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    Conservatories are a fair investment for homeowners, so it can be a little disheartening when you can use your conservatory less and less, as the roof starts to show signs of wear and tear. </p>\n\n\n\n<p>Additionally, if your conservatory was installed a few years ago, the materials may not be the best available for <a href="">heat retention and thermal insulation</a>. However, we may have a solution! In this guide, we’re going to take you through everything you need to know about conservatory roofs, the cost for new ones, the range available, how to use aftermarket products and the timescales for these such jobs!</p>\n\n\n\n<p>If you&#8217;re in need of a new conservatory roof, then look no further than GreenMatch. By using our free quotes service, you can speed up the process of getting multiple installer quotes to choose between. If you go it alone, then you may find yourself spending countless hours researching the right companies and waiting for quotes. With GreenMatch, you can expect up to 3 tailored quotes within 48 hours from local installers. </p>\n\n\n\n<p>All of the installers inn our network have been vetted by us, and you&#8217;re under no obligation to accept any of the quotes you receive. </p>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n<CtaButton key=\"block_641b0a4a9e3b0\"\n class=\"wp-macro\"\n button='Get Free Conservatory Roof Quotes Now'\n description='Get quotes and compare prices'\n />\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n<TableOfContents key=\"block_64c11523d91c8\"\n class=\"wp-macro\"\n heading='Learn more in our guide'\n list='Conservatory roof materials #materials \r\nHow much does it cost to replace a conservatory roof? #how-much \r\nWhat is the best replacement conservatory roof? #best \r\nIs it worth replacing your conservatory roof? #worth\r\nCan you put solar panels on a conservatory roof? #solar-panels \r\nConclusion: Find the best deal for replacement conservatory roofs #conclusion '\n />\n\n\n\n\n<h2 id=\"materials\">Conservatory roof materials</h2>\n\n\n\n<p>Conservatory roofs are typically made from polycarbonate sheets, glass, or if you have a solid conservatory roof, roof tiles.</p>\n\n\n\n<h3>Polycarbonate Panels and Polycarbonate Sheets</h3>\n\n\n\n<p>Polycarbonate conservatory roof is the most common material used, especially in years gone by, due to its ease of installation, its durability, and its cost-effectiveness, however, it does leave a lot to be desired by way of thermal insulation and the life expectancy of looking its best. Due to this, a lot of people later consider the installation of either a&nbsp;completely new conservatory roof or roof replacement.</p>\n\n\n\n<h3>Glass</h3>\n\n\n\n<p>A more modern conservatory roof replacement material is glass. Not only does glass increase the amount of&nbsp;light in your conservatory, but the double glazing properties improves the insulation too, along with specific tints and variations blocking out harmful UV rays with UV protection technology to keep everyone inside the conservatory safe.</p>\n\n\n\n<h3>Solid tiles </h3>\n\n\n\n<p>Solid tiles are a nice options for those who want their conservatory to blend in with their existing house. While you may miss the natural light that a glass roof provides, no material will insulate your conservatory better than solid tiles. One of the main drawbacks, however, is the sizeable upfront cost, especially when compared to glass and polycarbonate options. </p>\n\n\n\n<h3>Other Materials</h3>\n\n\n\n<p>Plastic shingles are much less common materials used for conservatories, as they don’t really match up to a glass conservatory roof replacement, or even a polycarbonate conservatory roof replacement, so they are far rarer to come across. </p>\n\n\n\n<div class=\"wp-container-4 wp-block-columns\">\n<div class=\"wp-container-1 wp-block-column\">\n<figure class=\"wp-block-image size-full no-shadow\"><img loading=\"lazy\" width=\"200\" height=\"200\" src="" alt=\"Polycarbonate \" class=\"wp-image-65349\" srcset=\" 200w, 150w\" sizes=\"(max-width: 200px) 100vw, 200px\" /></figure>\n</div>\n\n\n\n<div class=\"wp-container-2 wp-block-column\">\n<figure class=\"wp-block-image size-full no-shadow\"><img loading=\"lazy\" width=\"200\" height=\"200\" src="" alt=\"glass roof\" class=\"wp-image-65352\" srcset=\" 200w, 150w\" sizes=\"(max-width: 200px) 100vw, 200px\" /></figure>\n</div>\n\n\n\n<div class=\"wp-container-3 wp-block-column\">\n<figure class=\"wp-block-image size-full no-shadow\"><img loading=\"lazy\" width=\"200\" height=\"200\" src="" alt=\"Solid tile conservatory roof \" class=\"wp-image-65350\" srcset=\" 200w, 150w\" sizes=\"(max-width: 200px) 100vw, 200px\" /></figure>\n</div>\n</div>\n\n\n\n<h3>Does a replacement conservatory roof require planning permission?</h3>\n\n\n\n<p>You’ll need to review the local building regulations to check whether you will need planning permission for the work, as things like local disruption, the site, any applicable privacy policy, the requirements in local legislation, and many other things are adhered to. Planning permission is an incredibly important aspect to consider with these types of jobs, and you should factor the cost of applying for planning permission into your budget, as each area has a different fee structure.</p>\n\n\n\n<h2 id=\"#how-much\">How much does it cost to replace a conservatory roof?</h2>\n\n\n\n<p>The main consideration for the majority of customers and homeowners is whether they have the budget available for a new conservatory roof and whether it’s a glass or polycarbonate sheet, the cost of a replacement conservatory roof doesn’t come that cheap. However, the benefits that you gain from the work extend from making the living space more comfortable in saving money on energy bills with the increased insulation.