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    building a conservatory</a>, can be designed to fit any size home, and they can be built with a variety of materials, from wood to brick to stone. You can also add features like awnings and screens to make your porch even more comfortable. Plus, porches can add value to your home if you ever decide to sell.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>So if you’re looking for a fun and rewarding home improvement project, building a porch might be just what you need.</p>\n\n\n\n<h2>Different porch styles to choose from:</h2>\n\n\n\n<p>There are a few different types of porches you can choose from, each with its own unique benefits. Here’s are the main ones worth considering:</p>\n\n\n\n<h3>1. Front porch or portico</h3>\n\n\n\n<p>Front porches are typically smaller than other types of porches, and they’re usually located at the front of the house. They can be either attached to the house or freestanding.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>Porticos are a type of front porch that is supported by columns. They’re usually small and can be either open or enclosed.</p>\n\n\n\n<h4>Benefits:</h4>\n\n\n\n<p>Front porches and porticos are a great way to add curb appeal to your home. They’re also relatively easy to build, since they don’t require a lot of space.</p>\n\n\n\n<h4>Drawbacks:</h4>\n\n\n\n<p>Front porches and porticos can be exposed to the elements, so they might not be the best choice if you live in an area with extreme weather conditions.</p>\n\n\n\n<h3>2. Open or covered porch patio</h3>\n\n\n\n<p>An open porch is just what it sounds like—a porch with no roof. They’re great for taking in the scenery and enjoying the outdoors, but they offer less protection from the elements. Covered porches have a roof and can be either attached to the house or freestanding.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>Covered porches are a great option if you want the benefits of an outdoor space but with more protection from the sun, rain, or snow.</p>\n\n\n\n<h4>Benefits:</h4>\n\n\n\n<p>Open porches are less expensive and easier to build than covered porches. Covered porches offer more protection from the elements but can be more expensive to build.</p>\n\n\n\n<h4>Drawbacks:</h4>\n\n\n\n<p>Open porches offer less protection from the elements and can be more susceptible to damage from weather conditions. Covered porches can be more expensive to build and might require more maintenance.</p>\n\n\n\n<h3>3. Screened Porch</h3>\n\n\n\n<p>A screened porch is a type of covered porch that has screens on all sides. They’re great for keeping out bugs and pests, and they can also provide some protection from the sun.</p>\n\n\n\n<h4>Benefits:</h4>\n\n\n\n<p>Screened porches are a great way to enjoy the outdoors without being bothered by bugs or pests. They can also provide some protection from the sun.</p>\n\n\n\n<h4>Drawbacks:</h4>\n\n\n\n<p>Screened porches can be more expensive to build than other types of porches.</p>\n\n\n\n<h3>4. Multi-season or porch extension</h3>\n\n\n\n<p>A multi-season porch is a type of porch that can be used year-round. They’re typically enclosed with windows and doors, and they might also have a fireplace or other heating source. Porch extensions are a type of multi-season porch that is attached to the house.</p>\n\n\n\n<h4>Benefits:</h4>\n\n\n\n<p>Multi-season porches can be used year-round, so they’re a great way to add extra living space to your home. Porch extensions are less expensive to build than other types of porches.</p>\n\n\n\n<h4>Drawbacks:</h4>\n\n\n\n<p>Multi-season porches can be more expensive to build than other types of porches. Porch extensions might not be as sturdy as other types of porches.</p>\n\n\n\n<h3>5. Side porch</h3>\n\n\n\n<p>A side porch is a type of porch that is located on the side of the house. They can be either attached to the house or freestanding.</p>\n\n\n\n<h4>Benefits:</h4>\n\n\n\n<p>Side porches are a great way to add extra living space to your home. They can also be used as a transition space between the indoors and outdoors.</p>\n\n\n\n<h4>Drawbacks:</h4>\n\n\n\n<p>Side porches can be exposed to the elements, so they might not be the best choice if you live in an area with extreme weather conditions.</p>\n\n\n\n<h3>6. Rear porch</h3>\n\n\n\n<p>A rear porch is a type of porch that is located at the back of the house. They can be either attached to the house or freestanding.</p>\n\n\n\n<h4>Benefits:</h4>\n\n\n\n<p>Rear porches are a great way to add extra living space to your home. They can also be used as a transition space between the indoors and outdoors.</p>\n\n\n\n<h4>Drawbacks:</h4>\n\n\n\n<p>Rear porches can be exposed to the elements, so they might not be the best choice if you live in an area with extreme weather conditions.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>Now that you know what types of porches are available, it’s time to choose which one is right for you. Consider your budget, location, and how you plan to use the space when making your decision. Once you’ve decided on the perfect porch for your home, it’s almost time to start building, but before we get to that there’s one last consideration- Planning permission and building regulations.