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door security</a>, and with nearly 6,000 positive reviews, it’s easy to see why. Patlock combines a security bar and a security lock and is approved by the Master Locksmith Association. It works by locking your patio door handles together, making it impossible for the handles to be moved. It’s easy to fit by simply sliding the covers over the handles, and then clicking in place to lock. It’s then easily removed by clicking the release button when you don’t need it attached. There are no fiddly keys or hard to remember codes for the security bar, and it’s also very discreet from the inside, mirroring the design of handles almost perfectly. However, looking from the outside, the very clear Patlock branding acts as a deterrent all of its own.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>The Patlock has created tamper resistant spindles that ensuring the lock can’t be released from the exterior, further enhancing its security properties. As we mentioned, the reviews for the Patlock are emphatically positive on Amazon, garnering it a wonderful score of 4.8 out of 5. At around £49, the Patlock is one of the more expensive security solutions on the list, but frankly, it’s probably the best option too. You can buy the Patlock from Amazon, and the link is below!</p>\n\n\n\n<h3>Sliding Box Section Patio Security Lock</h3>\n\n\n\n<p>This sliding lock is very similar to the Patlock in terms of protecting patio doors by securing the handles together, however, it doesn’t quite match up to the Patlock in execution or design. However, it is still an effective security tool and a great budget option for someone looking for a cheaper security solution. The bar is attached over the patio door handles and is fixed in place with a padlock. Of course, this means that only those with the key can release the handles, but that isn’t a huge drawback.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>The security bar prides itself on quality build and ease of use, and it will fit all types and size of the <a href="">patio door</a> handle. The reviews on this product are all very positive, and the main benefit seems to be the speed in which this security bar can be installed. If you’re looking for a budget security lock, head over to Amazon using the link below to purchase.</p>\n\n\n\n<h3>Adjustable Security Bar And Door Jammer For Patio Doors</h3>\n\n\n\n<p>This patio security bar is a far more basic and simple method, but that isn’t to say it isn’t effective. The bar can be used in two ways, it can either be jammed behind sliding patio doors to prevent the door being slid open regardless of whether the lock has been breached or not. The second method is to use it to jam a door closed, using the bar against the floor as the rubber foot prevents the door to be opened. Of course, this second method can only be used on inward opening doors.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>At under £25, this is a very cost-effective option, and the simplicity ensures that everyone can use it very easily. The door jamming option isn’t as effective as the handle locks that we explored in the first two products, but again, it’s another layer of security. The Door Jammer Bar is available from Amazon, and the link is below.</p>\n\n\n\n<h3>Reelva Sash Jammer For Patio Doors</h3>\n\n\n\n<p>The Reelva Sash Jammer take a different approach on security by focussing on the hinge side of the doors, as opposed to the weaker central handle point. The Sash Jammer is screwed directly onto the patio door frame and have blocker handles that flick on and off to block the <a href="">door from opening at the hinge end. These products are made from a strong Zinc Cast Alloy and are incredibly easy to install and operate. With a simple flick of the Jammer’s the patio doors are secured, and as the pack comes with four included, you can use two per door to increase the efficiency of the tool.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>The reviews on Amazon for this product are very positive, and considering the price is under £10, it’s certainly worth trying out on your own doors to see the security effects they have. The Reelva Sash Jammers are recommended by some insurance companies, which is a great sign of confidence, and you can buy them online at Amazon in 4 or 8 packs.</p>\n\n\n\n<h3>DoorJammer Portable Door Lock Brace For Patio Doors</h3>\n\n\n\n<p>The DoorJammer is another door brace a little similar to the Jammer Bar we have seen in an earlier product. The difference with the DoorJammer is that it secures the door from the underneath the door, ensuring a more direct friction point to prevent the door being moved an inch. The portability of this product is wonderful too and many people use them for hotels and when travelling. Now, depending on the style of your patio doors, you may or may not be able to use this tool, but a quick check of the listing’s pictures should provide you enough of an idea to make a decision.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>The tool is actually pretty small and weighs just over 800g, making it a wonderful travel companion. The strong brace foot has a rubber coating, but it’s also ridged, meaning it will be effective on a wide range of floors. The price of the DoorJammer is certainly higher up on the price scale, but the quality of this product can’t be overstated. The DoorJammer is available on Amazon through the link below.</p>\n\n\n\n<h3>Summary</h3>\n\n\n\n<p>We shouldn’t have to ensure our home has extra layers of security, but unfortunately, the reality is that there are thieves in operation across the country, and homeowners should do everything they can to keep themselves and their residents safe.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>These patio security bars and locks are all affordable and easy to install, so the addition of one or two of them should be seen as essential. Hopefully, nobody will ever try to test their durability, but you will be glad of the extra protection in the event that someone does try.</p>\n","lastUpdated":"30 July 2023","topBanner":null,"pageHeader":{"type":"text","title":"Making the UK greener, one house at a time","subtitle":"","media_type":"testimonials"},"breadcrumbs":[{"name":"GreenMatch","url":""},{"name":"Blog","url":""},{"name":"Patio Door Security Locks & Bars","url":null}],"authors":[],"relatedArticles":[],"subPages":[],"topPages":[],"hideMoreOnThisTopic":false,"hideItsThatEasy":false,"hideBecomeAPartner":false,"hideContentHeader":false,"guideLinks":[]},"url":"/blog/patio-door-security-locks","version":"d7531b8a015825e3b6a9864394912f97"}">
Patio Door Security Locks & Patio Door Security Bars
We look at the different types of patio security locks and security bars for patio doors. Ensuring your patio doors are secure can help reduce the risk of burglary considerably.