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>In this section, we’re going to guide you through the average replacement conservatory roof cost for the different conservatory roofs available. </p>\n\n\n\n<p>Each of the average prices we discuss in this section will be based around a lean-to roof 3m x 3.5m in size.</p>\n\n\n\n<h3>Polycarbonate Sheet</h3>\n\n\n\n<p>Polycarbonate is the one of the most common materials for conservatory roofs. This is mostly due to the fact that it is the most cost-effective option. For the materials you’re going to spend around £2,250 – £7,875, which will include all the fixings and of course the polycarbonate sheets needed for the conservatory roof panels. The job will take around 1-2 days and cost about £750 in labour, as replacing conservatory roofs tends to be a two-man job.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>A new conservatory roof made from polycarbonate will make a world of difference aesthetically, but if you had the same material beforehand, you won’t see much of a difference in energy efficiency and in conserving heat. The total cost for the project will be between £9,795 &#8211; £38,920, meaning that a glass conservatory roof may be a better investment, as we’ll explore more below.</p>\n\n\n\n<h3>Glass Material</h3>\n\n\n\n<p><a href="">Glass conservatory roofs</a> are a significant improvement upon a polycarbonate conservatory roof, mainly due to the increased benefits of energy efficiency and the insulating double glazing. However, these improvements come at a price, albeit a marginal increase from other panels. </p>\n\n\n\n<p>The materials will cost about £2,925 – £10,235 for a glass conservatory roof, and the labour will cost around £850, which isn’t too dissimilar to other installations, making for a total of £13,350 &#8211; £41,280. In simple terms, you get many more benefits for your money by opting for glass over polycarbonate, and you’ll save a lot in energy bills over the years too.</p>\n\n\n\n<h3>Solid tiles </h3>\n\n\n\n<p>Traditional solid tiles provide significantly better thermal insulation than any of its counterparts. Given these properties, and because they are require more energy and materials to produce, you can expect to pay considerably more for a solid tiled roof than a glass roof. </p>\n\n\n\n<p>The materials used to build a solid tiled conservatory roof will likely cost in the region of £4,385 – £15,350, and labour could cost £2,000+ for 5 days work, although this might take longer depending on the size of your conservatory. This brings the total to between £12,715 &#8211; £46,395 .</p>\n\n\n\n<p>Again, if you’re looking to incorporate your conservatory roof into your home permanently, this is what you’ll need to do, but otherwise, you’d be much better off with the cheaper alternatives.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>If you&#8217;re still unsure about which material will work best for your home, then it&#8217;s a good idea to consult a professional installer who can help you calculate how much a new conservatory roof will cost based on your homes specifications. It&#8217;s easy to become overwhelmed by the sea of potential installer options out there and knowing whose installation prices are the most accurate can be difficult. </p>\n\n\n\n<p>That&#8217;s why, with our free quotes service, we will find you up to 3 professional installer quotes for you to choose between. By comparing tailored quotes from the most suitable installers, you can be sure that you&#8217;ve found a good deal. </p>\n\n\n\n<p>Get started by clicking the button below. </p>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n<CtaButton key=\"block_641b0af09e3b2\"\n class=\"wp-macro\"\n button='Get Conservartory Quotes'\n description=''\n />\n\n\n\n\n<h2 id=\"best\">What is the best replacement conservatory roof?</h2>\n\n\n\n<p>As you can probably deduce from the information so far, glass conservatory roof panels tick all the boxes for the moniker or ‘Best Replacement Conservatory Roof’, and while polycarbonate is a strong option for conservatory roofs, it can’t compete with the benefits of glass while also being not a lot cheaper.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>Glass conservatory roofs in styles like&nbsp;<a href="" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\">Victorian</a>&nbsp;are increasing in popularity each year, and so are the products that can be added to them as a DIY project. For example, for increased shade and UV ray protection, you can be an easy to apply film to the glass roof panels to tint them a specific shade, and you can also have different coloured or styled glazing bars added to the roof to attain a certain aesthetic which is a handy little item to have available.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>Glazing bars are an essential aspect of the glass roof, so why not have control over how they look too. They are typically made from aluminium, which is pretty common for all types of conservatory fixings, due to the versatility of aluminium and its ease of workability. Aluminium is also used for window frames and the fixings that are attached to them, in addition to the commonly found aluminium guttering fixtures outside the conservatory. One thing to bear in mind is glazing bars can sometimes be slightly more delicate when it comes to cleaning, so knowing&nbsp;how to clean your conservatory roof&nbsp;correctly will certainly be pay off.</p>\n\n\n\n<h2 id=\"worth\">Is it worth replacing your conservatory roof?