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    solar panels</a>, <a href="">triple glazed windows</a>, <a title=\"Heat Pump\" href="">heat pumps</a>), clean food, zero waste or <strong>sustainable fashion</strong> it is about our planet, about people and essentially about life.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>Green Match is always searching for inspiration and people that inspire. Through the <strong>‘Go Slow Awards 2016’</strong> we acknowledge and reward fashion bloggers that focus on sustainable fashion and really put time and effort in inspiring others in a creative manner. In this list, you can get a taste of their inspirational words as some of our favorite bloggers share their take on what attraction slow fashion holds for them.There are five categories:</p>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n<TableOfContents key=\"block_4583693d10fc\"\n class=\"wp-macro\"\n heading=''\n list='The guides #Guides\r\n\r\nThe spotters #Spotters\r\n\r\nThe designers #Designers\r\n\r\nThe behind the scene-ers #Behind-the-sceners\r\n\r\nThe buzz creators #Creators'\n />\n\n\n\n\n<p><strong><em>Congratulations to our 50 favorite blogs on sustainable fashion.</em></strong></p>\n\n\n\n<hr class=\"wp-block-separator has-alpha-channel-opacity\" />\n\n\n<div class=\"wp-block-image no-shadow\">\n<figure class=\"alignright\"><img loading=\"lazy\" width=\"200\" height=\"200\" src="" alt=\"\" class=\"wp-image-61720\" /></figure></div>\n\n\n<p>The featured blogs are more than welcome to use the code below to place the badge on their website.&nbsp;</p>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n<ImageEmbedCode key=\"block_48022cff0534\"\n class=\"wp-macro\"\n :image='{\"ID\":61720,\"id\":61720,\"title\":\"Badge_Sustainable_Fashion\",\"filename\":\"Badge_Sustainable_Fashion.png\",\"filesize\":46099,\"url\":\"https:\\/\\/\\/cdn-cgi\\/image\\/format=auto\\/2\\/2022\\/10\\/Badge_Sustainable_Fashion.png\",\"link\":\"https:\\/\\/\\/badge_sustainable_fashion\",\"alt\":\"Badge Sustainable Fashion\",\"author\":\"0\",\"description\":\"\",\"caption\":\"\",\"name\":\"badge_sustainable_fashion\",\"status\":\"inherit\",\"uploaded_to\":0,\"date\":\"2023-01-13 09:46:29\",\"modified\":\"2023-01-13 09:46:29\",\"menu_order\":0,\"mime_type\":\"image\\/png\",\"type\":\"image\",\"subtype\":\"png\",\"icon\":\"https:\\/\\/\\/wp-includes\\/images\\/media\\/default.png\",\"width\":200,\"height\":200,\"sizes\":{\"thumbnail\":\"https:\\/\\/\\/cdn-cgi\\/image\\/format=auto\\/2\\/2022\\/10\\/Badge_Sustainable_Fashion.png\",\"thumbnail-width\":150,\"thumbnail-height\":150,\"medium\":\"https:\\/\\/\\/cdn-cgi\\/image\\/format=auto\\/2\\/2022\\/10\\/Badge_Sustainable_Fashion.png\",\"medium-width\":200,\"medium-height\":200,\"medium_large\":\"https:\\/\\/\\/cdn-cgi\\/image\\/format=auto\\/2\\/2022\\/10\\/Badge_Sustainable_Fashion.png\",\"medium_large-width\":200,\"medium_large-height\":200,\"large\":\"https:\\/\\/\\/cdn-cgi\\/image\\/format=auto\\/2\\/2022\\/10\\/Badge_Sustainable_Fashion.png\",\"large-width\":200,\"large-height\":200,\"1536x1536\":\"https:\\/\\/\\/cdn-cgi\\/image\\/format=auto\\/2\\/2022\\/10\\/Badge_Sustainable_Fashion.png\",\"1536x1536-width\":200,\"1536x1536-height\":200,\"2048x2048\":\"https:\\/\\/\\/cdn-cgi\\/image\\/format=auto\\/2\\/2022\\/10\\/Badge_Sustainable_Fashion.png\",\"2048x2048-width\":200,\"2048x2048-height\":200}}'\n width=''\n heading=''\n />\n\n\n\n\n<h3 id=\"Guides\">The Guides</h3>\n\n\n<div class=\"wp-block-image\">\n<figure class=\"aligncenter is-resized\"><img loading=\"lazy\" src="" alt=\"2\" class=\"wp-image-61721\" width=\"770\" height=\"360\" /></figure></div>\n\n\n<h4>Tartan Brunette</h4>\n\n\n\n<p>Jen Brownlie, the founder of <a rel=\"nofollow noopener\" href="" target=\"_blank\">The Sustainable Edit</a>, started off as a &#8216;regular&#8217; fashion blogger in 2014. But a year later her views on fashion changed. Fast was not the way to go for her anymore. And now she shares her experiences with slow fashion with all of you. Her blog focusses mostly on capsule wardrobes. The idea behind this is that you can still look your best with a small wardrobe. So less can be more!