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    Air to Air Heat Pump</a>.&nbsp;</p>\n\n\n\n<h2 id=\"appliances\">16. Avoid heat-generating appliances</h2>\n\n\n\n<p>Appliances such as ovens, stoves, and dryers should be avoided during high temperatures. While it may be challenging to avoid other appliances , such as dishwashers and washing machines, consider running them later in the evening when the temperature is cooler.&nbsp;</p>\n\n\n\n<p>However, if it&#8217;s incredibly hot outside, you can take advantage of the heat by using your clothes line instead of the dryer. This will help reduce the humidity levels in your home, making it more comfortable. Additionally, you can take advantage of the weather and choose to cook outside or have a picnic. These simple techniques will help&nbsp;you avoid using heat-generating appliances and keep your home cooler during the hottest parts of the day.</p>\n\n\n\n<h2 id=\"windows\">17. Optimise use of windows</h2>\n\n\n<div class=\"wp-block-image no-shadow\">\n<figure class=\"alignright size-full\"><img loading=\"lazy\" width=\"200\" height=\"200\" src="" alt=\"How-to-Soundproof-Windows_Film\" class=\"wp-image-71669\" srcset=\" 200w, 150w\" sizes=\"(max-width: 200px) 100vw, 200px\" /></figure></div>\n\n\n<p>When it comes to keeping your home cool during the summer, your windows can play a big role. Installing energy-efficient windows is a great way to minimise heat transfer and maintain a comfortable indoor temperature. Double or triple glazing can help keep your home even cooler, but if your budget prevents you from replacing older windows, consider using window film that can act as an additional barrier against the elements without affecting the appearance of your windows.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>Reflective window film is a great option for preventing heat from entering your home. This window film won&#8217;t absorb sunlight, but instead reflect it back, keeping your home cooler. You can apply reflective film fairly quickly and cheaply, making it a great solution for those looking for an alternative to new windows.</p>\n\n\n\n<h2 id=\"roofing\">18. Roofing materials</h2>\n\n\n\n<p>Using light-coloured or reflective roofing materials can be an effective way to keep your home cool and reduce energy costs. By reflecting heat away from your house, these roofing materials can help prevent the sun&#8217;s rays from being absorbed into your roof and subsequently warming up the inside of your home.&nbsp;</p>\n\n\n\n<p>Light-coloured roofs are particularly effective in reducing heat absorption, as they reflect more sunlight than darker roofs. This can make a big difference in regions where temperatures regularly soar in the summer months. Reflective roofing materials, on the other hand, are specifically designed to reflect sunlight and prevent heat from being absorbed.</p>\n\n\n\n<h2 id=\"paint\">19. Paint your house</h2>\n\n\n<div class=\"wp-block-image no-shadow\">\n<figure class=\"alignright size-full\"><img loading=\"lazy\" width=\"200\" height=\"200\" src="" alt=\"How-to-Keep-Your-House-Cool_Painting\" class=\"wp-image-71657\" srcset=\" 200w, 150w\" sizes=\"(max-width: 200px) 100vw, 200px\" /></figure></div>\n\n\n<p>To help keep your home naturally cooler, choosing the right exterior materials can make a big difference. Light-coloured walls can reflect more sunlight and absorb less heat, which can help keep your home cooler during hot summer days.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>Darker paint colours naturally absorb more heat from the sun, which can increase the temperature inside your home and lead to higher cooling bills over time. So, if you&#8217;re planning to repaint your home&#8217;s exterior, opting for a lighter colour can not only give your home a fresh look, but also help keep it cooler and more energy-efficient during the summer months.</p>\n\n\n\n<h2 id=\"doors\">20. Close doors&nbsp;</h2>\n\n\n<div class=\"wp-block-image no-shadow\">\n<figure class=\"alignright size-full\"><img loading=\"lazy\" width=\"200\" height=\"200\" src="" alt=\"How-to-Keep-Your-House-Cool_Doors\" class=\"wp-image-71656\" srcset=\" 200w, 150w\" sizes=\"(max-width: 200px) 100vw, 200px\" /></figure></div>\n\n\n<p>If you spend the most of your time in one space, try closing the doors to rooms you don&#8217;t use as often, such as bedrooms or restrooms. Closing off areas of the home concentrates colder air in a single location, which can help your main rooms stay cooler for longer.</p>\n\n\n\n<h2 id=\"fabrics\">21. Use natural fabrics</h2>\n\n\n\n<p>By choosing breathable materials like cotton and linen for curtains and bedding, you can promote better air circulation and maintain a cooler environment.&nbsp;</p>\n\n\n\n<p>Lighter materials can make a dramatic difference to the temperature of a room, especially when used to cover windows.</p>\n\n\n\n<h2 id=\"support\">22. Seeking support</h2>\n\n\n\n<p>If you need additional support to keep your home cool, you may be entitled to help through local charities and government services. If you live in social housing or need additional care for elderly family members, there are services you can contact.&nbsp;</p>\n\n\n\n<p>The official <a href="" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener nofollow\">government website</a> has useful links and information to find support depending on your circumstances.&nbsp;</p>\n</div></div>\n","lastUpdated":"7 November 2023","topBanner":null,"pageHeader":{"type":"quote","title":"SAVE hundreds per year on your energy bills by installing a Heat Pump!","subtitle":"","media_type":"mentionedIn","selling_point":68766,"quote_form":{"steps":[{"title":"step 1: type of Heat Pumps","fields":[{"title":"Which type of heat pump do you need?","option":"redirect","type":"text","required":true,"validation_regex":"","validation_regex_postcode":"","validation_message":"Please specify which type of heat pump you're interested 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    Last updated: 7 November 2023