</p>\n\n\n\n<h2>Planning permission for porches:</h2>\n\n\n\n<p>When it comes to building a porch it’s important you don’t build something that could potentially affect building regulations as this could lead to a lot of issues further down the line, such as if you decided to the sell the property.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>Luckily, most porches won’t need planning permission as long as they adhere to the permitted development rights guides in relation to porches.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>To make sure you stay on the right side of the right side of the law, here are the things you must adhere to if you want to avoid requiring planning permission:</p>\n\n\n\n<ol><li>The porch MUST be three square metre or smaller.</li><li>The porch MUST NOT be higher then three metres tall.</li><li>The porch MUST NOT be within two metres of a boundary and road.</li></ol>\n\n\n\n<p>If you porch is going to break any of these you will require planning permission prior to building it. To obtain planning permission you will need to submit an application with your local planning authority. You can find out more information regarding this by contacting your local council.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>There are also some other instance where you may require permission as well, these include if you live in a listed building, designated land (such as conservation areas) or your property consists of an article 4 direction from the local council. In these instance you will to obtain listed building consent and / or building regulations approval, which can also be obtained through your local council.</p>\n\n\n\n<h2>How to construct your new porch:</h2>\n\n\n\n<p>Now that you have decided on your porch design and obtained permission if required, it’s time to move onto actually constructing your new porch.</p>\n\n\n\n<h3>1. Choose the right spot for your porch</h3>\n\n\n\n<p>You need to pick a level spot for your porch. If you don’t, the porch will be uneven and look unsightly. It’s also important to make sure that the area you choose is big enough for the porch you want to build, but not bigger than three square metre unless you’ve obtained planning permission.</p>\n\n\n\n<h3>2. Dig the foundation and set the posts</h3>\n\n\n\n<p>You need to dig the foundation for your porch before you can set the posts. The depth of the foundation will depend on the height of your porch, but it’s typically around 0.60 metres. Once you’ve dug the foundation, you can then set the posts in concrete and allow them to set overnight.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>If you’re attaching the porch to your house, then you’ll need to use a different method to set the posts. In this instance, you’ll need to use brackets that are specifically designed for attaching porches to houses.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>Once the posts are set, you can then move onto building the rest of the porch.</p>\n\n\n\n<h3>3. Construct the frame and roof</h3>\n\n\n\n<p>You’ll need to construct the frame and roof of your porch before you can add the flooring, walls, and ceiling. The frame is typically made out of wood, but you could also use metal or PVC. Timber framework is often a great choice as it’s easy to work with and relatively cheap.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>The porch roof is one of the most important parts of the porch as it’s what protects you from the elements. Before you start adding roof tiles you will need to look at adding a breathable roof membrane, this is an important step as it helps to protect the roof timbers from rot through making it damp proof.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>There are a variety of different roofing options available, so make sure you choose one that’s right for your needs. The typical ones to choose from include pitched roof, flat roof or a lean to porch roof. You also have options such as a flat gable roof porch that is particularly popular in the UK due to it’s great aesthetic look, along with ability to allow rain to run off without pooling and damaging the porch.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>If you are planning on having a tiled roof, this may be one areas where it might be worth asking for some help from a professional roofing company to avoid any issues. Roof tiles can be very heavy and if not installed correctly, could cause serious damage to either you or your property by falling off, or letting damp and rot set in to areas you really don’t want it.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>Once the frame and roof are complete, you can then move onto adding the flooring, walls, and ceiling.</p>\n\n\n\n<h3>4. Install flooring and railings</h3>\n\n\n\n<p>There are a few different options when it comes to <a href="">porch flooring</a>. You could opt for something traditional like stone or brick, or something more modern like concrete for you flooring material. Timber or wood flooring is also a popular choice as it’s easy to install and maintain.