</h2>\n\n\n\n<p>Conservatories are little safe havens to escape to after a tough day at the office or to spend a few peaceful hours with a book on the weekend. However, even if you have the budget available for replacing your conservatory roof, there is still the question of whether it’s worth the money or not. </p>\n\n\n\n<p>Conservatory roofs impact the enjoyment of the space massively from shading the sun to keeping the warmth inside the living space. With that in mind, it is worth replacing your conservatory roof, and considering the price of glass replacement conservatory roof panels, its actually a pretty small investment for the number of years you’re likely to enjoy them and the added insulation they provide. Add an extra product like&nbsp;tinting film or new window&nbsp;frames here and there, and your conservatory will look fresh and new for a long time.</p>\n\n\n\n<h2 id=\"solar-panels\">Can you put solar panels on a conservatory roof?</h2>\n\n\n\n<p>Conservatories with brand new glazing are incredibly adept at insulation and&nbsp;keeping heat inside, making them much more energy-efficient than older conservatory roofs and ultimately a lot more cost-effective.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>The process of insulation with double glazing really helps this efficiency and in turn, will save you money on your energy bills, however, you can further increase these savings with the addition of conservatory solar panels and solar panel technology.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>If you find that your conservatory tends to get a lot of sun on its roof, it may be perfect for solar panels, and you could be generating your own electricity for further savings on your electricity bill. Now, this type of roof system obviously requires lots of sunlight, so if your conservatory is covered with overhanging trees nearby, blocking sunlight, you’d be better off avoiding this type of roof system as it wouldn’t be a sound investment.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>Glass panels are more than strong enough to withstand the weight of any solar panels you wish to install on the conservatory roof, and conservatories around the country are taking advantage of this extra roof space to install solar products. Solar panels have technology within them that absorb sunlight and convert the energy generate into electricity that you can use within your home, and you can even sell surplus energy back to the grid! Again, you’ll need to check out the local building regulations in your area before you can commit to a product like this and ensure that your home isn’t within a restricted category for these types of installations.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>There are some government schemes available that subsidise the cost of solar panels on your roof, as they try to encourage more people to make the jump over to solar energy and make full use of the abundant resources we all have available.</p>\n\n\n\n<h2 id=\"#conclusion\">Conclusion: Find the best deal for replacement conservatory roofs</h2>\n\n\n\n<p>Homeowners around the country are investing in new roof panels for their conservatory roofs not just for the aesthetic benefits, but for the added layer of insulation, the increased energy-efficiency that the insulation garners and the increase in life expectancy of those roofs and roof panels, all contributing to a space that is much more comfortable to use regularly.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>Old and inept roof panels can cause quite an issue for conservatory owners and typically the investment in a new roof panel or two can be the solution. It may be a little investment into your roofing system, but it’s worth the money, and the varied panel sizes, choice of styles and range available on the market today will garner tons of thanks from the family.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>Roofs around the country are in desperate need of a replacement, but to help you make the choice and decision on investing in a replacement roofing system, you should request quotes from a few local roofers. This way, you can be sure you&#8217;ve found a good deal by comparing offers and choosing the most competitive choice. </p>\n\n\n\n<p>We also recommend that you seek out local installers who will charge far less for a faster and more personalised service, compared to large nationwide companies. </p>\n\n\n\n<p>With GreenMatch&#8217;s free quotes service, not only can we provide you with up to 3 quotes from vetted installers, we&#8217;ll also ensure to connect you with those based closest to you. This way you can find a great, local deal. </p>\n\n\n\n<p>The best part is that our service is completely free, and you&#8217;re under no obligation to accept any of the quotes you receive.</p>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n<CtaButton key=\"block_641b0acd9e3b1\"\n class=\"wp-macro\"\n button='Get Free Conservatory Roof Quotes Now'\n description='Get quotes and compare prices'\n />\n\n</div></div>\n","lastUpdated":"21 November 2023","topBanner":null,"pageHeader":{"type":"quote","title":"Request Free Quotes and Compare Conservatory Prices","subtitle":"","media_type":"mentionedIn","selling_point":42350,"quote_form":{"title":"Conservatory ","product_id":"53","website_id":"296300","country":"","language":"","timezone":"","header":"Answer these simple questions and we will find you the BEST prices.","mobile_header":"Answer these simple questions and we will find you the BEST prices.","label_back":"Back","label_next":"Next","label_first":"Next step","label_submit":"Get Quotes Now","label_nudging_text":"Fill 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    Last updated: 21 November 2023

