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Globalisation has brought the concept of unhealthy food almost everywhere. This kind of food has been proven unhealthy due to the preservatives, amongst other things. Nowadays most people are aware of this fact, but the much cheaper prices make it a preferable diet choice. But is it not worth investing a little in our health? Fortunately, there is a growing awareness on the importance of clean eating and healthy food.
If you are looking for some healthy and delicious recipes or just healthy tips to follow, well, at GreenMatch we have made a list of the best blogs and websites on healthy eating. You should visit the rewarded sites at least once in your life.
We have asked them: “Clean food certainly benefits our bodies, and it can also be beneficial to our environment. Which of your daily eating habits are the most beneficial for the environment?”
(We will publish the respective answers as they reply to us after being awarded)
Of course, all the sites rewarded with a Go Green Award: Food Edition avoid the junk, so we have decided to divide the winners into three different categories, according to their features.
Tori Harschka, born in Sydney, was a big fan of white noodles as a child. But that has changed. Now she has a passion for healthy food. On her blog she mentions that she is obsessed with cooking, eating, travel and restaurants. And she shares her passions with her readers.
“Food waste is a significant problem – and one that’s easy to tackle. In our house we make an effort to use all of what we purchase, from blending the last bits of herbs and green vegetables into pestos or green dressings for roast vegetable salads for Meatless Mondays, using the remaining bones of roasts for stocks in my trusty pressure cooker, or having one night a week dedicated to ‘fridge foraged’ braises and soups, which use up the last of the week’s produce. Nearly everything has a second life; parmesan rinds are a beautiful boost for ragus, the marinating oil for anchovies is a great base for mayonnaise for roast beef and yesterday’s porridge can be easily repurposed into pancake batter or smoothies. We make a conscious effort to eat less meat, but better quality and often call on pulses as a thrifty and sustaining source of protein.”
Kathryn is an Irish food stylist based in London and over the years she found herself working with many important celebrities, brands and food magazines like Delicious and BBC Good Food. Enjoy her exciting recipes which are high in nutrition and low in calories, ranging from pasta to skinny soups.
Amie Valpone started her blog after suffering with digestive issues. She doesn’t believe in diets but absolutely believes in moderation. You can find on her blog many clean, diary-free, soy-free and gluten-free recipes.
“I eat 100% organic and mostly a plant-based lifestyle as well as not using any paper products!”
Although it is mainly a website about health, its “Recipe Corner” is really worth checking out when it comes to healthy eating. You can easily find many delicious recipes and the site gets updated regularly, so new recipes are always coming your way!
According to Greatist, “there’s no one way to be healthy”. Greatist’s mission is to spread a healthy attitude around the world. This American website will provide you with several recipes, published every day, together with very helpful tips you should follow for a more healthy lifestyle.
Fifi Friendly is a blog born in May 2014, but the real story started 10 years ago, when the blogger realized that much of the food we eat every day is full of chemicals and gluten, which she is allergic to. Thus the blog is the result of a 10-year research in finding out cleaner ways of living and eating, which lead to an amazing list of healthy lifestyle tips.
Kelly has been running this blog since 2011 with new healthy recipes published very frequently.This has been made possible by her husband as well. Currently she is diving into a healthy lifestyle even more, by avoiding processed foods. If you would like to know more about how to get rid of the several ingredients included on the back of a product and go towards a healthier lifestyle this is the right site to visit!
Lindsay is a registered dietitian from Ohio. She loves sharing her passion for nutrition and living a healthy lifestyle. She does this by providing her readers with her healthy and enjoyable recipes and some tips on healthy eating.
Kelsey offers you several mouth-watering recipes through her amazing and smart blog, where she shows every step of the cooking process, thanks to her husband Shaun who takes the photos.
Charlie is a great woman with a great purpose: she created her blog because many American websites use ingredients which are not available in the UK. So she loves cooking, experimenting with food and she wanted to share her ideas and recipes with the rest of the UK, with the ingredients available. She also helps people to make healthy meal plans.
Caitlin has filled her blog of healthy recipes of any kind, included vegetarian and vegan. The blog started as a way for combining her creativity with her quest for a healthier lifestyle, that involves eating unprocessed food as much as possible whatever that is raw food, vegetarian or a cake.
