<h2>Dwarf wall conservatory designs</h2>\n\n\n\n<p>Not every conservatory incorporating a dwarf wall is the same. There are still so many styles and designs to choose from.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>For an elegant design, an Edwardian or <a href="">Victorian conservatory</a> will give you the best of both worlds – a great indoor area and space to enjoy your garden the whole year round.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>If you’re looking for something more spacious, you could opt for a <a href="">P shaped conservatory</a> that like the name indicates, consists of conservatory in the shape of a P with a longer rectangle part and then a rounded area on one side. These are a fantastic option if you’re looking for add a <a href="">conservatory kitchen</a> diner area to your home.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>A more modern <a href="">design would be a lean-to conservatory</a>. With its straight, clean lines and simple roof, this will upgrade your home with a small footprint.</p>\n\n\n\n<figure class=\"wp-block-image size-large\"><img loading=\"lazy\" width=\"1024\" height=\"682\" src="" alt=\"Dwarf wall conservatory interior design.\" class=\"wp-image-74146\" srcset=\" 1024w, 300w, 768w, 1536w, 2000w\" sizes=\"(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px\" /></figure>\n\n\n\n<h2>Dwarf wall conservatory construction and planning permission</h2>\n\n\n\n<p>After <a href="">choosing a design that suits your home and your needs</a>, you’ll have to make sure you don’t need planning permission.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>For the vast majority of cases, dwarf wall conservatories don’t need planning permission because the walls are less than one metre high, and the total height is no bigger than a single storey, which Planning Portal rules deem as a permitted development.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>If your plans don’t meet the Planning Portal conditions for not requiring planning permission, there’s still a strong chance your design will be accepted with planning permission. You should always apply for this first before getting to work on it.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>Even with a dwarf wall, installing a conservatory is affordable and quick, especially in you are building on an existing patio or concrete.</p>\n\n\n\n<h2>Benefits of a dwarf wall conservatory</h2>\n\n\n\n<p>A dwarf wall conservatory has many benefits. Adding one to your property can:</p>\n\n\n\n<ul><li>Enhance the value and size of your property</li><li>Maximize the natural surroundings of your garden and existing house</li><li>Create a new room for the whole family to enjoy</li><li>Create extra space for a radiator</li></ul>\n\n\n\n<p>What’s more, a dwarf wall conservatory is fully customisable. It’s possible to choose your preferred windows, doors and roof.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>Dwarf wall conservatories are one of the most preferred conservatory types. One reason for this is because they have a natural link and flow between them and the rest of the home because you can choose a matching colour for the bricks.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>Finally, with a brick wall, you can avoid having full glass, which is cooler and harder to clean. The wall is like a barrier between the <a href="">conservatory windows</a> and the ground.</p>\n\n\n\n<h2>How much does a dwarf wall conservatory cost?</h2>\n\n\n\n<p>Having a <a href="">brick dwarf wall will add to the cost of your conservatory</a> but prices usually start from the £7,500 mark. Since all plans and designs are different, it’s really difficult to put a price on it, so it’s best to <a href="">get a quote or use a conservatory cost calculator</a>. Many companies will provide a free quotation on request.</p>\n\n\n\n<h2>Frequently Asked Questions</h2>\n\n\n\n<h3>Does a dwarf wall need foundations?</h3>\n\n\n\n<p>As with all new structures, a conservatory is only as strong as the foundations it is built upon. With well laid and prepared foundations, the conservatory construction will be much easier and it will last much longer.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>The depth needed depends on lots of things but good practice is at least 600 mm for hard ground and 1000 mm for soft ground. If the ground is extra fragile, you might need up to 1500 mm. This will affect the cost but you shouldn’t cut corners here. With good foundations, you’ll have years longer to enjoy your conservatory.</p>\n\n\n\n<h3>How high should a dwarf wall for a conservatory be?</h3>\n\n\n\n<p>As previously mentioned, dwarf walls are usually 600 cm tall but they can be any specified height, including a three-quarter height wall and a full-height wall.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>A three-quarter wall is more complicated to install but it does provide more versatility for the interior design of the conservatory because you will have more wall space where you can attach a radiator, flat-screen television, or another fixture to the conservatory wall. This is something that you can’t do if you have a smaller dwarf wall.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>Three-quarter conservatory walls vary depending on the conservatory height. A benchmark figure is around 1m70. You can add fanlight windows to the top to allow the light to come in.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>It’s not common to have a three-quarter conservatory wall, but it is an option for people who want their conservatory space to have more privacy from one or more of their walls. Obscure glass is also another option.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>A full-height wall in your conservatory means that your conservatory will look like a home extension. The wall will go all the way up to the <a href="">conservatory roof</a> so its height will depend on that. Brickwork is the most common choice of material for a full-height wall, but other options are available. Despite adding privacy to your space, you will lose out on the <a href="">light that a typical conservatory</a> wall offers.</p>\n","lastUpdated":"20 November 2023","topBanner":null,"pageHeader":{"type":"quote","title":"Request Free Quotes and Compare Conservatory Prices","subtitle":"","media_type":"testimonials","selling_point":28708,"quote_form":{"title":"Conservatory ","product_id":"53","website_id":"296300","country":"","language":"","timezone":"","header":"Answer these simple questions and we will find you the BEST prices.","mobile_header":"Answer these simple questions and we will find you the BEST prices.","label_back":"Back","label_next":"Next","label_first":"Next step","label_submit":"Get Quotes Now","label_nudging_text":"Fill in the form in just 1 minute","steps":[{"title":"What type of conservatory do you need?","fields":[{"title":"What type of conservatory do you 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    Request Free Quotes and Compare Conservatory Prices
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    What type of conservatory do you need?