In the UK in 2021, a burglary took place every 106 seconds and over £118million worth of goods are stolen in London each year. Burglaries are traumatising and upsetting experiences, and homeowners do everything to avoid ever having to experience these situations.
Unfortunately, patio and back doors prove to be the most popular routes of entry for thieves, mainly due to the quiet nature of back gardens. The addition of CCTV cameras and floodlights can greatly reduce the chances of a burglary happening in your home, but there are more failsafe options for you on the market.
In this article, we’re going to explore five of the best patio door security locks and security bars on the market, what makes them so effective and where you can buy them!
Patlock Security Lock For Patio Doors
Patlock has become an online sensation for patio door security, and with nearly 6,000 positive reviews, it’s easy to see why. Patlock combines a security bar and a security lock and is approved by the Master Locksmith Association. It works by locking your patio door handles together, making it impossible for the handles to be moved. It’s easy to fit by simply sliding the covers over the handles, and then clicking in place to lock. It’s then easily removed by clicking the release button when you don’t need it attached. There are no fiddly keys or hard to remember codes for the security bar, and it’s also very discreet from the inside, mirroring the design of handles almost perfectly. However, looking from the outside, the very clear Patlock branding acts as a deterrent all of its own.
The Patlock has created tamper resistant spindles that ensuring the lock can’t be released from the exterior, further enhancing its security properties. As we mentioned, the reviews for the Patlock are emphatically positive on Amazon, garnering it a wonderful score of 4.8 out of 5. At around £49, the Patlock is one of the more expensive security solutions on the list, but frankly, it’s probably the best option too. You can buy the Patlock from Amazon, and the link is below!
Sliding Box Section Patio Security Lock
This sliding lock is very similar to the Patlock in terms of protecting patio doors by securing the handles together, however, it doesn’t quite match up to the Patlock in execution or design. However, it is still an effective security tool and a great budget option for someone looking for a cheaper security solution. The bar is attached over the patio door handles and is fixed in place with a padlock. Of course, this means that only those with the key can release the handles, but that isn’t a huge drawback.
The security bar prides itself on quality build and ease of use, and it will fit all types and size of the patio door handle. The reviews on this product are all very positive, and the main benefit seems to be the speed in which this security bar can be installed. If you’re looking for a budget security lock, head over to Amazon using the link below to purchase.
Adjustable Security Bar And Door Jammer For Patio Doors
This patio security bar is a far more basic and simple method, but that isn’t to say it isn’t effective. The bar can be used in two ways, it can either be jammed behind sliding patio doors to prevent the door being slid open regardless of whether the lock has been breached or not. The second method is to use it to jam a door closed, using the bar against the floor as the rubber foot prevents the door to be opened. Of course, this second method can only be used on inward opening doors.
At under £25, this is a very cost-effective option, and the simplicity ensures that everyone can use it very easily. The door jamming option isn’t as effective as the handle locks that we explored in the first two products, but again, it’s another layer of security. The Door Jammer Bar is available from Amazon, and the link is below.
Reelva Sash Jammer For Patio Doors
The Reelva Sash Jammer take a different approach on security by focussing on the hinge side of the doors, as opposed to the weaker central handle point. The Sash Jammer is screwed directly onto the patio door frame and have blocker handles that flick on and off to block the door from opening at the hinge end. These products are made from a strong Zinc Cast Alloy and are incredibly easy to install and operate. With a simple flick of the Jammer’s the patio doors are secured, and as the pack comes with four included, you can use two per door to increase the efficiency of the tool.
The reviews on Amazon for this product are very positive, and considering the price is under £10, it’s certainly worth trying out on your own doors to see the security effects they have. The Reelva Sash Jammers are recommended by some insurance companies, which is a great sign of confidence, and you can buy them online at Amazon in 4 or 8 packs.
DoorJammer Portable Door Lock Brace For Patio Doors
The DoorJammer is another door brace a little similar to the Jammer Bar we have seen in an earlier product. The difference with the DoorJammer is that it secures the door from the underneath the door, ensuring a more direct friction point to prevent the door being moved an inch. The portability of this product is wonderful too and many people use them for hotels and when travelling. Now, depending on the style of your patio doors, you may or may not be able to use this tool, but a quick check of the listing’s pictures should provide you enough of an idea to make a decision.
The tool is actually pretty small and weighs just over 800g, making it a wonderful travel companion. The strong brace foot has a rubber coating, but it’s also ridged, meaning it will be effective on a wide range of floors. The price of the DoorJammer is certainly higher up on the price scale, but the quality of this product can’t be overstated. The DoorJammer is available on Amazon through the link below.
We shouldn’t have to ensure our home has extra layers of security, but unfortunately, the reality is that there are thieves in operation across the country, and homeowners should do everything they can to keep themselves and their residents safe.
These patio security bars and locks are all affordable and easy to install, so the addition of one or two of them should be seen as essential. Hopefully, nobody will ever try to test their durability, but you will be glad of the extra protection in the event that someone does try.
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