</p>\n\n\n\n<p><em>&#8220;Embracing slow fashion and changing the way I shop has lifted a weight off my shoulders. Before I publicly ended my relationship with fast fashion I felt so much pressure to always have a new outfit and worried about what I was wearing. Now I&#8217;m taking the time to think through all my purchases and focusing on buying better quality. This means I always have something to wear and don&#8217;t feel the pressure to buy something new for an event. Another plus is it&#8217;s saving me money, yes the clothes are more expensive to purchase but I&#8217;m buying so much less in the long run.&#8221;</em>&nbsp;&#8211; <strong>Jen Brownlie (<span data-sheets-value=\"{&quot;1&quot;:2,&quot;2&quot;:&quot;@sustainableedit&quot;}\" data-sheets-userformat=\"{&quot;2&quot;:6721,&quot;3&quot;:{&quot;1&quot;:0},&quot;9&quot;:1,&quot;12&quot;:0,&quot;14&quot;:{&quot;1&quot;:2,&quot;2&quot;:0},&quot;15&quot;:&quot;Droid Sans&quot;}\"><a rel=\"noopener\" href="" target=\"_blank\" class=\"in-cell-link\">@sustainableedit</a>)</span></strong></p>\n\n\n\n<h4>Closet Confessional</h4>\n\n\n\n<p>To Dana fashion has a lot of meaning. Fashion, to her, is a way to express herself and to her fashion brings her joy. But mind you, fashion is not about just filling your closet with as many goodies as you can get. It is about taking a conscious approach to fashion. For amazing tips from an actual stylist&nbsp;on how to look amazing in vintage pieces,&nbsp;<a rel=\"nofollow noopener\" href="" target=\"_blank\">Closet Confessional</a> is really worth visiting.</p>\n\n\n\n<p><em>&#8220;Supporting slow fashion is about more than positively impacting the environment. It’s about making a choice to support the people behind the clothes, to choose quality over quantity, to choose longevity over trends. As a personal stylist, I regularly witness our society’s obsession with consumption and the constant need for more. This ultimately just leads to more waste. Rather than supporting this narrative and the pressure to keep up with the never ending and ever changing trends, I decided to slow down and change my habits. Slow fashion is about more than clothes. It’s about the story behind your clothes.&#8221;</em> &#8211; <strong>Dana Frost (<span data-sheets-value=\"{&quot;1&quot;:2,&quot;2&quot;:&quot;@DanaFrost&quot;}\" data-sheets-userformat=\"{&quot;2&quot;:6721,&quot;3&quot;:{&quot;1&quot;:0},&quot;9&quot;:1,&quot;12&quot;:0,&quot;14&quot;:{&quot;1&quot;:2,&quot;2&quot;:0},&quot;15&quot;:&quot;Droid Sans&quot;}\"><a rel=\"nofollow noopener\" href="" target=\"_blank\" class=\"in-cell-link\">@DanaFrost</a>)</span></strong></p>\n\n\n\n<h4>Sustainability In Style</h4>\n\n\n\n<p>Katie Roberts, the founder of <a rel=\"nofollow noopener\" href="" target=\"_blank\">Sustainability In Style</a> and an environmental scientist, puts what she studied into practice. In 2011 she started blogging. What started as a series on clothing swap events turned into an amazing blog with a lot of variety. The posts mostly center on sharing knowledge, tips, and experiences.</p>\n\n\n\n<p><em>&#8220;Slow fashion has provided me with a platform to discuss sustainability related topics and practice the delivery of sustainability education techniques that I have learned through my masters studies. Fashion is an easily accessible and understandable consumer good for shoppers to start making sustainable and ethical purchasing decisions. It is also an area where people (usually) put a little thought into their purchases which means it&#8217;s a great place to provide tools and knowledge for consumers to find items that fit their values.