    Conservatory Roof: Cost for New & Replacement Panels

    conservatory roof

    Conservatories are a fair investment for homeowners, so it can be a little disheartening when you can use your conservatory less and less, as the roof starts to show signs of wear and tear.

    Additionally, if your conservatory was installed a few years ago, the materials may not be the best available for heat retention and thermal insulation. However, we may have a solution! In this guide, we’re going to take you through everything you need to know about conservatory roofs, the cost for new ones, the range available, how to use aftermarket products and the timescales for these such jobs!

    If you’re in need of a new conservatory roof, then look no further than GreenMatch. By using our free quotes service, you can speed up the process of getting multiple installer quotes to choose between. If you go it alone, then you may find yourself spending countless hours researching the right companies and waiting for quotes. With GreenMatch, you can expect up to 3 tailored quotes within 48 hours from local installers.

    All of the installers inn our network have been vetted by us, and you’re under no obligation to accept any of the quotes you receive.

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    Conservatory roof materials

    Conservatory roofs are typically made from polycarbonate sheets, glass, or if you have a solid conservatory roof, roof tiles.

    Polycarbonate Panels and Polycarbonate Sheets

    Polycarbonate conservatory roof is the most common material used, especially in years gone by, due to its ease of installation, its durability, and its cost-effectiveness, however, it does leave a lot to be desired by way of thermal insulation and the life expectancy of looking its best. Due to this, a lot of people later consider the installation of either a completely new conservatory roof or roof replacement.


    A more modern conservatory roof replacement material is glass. Not only does glass increase the amount of light in your conservatory, but the double glazing properties improves the insulation too, along with specific tints and variations blocking out harmful UV rays with UV protection technology to keep everyone inside the conservatory safe.