Hemsley & Hemsley are two home cooks keen on wellness and good healthy food. They started with their blog in 2010 with the goal to help people in their digestion and relationship with food, with regard to gut health. Go over to their website and discover their delicious recipes!
Vegetarian Times is one of the most popular websites dealing with vegetarian and flexitarian lifestyles. The site has 30 years experience with regards to healthy living, vegetarian recipes and promoting a green lifestyle. Their recipes include several different cuisines from all over the world and you can browse them depending on seasons. Furthermore, they also have an HOW TO section and provide healthy living tips for everyday life.
Raised in a culture where healthy, clean and fresh food were the norm, Anjali is not a stranger to living a healthy lifestyle. This was not a case for her husband. So Anjali’s challenge was to create recipes that were healthy and fitted her lifestyle, but her husband would enjoy as well. That’s the story behind the blog of the Picky Eater!
“I’m a vegetarian, which I believe definitely helps the environment because it helps to reduce global warming, among other things!”
Lucie started with her blog after restoring her health from the stress generated at work. Now she wants to help other people to take back the control over their bodies, offering very enjoyable and healthy recipes and health coaching solutions.
“I follow a predominantly vegetarian diet, eating as much organic produce as my budget allows and only occasionally eating meat, when I do it’s organic and grass fed which is not only better for my health by also the environment.”
Angela Liddon welcomes you to her website with a lot of delicious plant-based recipes. She has been writing for almost 7 years, and currently she reaches over 1 million visitors every month. In 2008 she started writing about her recovery from an eating disorder and now she is a professional vegan cook. Just check her recipes!
Essential Vegan is a vegan website run by Vanessa Almeida, a vegan chef based in London. You can find many vegan recipes that are very mouth-watering, guaranteed! Her menu ranges from bread to mains and desserts, for the best full vegan experience.
Annabelle Randles will let you discover delicious vegetarian and vegan recipes. The point is to encourage her readers to eat less meat, which is the philosophy of a flexitarian diet, based on occasional addition of meat.
“Eating less meat is an easy way to have a more sustainable diet. Meat production adversely impacts CO2 emissions, deforestation, water consumption and pollution. A plant-based diet can cut your carbon footprint by up to 50%.”
Stacey is a vegan recipe developer based in London, with passion for health, food and wellness. Check out her delicious smoothies and gluten-free recipes that she makes everyday with using healthy ingredients only.
“Eating a plant-based diet that consists of whole foods is a dietary choice I have made that is most beneficial to the environment. Since becoming vegan I have saved ‘3,039,647 litres of water, 2,044 sq.m of forest and 6,643 kg of Co2.”
Katy Beskow is the vegan cook behind this website. She started to be vegan 8 years ago and now she runs one of the most read UK websites related to the vegan world. On the website, you can take a look at many different delicious recipes of mains and desserts!
This blog by Ania is related to clean and raw food. Ania is neither vegan nor vegetarian but many of her recipes are, thus she has been awarded in the vegetarian/vegan category. She strives to cook as much gluten-free meals as possible, so she can publish them on the blog, which makes it her travel journal towards a healthier lifestyle.
“Eating locally grown foods as well as avoiding processed food is possibly the best way I can daily contribute to helping the environment. Eating locally gown food means that food will be fresher, will taste better and will be packed in much more nutrients than food shipped across the globe.”
Elana Amsterdam is the woman behind one of the best websites on healthy food available. On her blog she provides healthy recipes that can also be found in her New York Time’s best-selling cookbook. Check out other flavoursome cooked veggies or dinner dishes now!
Laura-Jane began eating raw vegan food in 2009 and now she shares her most delicious raw vegan recipes through her website. Besides that, she shares many tips and tricks for a more healthy diet. Laura-Jane is also the author of “Raw Food Favourites”.
This website is mostly full of vegetarian recipes which Jean made to fight her allergies and intolerance to products such as gluten. She hopes her blog can be of interest to allergy sufferers and healthy food lovers.
Emma is a vegan foodie who believes going vegan has made her more compassionate person with a deeper connection with the world. She can offer you a wide range of delicious vegan recipes, about beverage, salads, main dishes and so on, showing that a vegan dish can remain exquisite. Go vegan now!
BBC Good Food is the “food branch” of the famous British newscast BBC. It can provides you with tasty healthy recipes, meal plans and tips suitable for any family!