&#8221;&nbsp;</em>&#8211; <strong>Katie Roberts (<span data-sheets-value=\"{&quot;1&quot;:2,&quot;2&quot;:&quot;@Sustaininstyle&quot;}\" data-sheets-userformat=\"{&quot;2&quot;:14915,&quot;3&quot;:{&quot;1&quot;:0},&quot;4&quot;:{&quot;1&quot;:2,&quot;2&quot;:16120058},&quot;9&quot;:1,&quot;12&quot;:0,&quot;14&quot;:{&quot;1&quot;:2,&quot;2&quot;:0},&quot;15&quot;:&quot;Droid Sans&quot;,&quot;16&quot;:10}\"><a rel=\"nofollow noopener\" href="" target=\"_blank\" class=\"in-cell-link\">@Sustaininstyle</a>)</span></strong></p>\n\n\n\n<h4>Fashion Hedge</h4>\n\n\n\n<p>A blog created with a clear mission in mind. Yarina, the founder of <a rel=\"nofollow noopener\" href="" target=\"_blank\">Fashion Hedge</a>, wanted to provide her readers wit a good source on sustainable fashion, so that is exactly what she did. Fashion Hedge has a section called: ‘What is ethical fashion?’. On this blog, you will find a clear explanation on this concept. And better yet you will find a variety of guides to help you on your sustainable fashion journey.</p>\n\n\n\n<h4>Live Eco</h4>\n\n\n\n<p>Nikki Stear founded her blog in 2008 with the desire to start her own company. <a rel=\"nofollow noopener\" href="" target=\"_blank\">Live Eco</a> is her way of combining at least two of the things she appreciates greatly: the environment and fashion. If you are new to the world of sustainable fashion, tips, how-to’s and guides will take you long way. Live Eco is a blog with a good amount of those. A part of slow fashion is loving and taking care of your clothing items and accessories. On this blog you can find, for example, tips on how to keep your white clothes pearly white.</p>\n\n\n\n<h4>Eco Warrior Princess</h4>\n\n\n\n<p>Jennifer Nini created this platform to raise awareness about all the downsides of the mainstream fashion industry. On <a rel=\"nofollow noopener\" href="" target=\"_blank\">Eco Warrior Princess</a> you will find a lot of good insights and tips on sustainable fashion. Also on her website you can find a free guide to help you live a more conscious lifestyle.</p>\n\n\n\n<h4>EF Magazine</h4>\n\n\n\n<p>Malorie Bertrand, a media relations and communications officer, considers sharing knowledge about sustainable consumption a passion. If you want to make sustainable fashion part of your lifestyle, it is also important that you find out what works for you. <a rel=\"nofollow noopener\" href="" target=\"_blank\">EF Magazine</a> is a really relatable blog where you can find different practical methods to go about slow fashion.</p>\n\n\n\n<h4>What Pixies Wear</h4>\n\n\n\n<p>Sabrina Schlack founded her blog, <a rel=\"nofollow noopener\" href="" target=\"_blank\">What Pixies Wear</a>, in 2012. This blog is her medium to share her thoughts on fashion. On this blog, you can find a variety of fun articles with outfit examples, how-to’s and shopping guides. Be sure to read the article: #FashionRevolution: What Slow Fashion Means to Me for a great explanation on what slow fashion means.</p>\n\n\n\n<h4>Sustainable Siren</h4>\n\n\n\n<p>Jennifer, the founder of this blog, started blogging when she was 15 years old. As a design student and through a love for fashion she learned a lot about the ins and outs of the fashion industry. Seeing the documentary &#8216;Racing Extinction&#8217; drove her to be more serious about conscious fashion. Through this blog, she invites others to do the same. On <a rel=\"nofollow noopener\" href="" target=\"_blank\">Sustainable Siren</a> you can find a lot of outfit examples. The post also mentions something on what inspired the creator of the blog to wear the specific outfit, where the pieces are from and why they deserve the label sustainable.