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>Along with the flooring it’s important to add a damp proof course by adding damp proof membrane upon the foundation below the flooring. This is a vital step as it will help to protect your porch from damp and water damage.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>Once you’ve decided on the flooring, you can then move onto installing the railings. These are important as they help to keep people safe when using the porch. There are a variety of different railing designs available, so make sure you choose one that’s right for your needs.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>If you plan on a fully enclosed porch, this is when you will also add a <a href="">front door</a> to the porch as well.</p>\n\n\n\n<h3>5. Paint or stain the porch</h3>\n\n\n\n<p>Once you’ve installed the flooring and railings, you can then move onto painting or staining the porch. This is an important step as it helps to protect the porch from weather damage. It’s also a great way to add your own personal touch to the porch.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>There are a variety of different paint and stain colours available, so make sure you choose one that’s right for your needs. You could also add a few decorations to the porch to really make it stand out.</p>\n\n\n\n<h3>6. Add furniture and accessories</h3>\n\n\n\n<p>Once you’ve painted or stained the porch, you can then move onto adding furniture and accessories. This is a great way to really make the space your own. There are a variety of different furniture and accessory options available, so make sure you choose ones that are right for your needs.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>You could also add some plants to the porch to really make it feel like a home. This is a great way to add some life to the space and make it feel more inviting.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>Some popular plants for porches and <a href="">conservatories include ferns, palms, and ivy.</p>\n\n\n\n<h2>Additional questions:</h2>\n\n\n\n<h3>How much does a porch cost to build?</h3>\n\n\n\n<p>The cost of building a porch will vary depending on the materials used, the size of the porch, and the complexity of the design. However, you can expect to spend anywhere from £1,500 to £5,000 on a small to medium sized porch if you’re doing the installation yourself. A basic enclosed brick porch would put you on the higher end of this, while a more simple open <a href="">lean-to style porch</a> would put you on the lower side.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>If you hire a professional contractor to build your porch, you can expect to pay between £3,000 and £10,000+, and of course will again depend on the style, size and material you choose to use.</p>\n\n\n\n<h3>What is the cheapest material to build a porch?</h3>\n\n\n\n<p>There are a few different options when it comes to choosing the cheapest material for your porch project. If you’re looking for something traditional, brick or stone can be a good option. If you’re looking for something more modern, concrete can be a good choice. Timber is also a popular choice as it’s easy to install and maintain.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>The cheapest material will typically be a concrete and uPVC porch, making it cheaper than wood and natural stone. Although if you shop around for porch prices, you might be able to find some porch kits that offer you the more luxurious materials at a better price.</p>\n\n\n\n<h3>How long does it take to build a porch?</h3>\n\n\n\n<p>The time it takes to build a porch will vary depending on the size and complexity of the design. However, you can expect to spend anywhere from a few hours to a few days on a small to medium sized porch if you’re doing the installation yourself. A larger and more complex porch could take</p>\n\n\n\n<h2>Final thoughts:</h2>\n\n\n\n<p>And there you have it! A complete guide to building a porch from start to finish. We hope this has been helpful and that you now feel ready to tackle this project yourself. If you have any questions or need some help, please don’t hesitate to contact us or drop a comment below. We’re always happy to help.</p>\n","lastUpdated":"30 July 2023","topBanner":null,"pageHeader":{"type":"quote","title":"Get Free Quotes and Compare Conservatory Prices","subtitle":"","media_type":"testimonials","selling_point":28708,"quote_form":{"title":"Conservatory ","product_id":"53","website_id":"296300","country":"","language":"","timezone":"","header":"Answer these simple questions and we will find you the BEST prices.","mobile_header":"Answer these simple questions and we will find you the BEST prices.","label_back":"Back","label_next":"Next","label_first":"Next step","label_submit":"Get Quotes Now","label_nudging_text":"Fill in the form in just 1 minute","steps":[{"title":"What type of conservatory do you need?","fields":[{"title":"What type of conservatory do you need?","option":"redirect","type":"text","required":true,"validation_regex":"","validation_regex_postcode":"","validation_message":"Please 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    How to Build a Porch: Complete Step by Step Guide