    Media & Testimonials
    Last updated: 20 November 2023

    Dwarf Wall Conservatory: Everything You Need To Know

    Dwarf walls are low walls that are often used at the base of a porch, conservatory, or greenhouse. They can also be standalone walls to separate areas of a garden or property. The term can be used to describe any wall lower than single-storey height but typically, they are shorter than a metre.

    Dwarf wall conservatory design.

    For lean-to porches, conservatories and greenhouses, dwarf walls generally have glass above them. With a dwarf wall, you have the benefit of having to pay for less glass while maintaining the inside temperature better and being easier to clean.

    Having a dwarf wall is also a great protection against low-level damage and damp, for example.

    Dwarf wall conservatories

    While traditional conservatories are often full-glass creations, they can often end up feeling like a greenhouse in summer when the weather is warm. With a dwarf wall conservatory, there is less glass and so less heat in summer. Dwarf walls also make your conservatory look more like a blended extension to your home.

    Dwarf wall conservatory height

    Dwarf wall conservatories are, as their name suggests, conservatories that incorporate a brick wall below the glass. With partial walls, you have more privacy but can still admire the views and be bathed in natural light.

    The standard height of the brick wall is usually 600mm but they can be made to measure according to requirements. It’s even possible to combine full walls and dwarf walls, depending on the space.

    Dwarf wall conservatory designs

    Not every conservatory incorporating a dwarf wall is the same. There are still so many styles and designs to choose from.

    For an elegant design, an Edwardian or Victorian conservatory will give you the best of both worlds – a great indoor area and space to enjoy your garden the whole year round.

    If you’re looking for something more spacious, you could opt for a P shaped conservatory that like the name indicates, consists of conservatory in the shape of a P with a longer rectangle part and then a rounded area on one side. These are a fantastic option if you’re looking for add a conservatory kitchen diner area to your home.

    A more modern design would be a lean-to conservatory. With its straight, clean lines and simple roof, this will upgrade your home with a small footprint.

    Dwarf wall conservatory interior design.

    Dwarf wall conservatory construction and planning permission

    After choosing a design that suits your home and your needs, you’ll have to make sure you don’t need planning permission.

    For the vast majority of cases, dwarf wall conservatories don’t need planning permission because the walls are less than one metre high, and the total height is no bigger than a single storey, which Planning Portal rules deem as a permitted development.

    If your plans don’t meet the Planning Portal conditions for not requiring planning permission, there’s still a strong chance your design will be accepted with planning permission. You should always apply for this first before getting to work on it.

    Even with a dwarf wall, installing a conservatory is affordable and quick, especially in you are building on an existing patio or concrete.

    Benefits of a dwarf wall conservatory

    A dwarf wall conservatory has many benefits. Adding one to your property can:

    • Enhance the value and size of your property
    • Maximize the natural surroundings of your garden and existing house
    • Create a new room for the whole family to enjoy
    • Create extra space for a radiator

    What’s more, a dwarf wall conservatory is fully customisable. It’s possible to choose your preferred windows, doors and roof.

    Dwarf wall conservatories are one of the most preferred conservatory types. One reason for this is because they have a natural link and flow between them and the rest of the home because you can choose a matching colour for the bricks.

    Finally, with a brick wall, you can avoid having full glass, which is cooler and harder to clean. The wall is like a barrier between the conservatory windows and the ground.

    How much does a dwarf wall conservatory cost?

    Having a brick dwarf wall will add to the cost of your conservatory but prices usually start from the £7,500 mark. Since all plans and designs are different, it’s really difficult to put a price on it, so it’s best to get a quote or use a conservatory cost calculator. Many companies will provide a free quotation on request.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Does a dwarf wall need foundations?

    As with all new structures, a conservatory is only as strong as the foundations it is built upon. With well laid and prepared foundations, the conservatory construction will be much easier and it will last much longer.

    The depth needed depends on lots of things but good practice is at least 600 mm for hard ground and 1000 mm for soft ground. If the ground is extra fragile, you might need up to 1500 mm. This will affect the cost but you shouldn’t cut corners here. With good foundations, you’ll have years longer to enjoy your conservatory.

    How high should a dwarf wall for a conservatory be?

    As previously mentioned, dwarf walls are usually 600 cm tall but they can be any specified height, including a three-quarter height wall and a full-height wall.

    A three-quarter wall is more complicated to install but it does provide more versatility for the interior design of the conservatory because you will have more wall space where you can attach a radiator, flat-screen television, or another fixture to the conservatory wall. This is something that you can’t do if you have a smaller dwarf wall.

    Three-quarter conservatory walls vary depending on the conservatory height. A benchmark figure is around 1m70. You can add fanlight windows to the top to allow the light to come in.

    It’s not common to have a three-quarter conservatory wall, but it is an option for people who want their conservatory space to have more privacy from one or more of their walls. Obscure glass is also another option.

    A full-height wall in your conservatory means that your conservatory will look like a home extension. The wall will go all the way up to the conservatory roof so its height will depend on that. Brickwork is the most common choice of material for a full-height wall, but other options are available. Despite adding privacy to your space, you will lose out on the light that a typical conservatory wall offers.

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