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The RAL colour chart is a standard colour matching system and is the most popular colour standard used in Europe for powder coating, plastics, paints and varnish. When you order coloured window frames or doors it’s likely that your supplier will use the RAL colour chart to match the windows or doors to your preferred shade.
Please note: Colours shown here are for guidance only as exact shades and finishes (e.g. pearl or metallic) may appear differently on web browsers and screens than they would in real life. For accurate colour representations you should use a current Classic RAL System publication with the RAL hologram.
RAL 1000
Green beige
RAL 1001
RAL 1003
Signal yellow
RAL 1004
Golden yellow
RAL 1005
Honey yellow
RAL 1006
Maize yellow
RAL 1007
Daffodil yellow
RAL 1011
Brown beige
RAL 1013
Oyster white
RAL 1014
RAL 1015
Light ivory
RAL 1016
Sulfur yellow
RAL 1017
Saffron yellow
RAL 1018
Zinc yellow
RAL 1019
Grey beige
RAL 1020
Olive yellow
RAL 1023
traffic yellow
RAL 1024
Ochre yellow
RAL 1026
Luminous yellow
RAL 1027
RAL 1028
Melon yellow
RAL 1032
Broom yellow
RAL 1033
Dahlia yellow
RAL 1034
Pastel yellow
RAL 1035
Pearl beige
RAL 1036
Pearl gold
RAL 2000
Yellow orange
RAL 2001
Red orange
RAL 2002
RAL 2003
Pastel orange
RAL 2004
Pure orange
RAL 2005
Luminous orange
RAL 2007
Luminous bright orange
RAL 2008
Bright red orange
RAL 2009
traffic orange
RAL 2011
Deep orange
RAL 2012
Salmon orange
RAL 2013
Pearl orange
RAL 3000
Flame red
RAL 3002
Carmine red
RAL 3003
Ruby red
RAL 3004
Purple red
RAL 3005
Wine red
RAL 3007
Black red
RAL 3009
Oxide red
RAL 3012
Beige red
RAL 3014
Antique pink
RAL 3015
Light pink
RAL 3016
Coral red
RAL 3017
RAL 3018
Strawberry red
RAL 3020
traffic red
RAL 3024
Luminous red
RAL 3026
Luminous bright red
RAL 3027
Raspberry red
RAL 3028
Pure red
RAL 3031
Orient red
RAL 3032
Pearl ruby red
RAL 3033
Pearl pink
RAL 4001
Red lilac
RAL 4002
Red violet
RAL 4003
Heather violett
RAL 4004
Claret violet
RAL 4005
Blue lilac
RAL 4006
Traffic purple
RAL 4007
Purple violet
RAL 4008
Signal violet
RAL 4009
Pastel violet
RAL 4010
RAL 4011
Pearl violet
RAL 4012
Pearl blackberry
RAL 5000
Violet blue
RAL 5001
Green blue
RAL 5002
Ultramarine blue
RAL 5003
Sapphire blue
RAL 5004
Black blue
RAL 5005
Signal blue
RAL 5007
Brilliant blue
RAL 5008
Grey blue
RAL 5009
Azure blue
RAL 5011
Steel blue
RAL 5012
Light blue
RAL 5013
Cobalt blue
RAL 5014
Pigeon blue
RAL 5015
Sky blue
RAL 5017
Traffic blue
RAL 5018
Turquoise blue
RAL 5019
Capri blue
RAL 5020
Ocean blue
RAL 5021
Water blue
RAL 5022
Night blue
RAL 5024
Pastel blue
RAL 5025
Pearl Gentian blue
RAL 5026
Pearl night blue
RAL 6000
Patina green
RAL 6001
Emerald green
RAL 6002
Leaf green
RAL 6003
Olive Green
RAL 6004
Blue green
RAL 6005
Moss green
RAL 6006
Grey olive
RAL 6007
Bottle green
RAL 6008
Brown green
RAL 6009
Fir green
RAL 6010
Grass green
RAL 6011
Reseda green
RAL 6012
Black green
RAL 6013
Reed green
RAL 6014
Yellow olive
RAL 6015
Black olive
RAL 6016
Turquoise green
RAL 6017
May green
RAL 6018
Yellow green
RAL 6019
pastel green
RAL 6020
Chrome green
RAL 6021
Pale green
RAL 6022
Brown olive
RAL 6024
Traffic green
RAL 6025
Fern green
RAL 6026
Opal green
RAL 6027
Light green
RAL 6028
Pine green
RAL 6029
Mint green
RAL 6032
Signal green
RAL 6033
Mint turquoise
RAL 6034
Pastel turquoise
RAL 6035
Pearl green
RAL 6036
Pearl opal green
RAL 6037
Pure green
RAL 6038
Luminous green
RAL 7000
Squirrel grey
RAL 7001
Silver grey
RAL 7002
Olive grey
RAL 7003
Moss grey
RAL 7004
Signal grey
RAL 7005
Mouse grey
RAL 7006
Beige grey
RAL 7009
Green grey
RAL 7010
Tarpaulin grey
RAL 7011
Iron grey
RAL 7012
Basalt grey
RAL 7013
Brown-grey also
NATO-olive, Stone-grey-olive
RAL 7015
Slate grey
RAL 7016
Anthracite grey
RAL 7021
Black grey
RAL 7022
Umbra grey
RAL 7023
Concrete grey
RAL 7024
Graphite grey
RAL 7026
Granite grey
RAL 7031
Blue grey
RAL 7032
Pebble grey
RAL 7033
Cement grey
RAL 7034
Yellow grey
RAL 7035
Light grey
RAL 7036
Platinum grey
RAL 7037
Dusty grey
RAL 7038
Agate grey
RAL 7039
Quartz grey
RAL 7040
Window grey
RAL 7042
Traffic grey A
RAL 7043
Traffic grey B
RAL 7044
Silk grey
RAL 7045
Telegrey 1
RAL 7046
Telegrey 2
RAL 7047
Telegrey 4
RAL 7048
Pearl mouse grey
RAL 8000
Green brown
RAL 8001
Ochre brown
RAL 8002
Signal brown
RAL 8003
Clay brown
RAL 8004
Copper brown
RAL 8007
Fawn brown
RAL 8008
Olive brown
RAL 8011
Nut brown
RAL 8012
Red brown
RAL 8014
Sepia brown
RAL 8015
Chestnut brown
RAL 8016
Mahogany brown
RAL 8017
Chocolate brown
RAL 8019
Grey brown
RAL 8022
Black brown
RAL 8023
Orange brown
RAL 8024
Beige brown
RAL 8025
Pale brown
RAL 8028
Terra brown
RAL 8029
Pearl copper
RAL 9001
RAL 9002
Grey white
RAL 9003
Signal white
RAL 9004
Signal black
RAL 9005
Jet black
RAL 9006
White aluminum
RAL 9007
Grey aluminum
RAL 9010
Pure white
RAL 9011
Graphite black
RAL 9016
Traffic white
RAL 9017
Traffic black
RAL 9018
Papyrus white
RAL 9023
Pearl dark grey
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