    Building a porch can be a fun and rewarding project. Not only will it add value to your home, but it will also give you a great place to relax and enjoy the outdoors. In this article, we will walk you through the complete step by step process of building a porch. We’ll start with finding the right spot for your porch, and then move on to the construction process, taking you from foundation through to roof. By following these simple instructions, you’ll be able to build a porch that is both beautiful and functional!


    Benefits of building your own porch:

    A porch can add a lot of character to your home. It’s a great place to relax and enjoy the outdoors, while still being protected from the elements. And if you build it yourself, you can customize it to perfectly suit your needs. Porches, much like building a conservatory, can be designed to fit any size home, and they can be built with a variety of materials, from wood to brick to stone. You can also add features like awnings and screens to make your porch even more comfortable. Plus, porches can add value to your home if you ever decide to sell.

    So if you’re looking for a fun and rewarding home improvement project, building a porch might be just what you need.

    Different porch styles to choose from:

    There are a few different types of porches you can choose from, each with its own unique benefits. Here’s are the main ones worth considering:

    1. Front porch or portico

    Front porches are typically smaller than other types of porches, and they’re usually located at the front of the house. They can be either attached to the house or freestanding.

    Porticos are a type of front porch that is supported by columns. They’re usually small and can be either open or enclosed.


    Front porches and porticos are a great way to add curb appeal to your home. They’re also relatively easy to build, since they don’t require a lot of space.


    Front porches and porticos can be exposed to the elements, so they might not be the best choice if you live in an area with extreme weather conditions.

    2. Open or covered porch patio

    An open porch is just what it sounds like—a porch with no roof. They’re great for taking in the scenery and enjoying the outdoors, but they offer less protection from the elements. Covered porches have a roof and can be either attached to the house or freestanding.

    Covered porches are a great option if you want the benefits of an outdoor space but with more protection from the sun, rain, or snow.


    Open porches are less expensive and easier to build than covered porches. Covered porches offer more protection from the elements but can be more expensive to build.


    Open porches offer less protection from the elements and can be more susceptible to damage from weather conditions. Covered porches can be more expensive to build and might require more maintenance.

    3. Screened Porch

    A screened porch is a type of covered porch that has screens on all sides. They’re great for keeping out bugs and pests, and they can also provide some protection from the sun.


    Screened porches are a great way to enjoy the outdoors without being bothered by bugs or pests. They can also provide some protection from the sun.


    Screened porches can be more expensive to build than other types of porches.

    4. Multi-season or porch extension

    A multi-season porch is a type of porch that can be used year-round. They’re typically enclosed with windows and doors, and they might also have a fireplace or other heating source. Porch extensions are a type of multi-season porch that is attached to the house.


    Multi-season porches can be used year-round, so they’re a great way to add extra living space to your home. Porch extensions are less expensive to build than other types of porches.


    Multi-season porches can be more expensive to build than other types of porches. Porch extensions might not be as sturdy as other types of porches.

    5. Side porch

    A side porch is a type of porch that is located on the side of the house. They can be either attached to the house or freestanding.


    Side porches are a great way to add extra living space to your home. They can also be used as a transition space between the indoors and outdoors.


    Side porches can be exposed to the elements, so they might not be the best choice if you live in an area with extreme weather conditions.

    6. Rear porch

    A rear porch is a type of porch that is located at the back of the house. They can be either attached to the house or freestanding.


    Rear porches are a great way to add extra living space to your home. They can also be used as a transition space between the indoors and outdoors.


    Rear porches can be exposed to the elements, so they might not be the best choice if you live in an area with extreme weather conditions.

    Now that you know what types of porches are available, it’s time to choose which one is right for you. Consider your budget, location, and how you plan to use the space when making your decision. Once you’ve decided on the perfect porch for your home, it’s almost time to start building, but before we get to that there’s one last consideration- Planning permission and building regulations.

    Planning permission for porches:

    When it comes to building a porch it’s important you don’t build something that could potentially affect building regulations as this could lead to a lot of issues further down the line, such as if you decided to the sell the property.

    Luckily, most porches won’t need planning permission as long as they adhere to the permitted development rights guides in relation to porches.

    To make sure you stay on the right side of the right side of the law, here are the things you must adhere to if you want to avoid requiring planning permission:

    1. The porch MUST be three square metre or smaller.
    2. The porch MUST NOT be higher then three metres tall.
    3. The porch MUST NOT be within two metres of a boundary and road.

    If you porch is going to break any of these you will require planning permission prior to building it. To obtain planning permission you will need to submit an application with your local planning authority. You can find out more information regarding this by contacting your local council.

    There are also some other instance where you may require permission as well, these include if you live in a listed building, designated land (such as conservation areas) or your property consists of an article 4 direction from the local council. In these instance you will to obtain listed building consent and / or building regulations approval, which can also be obtained through your local council.

    How to construct your new porch:

    Now that you have decided on your porch design and obtained permission if required, it’s time to move onto actually constructing your new porch.

    1. Choose the right spot for your porch

    You need to pick a level spot for your porch. If you don’t, the porch will be uneven and look unsightly. It’s also important to make sure that the area you choose is big enough for the porch you want to build, but not bigger than three square metre unless you’ve obtained planning permission.