    How to Keep Your House Cool

    How to keep your house cool

    As the weather gets warmer, keeping your home cool becomes increasingly important. Not only does it provide comfort, but it can be crucial for our health and well-being. With increased energy costs, however, looking for ways to reduce temperatures without spending a fortune can be difficult.

    To help us in our quest to cool down, we’ve spoken to the experts. From window hacks to energy-saving tips, we’ve compiled a list of all the best techniques to keep your home cool. 

    So, whether you’re a homeowner or a renter, keep reading to learn how you can beat the heat this summer (without harming your bank balance!).

    1. Fans and air conditioning

    Keeping your home cool during hot weather can be challenging, especially if you don’t have air conditioning. However, there are several ways to stay cool and comfortable without using too much energy. One of the easiest ways is to use fans strategically. 

    Fans are not designed to chill the air, but they can circulate it and create a cool breeze. If you don’t have air conditioning, fans are your best friend – as long as you use them correctly.

    Mark Joseph, the founder of Parental Queries, says: 

    Another tactic I implemented was placing fans strategically around the house. Instead of leaving them on all day or pointing them directly at me, I used them to push hot air out of the room. By doing this, I was able to reduce the amount of heat in my house and also circulate cool air throughout. I could also reduce my electricity by only using the fans when necessary.


    To create a cross-breeze, open windows at opposite sides of the house or room and keep doors open so the air can move through freely. To really cool down a room with a fan, place a deep dish of ice in front of it to create a water mist which can add a nice chill to the breeze.

    Another way to improvise air conditioning is by hanging a wet sheet in front of an open window. This cools the warm air as it enters your home and is a great way to cool down a room without a fan. 

    If you do have some extra money to spend, you could purchase a portable air conditioner. Look for models with high energy efficiency ratings though to keep your energy bills low. These can be used to cool down the rooms you use most often and keep your home more comfortable.

    2. Check the heating is turned off

    It might seem like a very obvious point to make, but if you have automatic timers you may be running your central heating without even realising. This can lead to high energy costs and a much more uncomfortable home!


    3. Programmable thermostat

    If you’re looking for a way to regulate the temperature in your home while also saving money, a programmable thermostat is an excellent option. By adjusting the temperature according to your schedule, you can reduce your energy usage and lower your bills. For example, you can program the thermostat to increase the temperature during the day when you’re away from home and then lower it before you return.

    4. Energy efficient appliances

    To keep your home cool without consuming excessive energy, using energy-efficient appliances is an excellent option. When shopping for new appliances, such as fans or air conditioners, consider purchasing models that are designed to be energy-efficient. This way they consume less energy whilst helping to keep your home cool.

    5. Blinds and curtains


    One popular method to keep heat out is to close your blinds or curtains during the day. This will ensure any additional heat from the sun’s rays doesn’t add more heat to your home. Doing this in the hottest part of the day is recommended, which is usually between 10 am – 4 pm.

    Trying different types of curtains can also be useful, as lighter colours and thicker fabrics can have varying degrees of success at cooling different rooms in your home, depending on the position of the sun. 

    If you choose to use blackout or thick curtains, these can also be beneficial in blocking any gaps or cracks around the windows. This will therefore prevent any cool air from escaping. 

    When your rooms are naturally cooler during the day, you may find you don’t need to run your fans or air conditioners as often, saving you extra on energy bills.

    6. Insulation


    The best way to prevent any cool air from escaping, or letting more hot air inside, is to check that your home is well insulated. 

    Sealing gaps or cracks around windows and doors can help you to keep your home cooler. It also reduces the need for you to spend money running fans. 

    Weatherstripping is an excellent way to prevent cool air from escaping via windows and doors. You can put weather stripping around a door in less than 30 minutes, and it’s quite affordable and quick to do so.