</p>\n\n\n\n<h4>Tortoise and Lady Grey</h4>\n\n\n\n<p>The creative mind behind <a rel=\"nofollow noopener\" href="" target=\"_blank\">Tortoise and Lady Grey</a> has a great love for fashion. But the fact that mainstream fashion comes with a lot of downsides for our planet as well as its inhabitants lead her to the path of sustainable fashion. The founder of this blog is passionate about writing and connecting with her readers. This blog is filled with good tips, guides and how-to’s when it comes to a sustainable lifestyle and fashion in particular.</p>\n\n\n\n<h3 id=\"Spotters\">The Spotters</h3>\n\n\n<div class=\"wp-block-image\">\n<figure class=\"aligncenter\"><img loading=\"lazy\" width=\"770\" height=\"360\" src="" alt=\"\" class=\"wp-image-61722\" /></figure></div>\n\n\n<h4>The Peahen</h4>\n\n\n\n<p>Kasi founded her blog with the purpose of sharing her thoughts about ethical fashion. She refers to herself as a fast-fashion burnout, meaning she bought fashion mostly thinking about style. After the realization that the consumption of fast fashion takes a toll on our planet and the people living on it, she decided it was time for a change. <a rel=\"nofollow noopener\" href="" target=\"_blank\">The Peahen</a> helps you out with a list of amazing ethical designers and brands. You will also find alternatives for your favorite nonethical brands. This is a blog that invites you to think about the way your clothing comes to be.</p>\n\n\n\n<p><em>&#8220;The more I learn about sustainability and the natural balance of ecosystems &#8211; the more I&#8217;m convinced that nothing we do will really ever &#8216;benefit&#8217; the planet. Our sheer existence puts more demand on the earth than it can naturally provide. The reason slow fashion resonates with me is because it&#8217;s one step we can take to alleviate some demand on the earth and stave off harmful impacts. We can&#8217;t go wrong with a slower approach because 1. it reduces resources, and 2. it gives us more time to do research that might make way for new, zero-waste technologies (think: closed loop manufacturing). Slow fashion can lead to better conditions for workers because business practices come under more scrutiny. While this doesn&#8217;t have a direct scientific correlation to the planet, I think when humans are treated fair they will channel their sense of happiness into how they treat the earth &#8211; better. I advocate for Slow Fashion through my writing on The Peahen and call on both brands and consumers to help change the industry. My call to action is #SlowDownMyClothes&#8221;</em> &#8211; <strong>Kasi Martin (<span data-sheets-value=\"{&quot;1&quot;:2,&quot;2&quot;:&quot;@PeahenBlog&quot;}\" data-sheets-userformat=\"{&quot;2&quot;:14915,&quot;3&quot;:{&quot;1&quot;:0},&quot;4&quot;:{&quot;1&quot;:2,&quot;2&quot;:16120058},&quot;9&quot;:1,&quot;12&quot;:0,&quot;14&quot;:{&quot;1&quot;:2,&quot;2&quot;:0},&quot;15&quot;:&quot;Droid Sans&quot;,&quot;16&quot;:10}\"><a rel=\"noopener\" href="" target=\"_blank\" class=\"in-cell-link\">@PeahenBlog</a>)</span></strong></p>\n\n\n\n<h4>Eco Boost</h4>\n\n\n\n<p>Kate Arnell, a tv-presenter and the founder of <a rel=\"nofollow noopener\" href="" target=\"_blank\">Eco Boos</a>t, &#8216;spots&#8217; and shares and you can benefit from her findings. However, this blog is not just about what trendy sustainable brands or items are out there. The why of &#8216;going slow&#8217; is also important and in the articles on this blog &#8216;the why&#8217; is very clear.