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    Media & Testimonials
    Last updated: 23 March 2021

    Green Tips

    Our communities are a result of ourselves, we shape and influence them through our actions. It’s important to maintain a clean, green environment, but not everyone may know that through small steps they can make a big difference. We are therefore gathering tips on green energy and suggestions which will give insight on how simple it is to positively impact our surroundings. We decided to categorise the green tips we gathered according to months, each month revealing three new ones. 

    Top 3 Green Tips May 

    The month of May has ended and our Green Tips initiative has begun! We have gathered three green suggestions which you can read about in our ‘Green Tips’ blog. 

    If you have any green tips or suggestions, share them with us and we will showcase them in our monthly Green Tips blog. 

    Top 3 Green Tips June 

    The green tips for the month of June are here! We have gathered eco suggestions and have categorised them in ‘eco buying,’ ‘healthier lifestyle,’ and ‘eat green.’  Read our green tips in the blog we posted and find out how you can apply them for yourself. 

    If you have any green tips or suggestions, share them with us and we will showcase them in our monthly Green Tips blog. 

    Top 3 Green Tips July

    Hello there! The Green Tips for the month of July is finally here! We decided for this month to focus on 3 initiatives that are more related to your house. Ecoshare outlines the fact that it is necessary to reduce the use of toxic products at home and that it can be done easily while Good Housekeeping points out easy ways to get your home a greener place. Finally, Greenpeace explains how to adopt an eco-friendly attitude while on holiday.

    Top 3 Green Tips August

    For the month of August we decided to widen the scope of our monthly green tips and therefore, rather limiting ourselves to a specific topic within the context of environmental sustainability, we considered to focus on three different aspects: leading an eco-conscious lifestyle, endorsing a more sustainable approach when dealing with the waste products, staying green on a family getaway.

    We hope you’ll find the August tips interesting, insightful and to a certain extent worthy of being embraced into your daily life activities.

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