    Insulation also helps to regulate the temperature by preventing the transfer of heat from outside to inside and vice versa. A well-insulated house can significantly reduce the amount of heat that enters during the day and retains coolness during the night. 

    Insulation materials such as fibreglass, cellulose, and foam can help you save on your energy bills and reduce your carbon footprint. Keeping your doors tightly sealed and eliminating drafts with caulk, sealant, or weather stripping will also help keep your home cooler. 

    7. External shading

    Another effective way to keep your home cool is by adding shading to the outside of your property. This can include installing an awning, planting trees or shrubs or other structures such as a pergola.

    When planting trees, it is essential to consider the direction of the sun. Planting trees on the south and west sides of your home can reduce solar heat gain in the summer while allowing sunlight to pass through in the winter when the trees lose their leaves. This is a cost-effective and environmentally friendly way to keep your home. This can also add aesthetic value to your property. 

    In addition to planting trees, installing awnings or pergolas can also help provide shade and reduce heat gain. Awnings and pergolas come in various sizes and styles, and they can be customised to fit your home’s architecture. They provide shade for your windows, walls, and roof, keeping the sun’s rays from entering your home. This can significantly reduce the need for air conditioning and save you money on your energy bills.

    8. Landscaping


    In addition to planting trees, you might want to consider other landscaping ideas, such as planting climbing ivy or vines. Climbing plants can grow to cover the exterior of your walls, acting as an absorbent shield for heat rays.

    Not only can these plants provide a cooling indoor environment, but they can add a unique aesthetic to your home as well. It is worth considering however, that ivy does need to be well maintained, so be sure to thoroughly look into your options before choosing this solution.

    9. Keep windows closed

    This is a vital tip that comes up time and time again. Keeping your windows closed during the hottest times of the day can significantly reduce the temperature of your home.

    Expert advice recommends that if the temperature outside is hotter than inside, keep those windows closed. This avoids any outside heat getting in. However, once the sun goes down and the temperatures outside start to drop, you can crack open the windows once more and get a fresh flow of air through your home. 

    For those with sash windows, it’s important to ensure that both the top and bottom are open in equal amounts. The Victorians designed these windows so that cool air comes in through the lower opening, and warm air is pushed out through the top. By keeping both the top and bottom open, you can create a natural flow of air that will help keep your home cool and comfortable.

    10. Turn off unnecessary lights


    Turning off all unnecessary lights and appliances can help with temperature reduction, as they can actually generate heat. One way to combat this issue is to consider using LED lighting instead.

    Traditional incandescent bulbs are highly inefficient and give off up to 90% of their energy as heat. On the other hand, LED bulbs convert 90% of the energy to light, making them a much cooler option in the heat. They also use much less energy overall, making them a cost-effective solution in the long run.

    11. Natural ventilation

    Natural ventilation is a simple and effective way to keep your home cool during warm weather. By leaving windows and doors open during the cooler parts of the day, you can allow fresh air to circulate throughout your home. 

    To effectively use natural ventilation, it’s important to open windows and doors in the early morning or late evening when the outside air is cooler. Cross-ventilation can also be used by opening windows on opposite sides of your house to create a refreshing breeze. However, it’s important to remember to close windows and curtains during the warmest part of the day to prevent heat from entering your home.

    12. Manage humidity


    If you live in a humid region, the humidity may make the summer heat seem even worse. To combat this you might want to use a dehumidifier to reduce the sticky atmosphere.

    Humidity adds moisture to the air, which can slow down the pace at which we perspire. This makes us feel much hotter. By investing in a dehumidifier, you can take this moisture out of the air and make the environment much more comfortable.

    If you want to save money on a new appliance though, indoor plants are also a great way to tackle this problem.

    13. Using indoor plants

    Indoor plants can offer a range of benefits, particularly during hotter months. One way they can help us feel cooler is by acting as natural dehumidifiers.

    Plants such an English ivy, peace lily, and Boston Ferns will naturally absorb this extra humidity and make the air feel much fresher. 

    Not only can they help with moisture, but plants will naturally add more oxygen to your home, and in some cases a pleasant scent. This can all add up to make your indoor environment much more healthy and comfortable.

    14. Keeping cool at night 


    When the temperature rises at night, it can be challenging to get a good night’s sleep. One way to help overcome this is to put your pillowcase or even your sheets in the freezer before bedtime. This can give you a refreshing and cool sensation when you lay down to sleep. 

    Another option is to fill a hot water bottle with cold water and place it in the freezer for an hour before bedtime. If you don’t have a hot water bottle, you can also use a cool damp cloth on your forehead and neck to cool down.