    Solid tiles

    Solid tiles are a nice options for those who want their conservatory to blend in with their existing house. While you may miss the natural light that a glass roof provides, no material will insulate your conservatory better than solid tiles. One of the main drawbacks, however, is the sizeable upfront cost, especially when compared to glass and polycarbonate options.

    Other Materials

    Plastic shingles are much less common materials used for conservatories, as they don’t really match up to a glass conservatory roof replacement, or even a polycarbonate conservatory roof replacement, so they are far rarer to come across.

    glass roof
    Solid tile conservatory roof

    Does a replacement conservatory roof require planning permission?

    You’ll need to review the local building regulations to check whether you will need planning permission for the work, as things like local disruption, the site, any applicable privacy policy, the requirements in local legislation, and many other things are adhered to. Planning permission is an incredibly important aspect to consider with these types of jobs, and you should factor the cost of applying for planning permission into your budget, as each area has a different fee structure.

    How much does it cost to replace a conservatory roof?

    The main consideration for the majority of customers and homeowners is whether they have the budget available for a new conservatory roof and whether it’s a glass or polycarbonate sheet, the cost of a replacement conservatory roof doesn’t come that cheap. However, the benefits that you gain from the work extend from making the living space more comfortable in saving money on energy bills with the increased insulation.

    In this section, we’re going to guide you through the average replacement conservatory roof cost for the different conservatory roofs available.

    Each of the average prices we discuss in this section will be based around a lean-to roof 3m x 3.5m in size.

    Polycarbonate Sheet

    Polycarbonate is the one of the most common materials for conservatory roofs. This is mostly due to the fact that it is the most cost-effective option. For the materials you’re going to spend around £2,250 – £7,875, which will include all the fixings and of course the polycarbonate sheets needed for the conservatory roof panels. The job will take around 1-2 days and cost about £750 in labour, as replacing conservatory roofs tends to be a two-man job.

    A new conservatory roof made from polycarbonate will make a world of difference aesthetically, but if you had the same material beforehand, you won’t see much of a difference in energy efficiency and in conserving heat. The total cost for the project will be between £9,795 – £38,920, meaning that a glass conservatory roof may be a better investment, as we’ll explore more below.

    Glass Material

    Glass conservatory roofs are a significant improvement upon a polycarbonate conservatory roof, mainly due to the increased benefits of energy efficiency and the insulating double glazing. However, these improvements come at a price, albeit a marginal increase from other panels.

    The materials will cost about £2,925 – £10,235 for a glass conservatory roof, and the labour will cost around £850, which isn’t too dissimilar to other installations, making for a total of £13,350 – £41,280. In simple terms, you get many more benefits for your money by opting for glass over polycarbonate, and you’ll save a lot in energy bills over the years too.

    Solid tiles

    Traditional solid tiles provide significantly better thermal insulation than any of its counterparts. Given these properties, and because they are require more energy and materials to produce, you can expect to pay considerably more for a solid tiled roof than a glass roof.

    The materials used to build a solid tiled conservatory roof will likely cost in the region of £4,385 – £15,350, and labour could cost £2,000+ for 5 days work, although this might take longer depending on the size of your conservatory. This brings the total to between £12,715 – £46,395 .

    Again, if you’re looking to incorporate your conservatory roof into your home permanently, this is what you’ll need to do, but otherwise, you’d be much better off with the cheaper alternatives.

    If you’re still unsure about which material will work best for your home, then it’s a good idea to consult a professional installer who can help you calculate how much a new conservatory roof will cost based on your homes specifications. It’s easy to become overwhelmed by the sea of potential installer options out there and knowing whose installation prices are the most accurate can be difficult.

    That’s why, with our free quotes service, we will find you up to 3 professional installer quotes for you to choose between. By comparing tailored quotes from the most suitable installers, you can be sure that you’ve found a good deal.

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    What is the best replacement conservatory roof?

    As you can probably deduce from the information so far, glass conservatory roof panels tick all the boxes for the moniker or ‘Best Replacement Conservatory Roof’, and while polycarbonate is a strong option for conservatory roofs, it can’t compete with the benefits of glass while also being not a lot cheaper.