Authority Nutrition is one of the most popular, updated and extremely competent websites about healthy eating. Every month the website is visited by 10 million people that want to read the articles, written by experts. The website provides many articles about different kind of food and a lot of green tips to follow to achieve a healthy lifestyle.
“I eat a lot of starchy vegetables like potatoes. They are energy dense and don’t have much of an environmental impact compared to many foods.”
Laura Agar Wilson is the woman behind one of the most healthy websites available on the Internet. Here you will be able to find delicious recipes, some advice and a lot of inspiration. She is also a health coach, so she will support you on your journey to a healthy, happy and fabulous lifestyle.
Jemma is the freelancer behind Celery & Cupcakes, a website born in 2010, which concerns her thoughts, inspirations and passions on healthy eating. Through her website, she would like to encourage people to have a positive attitude when it comes to making healthy food.
Petra, from England, is passionate about anything which is 100% natural, especially food. She has been inspired by the fact they say prevention is better than curing, and so, here is the blog. You will be able both to find out tasty recipes and suggestions for living a healthier and more natural life.
“I don’t eat meat which is great for the environment. Beef production especially is bad for the environment and I really encourage people to eat less red meat as this is a good way of cutting carbon emissions.”
Go to visit the Food section of Britton Loves to find out the healthy suggestions that Lauren publishes 4 times a week. Originally a website to share thoughts on photography and fashion, she is now keen on healthy eating and living too, sharing her awareness with her visitors.
Green and Aquamarine aims to be helpful to who is looking for a balanced, healthy life, as Eleanor, the blogger behind, has stated. This blog includes also one of the most interesting sections we have encountered: “Healthy on a budget”. It is known that healthy food is quite expensive, so this blogger is really onto something. She offers a collection of healthy tips and recipes that do not burn a hole in your wallet. She states: “I want to help make healthy eating accessible, budget-friendly and sustainable”.
A Balanced Belly is a website managed by Jenna, a nutritional therapist. The website focuses on a balanced lifestyle, juicing, gut health and of course, healthy recipes!
Dawn Jackson Blatner is a registered dietitian and currently she is the nutrition consultant for the Chicago Cubs. Besides, she is the author of The Flexitarian Diet ranked as a top plant-based by US News & World Report. Therefore, with no doubt she can provide you the top-level tips to follow when it comes to healthy eating!
Karen is a Leicestershire-based blogger and former social worker. She has a passion for healthy eating and of course food as well. She started her blog in 2012 after losing a lot of weight. She was able to achieve this through adopting a healthy lifestyle. On her blog she shares her personal journey and healthy recipes and of course great tips!
“Eating whole fresh foods often means less packaging to throw away. Buying quality cuts of meat from a local butcher, taking reusable bags to the local farmers market to stock up on fruit, vegetables and cheese, and buying tea in biodegradable teabags – all help. If you were to have microwave meals every day or order take-out – just imagine how many boxes, foil dishes and plastic packaging you would have to throw out each week! Cooking from scratch and in bulk is so much better for your health, bank balance and the environment.“
Healthy Food is a UK website that provides lots of healthy recipes and tips. You can subscribe to their newsletter to keep updated on the news about healthy eating or also browse their blog full of good tips to follow.
Real Foods website comes from a 40-year experience in selling natural, organic and vegetarian food in Edinburgh and worldwide. Therefore, they can provide you a lot of healthy eating tips and recipes as a result of their long experience, and also a webshop where you can purchase the ingredients.
This website, in collaboration with the University of California, will be able to provide you any kind of information about healthy eating and wellness in general. Weight loss, food safety, good diet and nutrition are not a mystery anymore thanks to Berkeley Wellness.
The EatingWell Media Group is a fast-growing communications company producing an award-winning national consumer magazine, high-quality food- and nutrition-related books, a content-rich website, e-mail newsletters, and serving content to strategic partners with other electronic media.
Ella started blogging approximately four years ago. What prompted her decision to start was the diagnosis of a rare illness, Postural Tachycardia Syndrome. Eating healthy and clean food is what helps her manage her illness and enjoy life to the fullest. Ella believes that a healthy diet is about finding a balance, eating in moderation and making sure there is enough variety in your meals. For fun and healthy recipes, this is a must visit blog! Last but not least Ella also published two best-selling cookbooks ‘Deliciously Ella‘ and ‘Deliciously Ella Every Day’ , so you might want to check out those as well.