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    road trip anywhere with a minimum carbon footprint</a>, simply thanks to <a href="">photovoltaic panels</a>?</p>\n\n\n\n<p><a rel=\"noopener\" href="" target=\"_blank\">Globo Surf</a> has reviewed a plethora of outdoor sports activities, which can give you inspiration for popular environmentally-friendly holiday ideas.</p>\n\n\n\n<p><a href="" title=\"\"><strong>GreenMatch</strong></a> designed an infographic showing the CO<sub>2</sub> footprint of your holidays, as well as some facts you probably didn’t know about travelling and some <strong>useful tips to be more sustainable</strong> when you fly, roadtrip, or go camping.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>This infographic also shows you the <strong>hidden costs of travelling</strong>, both in economic and environmental terms, to provide you with real data about the consequences of each flight you choose to take.</p>\n\n\n<div class=\"wp-block-image\">\n<figure class=\"aligncenter\"><img loading=\"lazy\" width=\"770\" height=\"5895\" src="" alt=\"How the Carbon Footprint of Your Holiday Travels with You\" class=\"wp-image-62343\" /></figure></div>\n\n\n\n\n\n<InfographicEmbedCode key=\"block_1ae74044d755\"\n class=\"wp-macro\"\n heading=''\n :image='{\"ID\":62343,\"id\":62343,\"title\":\"travel_carbon_footprint\",\"filename\":\"travel_carbon_footprint.png\",\"filesize\":285663,\"url\":\"https:\\/\\/\\/cdn-cgi\\/image\\/format=auto\\/2\\/2022\\/10\\/travel_carbon_footprint.png\",\"link\":\"https:\\/\\/\\/travel_carbon_footprint\",\"alt\":\"Travel Carbon Footprint\",\"author\":\"0\",\"description\":\"\",\"caption\":\"\",\"name\":\"travel_carbon_footprint\",\"status\":\"inherit\",\"uploaded_to\":0,\"date\":\"2023-01-13 09:56:31\",\"modified\":\"2023-01-13 09:56:31\",\"menu_order\":0,\"mime_type\":\"image\\/png\",\"type\":\"image\",\"subtype\":\"png\",\"icon\":\"https:\\/\\/\\/wp-includes\\/images\\/media\\/default.png\",\"width\":770,\"height\":5895,\"sizes\":{\"thumbnail\":\"https:\\/\\/\\/cdn-cgi\\/image\\/format=auto\\/2\\/2022\\/10\\/travel_carbon_footprint.png\",\"thumbnail-width\":20,\"thumbnail-height\":150,\"medium\":\"https:\\/\\/\\/cdn-cgi\\/image\\/format=auto\\/2\\/2022\\/10\\/travel_carbon_footprint.png\",\"medium-width\":39,\"medium-height\":300,\"medium_large\":\"https:\\/\\/\\/cdn-cgi\\/image\\/format=auto\\/2\\/2022\\/10\\/travel_carbon_footprint.png\",\"medium_large-width\":768,\"medium_large-height\":5880,\"large\":\"https:\\/\\/\\/cdn-cgi\\/image\\/format=auto\\/2\\/2022\\/10\\/travel_carbon_footprint.png\",\"large-width\":134,\"large-height\":1024,\"1536x1536\":\"https:\\/\\/\\/cdn-cgi\\/image\\/format=auto\\/2\\/2022\\/10\\/travel_carbon_footprint.png\",\"1536x1536-width\":201,\"1536x1536-height\":1536,\"2048x2048\":\"https:\\/\\/\\/cdn-cgi\\/image\\/format=auto\\/2\\/2022\\/10\\/travel_carbon_footprint.png\",\"2048x2048-width\":268,\"2048x2048-height\":2048}}'\n />\n\n\n\n\n<p>If you feel committed to follow an eco-friendly lifestyle also when you take a break, then follow our guide above on <strong>how to be more sustainable on holiday</strong>. And don’t forget, even if a holiday is temporary, you can apply all the useful habits you have learned in your sustainable trip also when you come back home!</p>\n\n\n\n<p>Here at Greenmatch, we believe that our planet should be given a second chance: this summer, make sure that the carbon footprint of your holiday doesn’t travel with you.</p>\n</div></div>\n","lastUpdated":"3 November 2023","topBanner":null,"pageHeader":{"title":"<strong>Making the UK greener,</strong> one house at a time","type":"text","subtitle":"","media_type":"testimonials"},"breadcrumbs":{"0":{"name":"GreenMatch","url":""},"1":{"name":"Blog","url":""},"4":{"name":"Holiday Carbon Footprint","url":null}},"authors":[],"relatedArticles":[{"id":29207,"url":"","image":"","title":"Find a Green Energy Tariff vol. 1"},{"id":29209,"url":"","image":"","title":"Find a Green Energy Tariff vol. 2"},{"id":29218,"url":"","image":"","title":"Guide: Is Economy 7 The Best Saving Solution?"},{"id":29250,"url":"","image":"","title":"The Green Deal – All You Need To Know"}],"subPages":[],"topPages":[],"hideMoreOnThisTopic":false,"hideItsThatEasy":false,"hideBecomeAPartner":false,"hideContentHeader":false,"guideLinks":[]},"url":"/blog/2018/06/holiday-carbon-footprint","version":"ac2a83a8524e6253e8813eee7189a636"}">

    Making the UK greener, one house at a time
    Media & Testimonials
    Last updated: 3 November 2023

    Holidays at the Expense of the Environment

    With summer right around the corner, everyone is looking forward to their holiday. However, many travellers may not be aware of the carbon footprint that their trips have, which can severely harm our planet.

    Britons seem to have been hit by the travel bug—commonly referred to as wanderlust—, as it was estimated that a record amount of 87% of Britons went on holiday last year. Despite the uncertainty caused by Brexit, it is forecasted that 63% of the UK population will plan a holiday in Europe.

    The danger becomes concrete when thinking about the massive amounts of CO2 that will be released into the atmosphere. However, choosing a sustainable holiday today is easy, convenient, and within anyone’s reach. For instance, did you know you could take a road trip anywhere with a minimum carbon footprint, simply thanks to photovoltaic panels?

    Globo Surf has reviewed a plethora of outdoor sports activities, which can give you inspiration for popular environmentally-friendly holiday ideas.

    GreenMatch designed an infographic showing the CO2 footprint of your holidays, as well as some facts you probably didn’t know about travelling and some useful tips to be more sustainable when you fly, roadtrip, or go camping.

    This infographic also shows you the hidden costs of travelling, both in economic and environmental terms, to provide you with real data about the consequences of each flight you choose to take.

    How the Carbon Footprint of Your Holiday Travels with You

    If you would like to use this infographic on your website, use the embed code below:

    If you feel committed to follow an eco-friendly lifestyle also when you take a break, then follow our guide above on how to be more sustainable on holiday. And don’t forget, even if a holiday is temporary, you can apply all the useful habits you have learned in your sustainable trip also when you come back home!

    Here at Greenmatch, we believe that our planet should be given a second chance: this summer, make sure that the carbon footprint of your holiday doesn’t travel with you.

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