    Glass conservatory roofs in styles like Victorian are increasing in popularity each year, and so are the products that can be added to them as a DIY project. For example, for increased shade and UV ray protection, you can be an easy to apply film to the glass roof panels to tint them a specific shade, and you can also have different coloured or styled glazing bars added to the roof to attain a certain aesthetic which is a handy little item to have available.

    Glazing bars are an essential aspect of the glass roof, so why not have control over how they look too. They are typically made from aluminium, which is pretty common for all types of conservatory fixings, due to the versatility of aluminium and its ease of workability. Aluminium is also used for window frames and the fixings that are attached to them, in addition to the commonly found aluminium guttering fixtures outside the conservatory. One thing to bear in mind is glazing bars can sometimes be slightly more delicate when it comes to cleaning, so knowing how to clean your conservatory roof correctly will certainly be pay off.

    Is it worth replacing your conservatory roof?

    Conservatories are little safe havens to escape to after a tough day at the office or to spend a few peaceful hours with a book on the weekend. However, even if you have the budget available for replacing your conservatory roof, there is still the question of whether it’s worth the money or not.

    Conservatory roofs impact the enjoyment of the space massively from shading the sun to keeping the warmth inside the living space. With that in mind, it is worth replacing your conservatory roof, and considering the price of glass replacement conservatory roof panels, its actually a pretty small investment for the number of years you’re likely to enjoy them and the added insulation they provide. Add an extra product like tinting film or new window frames here and there, and your conservatory will look fresh and new for a long time.

    Can you put solar panels on a conservatory roof?

    Conservatories with brand new glazing are incredibly adept at insulation and keeping heat inside, making them much more energy-efficient than older conservatory roofs and ultimately a lot more cost-effective.

    The process of insulation with double glazing really helps this efficiency and in turn, will save you money on your energy bills, however, you can further increase these savings with the addition of conservatory solar panels and solar panel technology.

    If you find that your conservatory tends to get a lot of sun on its roof, it may be perfect for solar panels, and you could be generating your own electricity for further savings on your electricity bill. Now, this type of roof system obviously requires lots of sunlight, so if your conservatory is covered with overhanging trees nearby, blocking sunlight, you’d be better off avoiding this type of roof system as it wouldn’t be a sound investment.

    Glass panels are more than strong enough to withstand the weight of any solar panels you wish to install on the conservatory roof, and conservatories around the country are taking advantage of this extra roof space to install solar products. Solar panels have technology within them that absorb sunlight and convert the energy generate into electricity that you can use within your home, and you can even sell surplus energy back to the grid! Again, you’ll need to check out the local building regulations in your area before you can commit to a product like this and ensure that your home isn’t within a restricted category for these types of installations.

    There are some government schemes available that subsidise the cost of solar panels on your roof, as they try to encourage more people to make the jump over to solar energy and make full use of the abundant resources we all have available.

    Conclusion: Find the best deal for replacement conservatory roofs

    Homeowners around the country are investing in new roof panels for their conservatory roofs not just for the aesthetic benefits, but for the added layer of insulation, the increased energy-efficiency that the insulation garners and the increase in life expectancy of those roofs and roof panels, all contributing to a space that is much more comfortable to use regularly.

    Old and inept roof panels can cause quite an issue for conservatory owners and typically the investment in a new roof panel or two can be the solution. It may be a little investment into your roofing system, but it’s worth the money, and the varied panel sizes, choice of styles and range available on the market today will garner tons of thanks from the family.

    Roofs around the country are in desperate need of a replacement, but to help you make the choice and decision on investing in a replacement roofing system, you should request quotes from a few local roofers. This way, you can be sure you’ve found a good deal by comparing offers and choosing the most competitive choice.

    We also recommend that you seek out local installers who will charge far less for a faster and more personalised service, compared to large nationwide companies.

    With GreenMatch’s free quotes service, not only can we provide you with up to 3 quotes from vetted installers, we’ll also ensure to connect you with those based closest to you. This way you can find a great, local deal.

    The best part is that our service is completely free, and you’re under no obligation to accept any of the quotes you receive.

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