    In addition to cooling your pillowcase or bedding, it’s important to wear lightweight and breathable clothing when sleeping. This can help regulate your body temperature and prevent overheating. You can also use cool bedding made from natural fibres like cotton or linen, which are breathable and can help keep you cool and comfortable throughout the night.

    Running your wrists under cold water before bedtime can also be helpful in cooling down your body quickly. It’s a simple and quick trick that you can do when you’re brushing your teeth or getting ready for bed. Plus, if you have a frozen hot water bottle, you can place it under your feet or in your bed to keep cool and regulate your temperature as you drift off.

    15. Consider a heat pump


    An air-to-air heat pump is a versatile and efficient system that can help you keep your home cool in the summer. It works by transferring heat from the indoor air to the outdoor air, effectively cooling your home. 

    Unlike traditional air conditioners that consume a lot of energy, air-to-air heat pumps use significantly less energy, making them an eco-friendly and cost-effective cooling option.

    During the summer, an air-to-air heat pump can provide consistent and comfortable cooling to your home, regardless of the outside temperature. This is because the system doesn’t rely on cool air from the outside, but instead, it extracts heat from the indoor air, effectively lowering the temperature. The process is reversed during the winter months, allowing the heat pump to provide warmth to your home.

    An air-to-air heat pump also helps to improve indoor air quality by filtering out dust, pollen, and other airborne particles, which can contribute to allergies and respiratory issues. The system can also dehumidify your home, removing excess moisture from the air and reducing the risk of mould growth.

    Learn more about how you could benefit from an Air to Air Heat Pump

    16. Avoid heat-generating appliances

    Appliances such as ovens, stoves, and dryers should be avoided during high temperatures. While it may be challenging to avoid other appliances , such as dishwashers and washing machines, consider running them later in the evening when the temperature is cooler. 

    However, if it’s incredibly hot outside, you can take advantage of the heat by using your clothes line instead of the dryer. This will help reduce the humidity levels in your home, making it more comfortable. Additionally, you can take advantage of the weather and choose to cook outside or have a picnic. These simple techniques will help you avoid using heat-generating appliances and keep your home cooler during the hottest parts of the day.

    17. Optimise use of windows


    When it comes to keeping your home cool during the summer, your windows can play a big role. Installing energy-efficient windows is a great way to minimise heat transfer and maintain a comfortable indoor temperature. Double or triple glazing can help keep your home even cooler, but if your budget prevents you from replacing older windows, consider using window film that can act as an additional barrier against the elements without affecting the appearance of your windows.

    Reflective window film is a great option for preventing heat from entering your home. This window film won’t absorb sunlight, but instead reflect it back, keeping your home cooler. You can apply reflective film fairly quickly and cheaply, making it a great solution for those looking for an alternative to new windows.

    18. Roofing materials

    Using light-coloured or reflective roofing materials can be an effective way to keep your home cool and reduce energy costs. By reflecting heat away from your house, these roofing materials can help prevent the sun’s rays from being absorbed into your roof and subsequently warming up the inside of your home. 

    Light-coloured roofs are particularly effective in reducing heat absorption, as they reflect more sunlight than darker roofs. This can make a big difference in regions where temperatures regularly soar in the summer months. Reflective roofing materials, on the other hand, are specifically designed to reflect sunlight and prevent heat from being absorbed.

    19. Paint your house


    To help keep your home naturally cooler, choosing the right exterior materials can make a big difference. Light-coloured walls can reflect more sunlight and absorb less heat, which can help keep your home cooler during hot summer days.

    Darker paint colours naturally absorb more heat from the sun, which can increase the temperature inside your home and lead to higher cooling bills over time. So, if you’re planning to repaint your home’s exterior, opting for a lighter colour can not only give your home a fresh look, but also help keep it cooler and more energy-efficient during the summer months.

    20. Close doors 


    If you spend the most of your time in one space, try closing the doors to rooms you don’t use as often, such as bedrooms or restrooms. Closing off areas of the home concentrates colder air in a single location, which can help your main rooms stay cooler for longer.

    21. Use natural fabrics

    By choosing breathable materials like cotton and linen for curtains and bedding, you can promote better air circulation and maintain a cooler environment. 

    Lighter materials can make a dramatic difference to the temperature of a room, especially when used to cover windows.

    22. Seeking support

    If you need additional support to keep your home cool, you may be entitled to help through local charities and government services. If you live in social housing or need additional care for elderly family members, there are services you can contact. 

    The official government website has useful links and information to find support depending on your circumstances. 

    Becky Mckay
    Written by Becky Mckay, Writer

    Becky is an experienced SEO content writer specialising in sustainability and renewable trends. Her background in broadcast journalism inspires reliable content to help readers live more sustainably every day.

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