    2. Dig the foundation and set the posts

    You need to dig the foundation for your porch before you can set the posts. The depth of the foundation will depend on the height of your porch, but it’s typically around 0.60 metres. Once you’ve dug the foundation, you can then set the posts in concrete and allow them to set overnight.

    If you’re attaching the porch to your house, then you’ll need to use a different method to set the posts. In this instance, you’ll need to use brackets that are specifically designed for attaching porches to houses.

    Once the posts are set, you can then move onto building the rest of the porch.

    3. Construct the frame and roof

    You’ll need to construct the frame and roof of your porch before you can add the flooring, walls, and ceiling. The frame is typically made out of wood, but you could also use metal or PVC. Timber framework is often a great choice as it’s easy to work with and relatively cheap.

    The porch roof is one of the most important parts of the porch as it’s what protects you from the elements. Before you start adding roof tiles you will need to look at adding a breathable roof membrane, this is an important step as it helps to protect the roof timbers from rot through making it damp proof.

    There are a variety of different roofing options available, so make sure you choose one that’s right for your needs. The typical ones to choose from include pitched roof, flat roof or a lean to porch roof. You also have options such as a flat gable roof porch that is particularly popular in the UK due to it’s great aesthetic look, along with ability to allow rain to run off without pooling and damaging the porch.

    If you are planning on having a tiled roof, this may be one areas where it might be worth asking for some help from a professional roofing company to avoid any issues. Roof tiles can be very heavy and if not installed correctly, could cause serious damage to either you or your property by falling off, or letting damp and rot set in to areas you really don’t want it.

    Once the frame and roof are complete, you can then move onto adding the flooring, walls, and ceiling.

    4. Install flooring and railings

    There are a few different options when it comes to porch flooring. You could opt for something traditional like stone or brick, or something more modern like concrete for you flooring material. Timber or wood flooring is also a popular choice as it’s easy to install and maintain.

    Along with the flooring it’s important to add a damp proof course by adding damp proof membrane upon the foundation below the flooring. This is a vital step as it will help to protect your porch from damp and water damage.

    Once you’ve decided on the flooring, you can then move onto installing the railings. These are important as they help to keep people safe when using the porch. There are a variety of different railing designs available, so make sure you choose one that’s right for your needs.

    If you plan on a fully enclosed porch, this is when you will also add a front door to the porch as well.

    5. Paint or stain the porch

    Once you’ve installed the flooring and railings, you can then move onto painting or staining the porch. This is an important step as it helps to protect the porch from weather damage. It’s also a great way to add your own personal touch to the porch.

    There are a variety of different paint and stain colours available, so make sure you choose one that’s right for your needs. You could also add a few decorations to the porch to really make it stand out.

    6. Add furniture and accessories

    Once you’ve painted or stained the porch, you can then move onto adding furniture and accessories. This is a great way to really make the space your own. There are a variety of different furniture and accessory options available, so make sure you choose ones that are right for your needs.

    You could also add some plants to the porch to really make it feel like a home. This is a great way to add some life to the space and make it feel more inviting.

    Some popular plants for porches and conservatories include ferns, palms, and ivy.

    Additional questions:

    How much does a porch cost to build?

    The cost of building a porch will vary depending on the materials used, the size of the porch, and the complexity of the design. However, you can expect to spend anywhere from £1,500 to £5,000 on a small to medium sized porch if you’re doing the installation yourself. A basic enclosed brick porch would put you on the higher end of this, while a more simple open lean-to style porch would put you on the lower side.

    If you hire a professional contractor to build your porch, you can expect to pay between £3,000 and £10,000+, and of course will again depend on the style, size and material you choose to use.

    What is the cheapest material to build a porch?

    There are a few different options when it comes to choosing the cheapest material for your porch project. If you’re looking for something traditional, brick or stone can be a good option. If you’re looking for something more modern, concrete can be a good choice. Timber is also a popular choice as it’s easy to install and maintain.

    The cheapest material will typically be a concrete and uPVC porch, making it cheaper than wood and natural stone. Although if you shop around for porch prices, you might be able to find some porch kits that offer you the more luxurious materials at a better price.

    How long does it take to build a porch?

    The time it takes to build a porch will vary depending on the size and complexity of the design. However, you can expect to spend anywhere from a few hours to a few days on a small to medium sized porch if you’re doing the installation yourself. A larger and more complex porch could take

    Final thoughts:

    And there you have it! A complete guide to building a porch from start to finish. We hope this has been helpful and that you now feel ready to tackle this project yourself. If you have any questions or need some help, please don’t hesitate to contact us or drop a comment below. We’re always happy to help.

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