</p>\n\n\n\n<p><em>&#8220;I think slow fashion is also about understanding the whole story of each garment and appreciating the joy each carefully chosen piece brings. Knowing that the people who made my clothes were treated fairly and with respect as well as paid well for their work without being exposed to harmful chemicals brings a sense of empowerment to each garment. It&#8217;s time we owned our clothes with pride, instead of our clothes owning us with guilt and insecurity.&#8221;</em> &#8211; <strong>Kate Arnell (<span data-sheets-value=\"{&quot;1&quot;:2,&quot;2&quot;:&quot;@EcoBoostBlog&quot;}\" data-sheets-userformat=\"{&quot;2&quot;:14915,&quot;3&quot;:{&quot;1&quot;:0},&quot;4&quot;:{&quot;1&quot;:2,&quot;2&quot;:16120058},&quot;9&quot;:1,&quot;12&quot;:0,&quot;14&quot;:{&quot;1&quot;:2,&quot;2&quot;:0},&quot;15&quot;:&quot;Droid Sans&quot;,&quot;16&quot;:10}\"><a rel=\"noopener\" href="" target=\"_blank\" class=\"in-cell-link\">@EcoBoostBlog</a>)</span></strong></p>\n\n\n\n<h4>Sustainably Chic</h4>\n\n\n\n<p>Natalie started her blog in July of 2014. As a fashion major she got quite familiar with the ins and outs of the fashion industry. As she did not like what she found out, she decided to go for the sustainable and ethical route. Visiting <a rel=\"nofollow noopener\" href="" target=\"_blank\">Sustainably Chic</a> will make your life easier if you are on the lookout for ethical brands. Better yet the articles focus on how you can impact the world around you through your fashion choices.</p>\n\n\n\n<p><em> &#8220;Besides putting in the effort to reduce our carbon print, slow fashion truly enables us to experience and appreciate the work which goes into creating the garments. Fashion shouldn&#8217;t be easy or disposable. Why fall in love with a dress you can only wear a few times? My clothes.. I&#8217;ll have them for life, and I&#8217;ll know exactly who made them.&#8221;</em> &#8211; <strong>Natalie Kay Smith (<span data-sheets-value=\"{&quot;1&quot;:2,&quot;2&quot;:&quot;@sustainablychc&quot;}\" data-sheets-userformat=\"{&quot;2&quot;:14915,&quot;3&quot;:{&quot;1&quot;:0},&quot;4&quot;:{&quot;1&quot;:2,&quot;2&quot;:16120058},&quot;9&quot;:1,&quot;12&quot;:0,&quot;14&quot;:{&quot;1&quot;:2,&quot;2&quot;:0},&quot;15&quot;:&quot;Droid Sans&quot;,&quot;16&quot;:10}\"><a rel=\"noopener\" href="" target=\"_blank\" class=\"in-cell-link\">@sustainablychc</a>)</span></strong></p>\n\n\n\n<h4>The Eco Style Editor</h4>\n\n\n\n<p>A catwalk junkie? This blog will provide you with a healthy dose of runway inspiration. And while looking like you plucked your outfit from a page of a fashion magazine you can still stay true to you desire to take a slower and more conscious approach to style. For those that find it hard to take the time to research how their fashion items came to be, <a rel=\"nofollow noopener\" href="" target=\"_blank\">The Eco Style Editor</a> does all the research for you.</p>\n\n\n\n<h4>Saiint</h4>\n\n\n\n<p>The two sisters Diana and Katie share a passion for sustainable practices and fashion. One of the first things you will read on this blog: “Fashion and lifestyle blog that discovers ethical and sustainable brands.” The <a rel=\"nofollow noopener\" href="" target=\"_blank\">Saiint</a> sisters discover, but more importantly they share their amazing finds with you! Through their blog they also support businesses that have an ethical approach to producing fashion.</p>\n\n\n\n<p><em>&#8220;We are big fans of slow fashion because we strongly believe in taking&nbsp;those around you with you on your success journey. Without awareness of the&nbsp;people, processes and impact your clothes have, how can you truly say you&nbsp;respect those who contribute to your vanity. Every person (and indeed the&nbsp;planet we live on) deserves to be treated equally without letting greed&nbsp;cloud your vision of what success really means. We believe everybodys live&nbsp;scan be enriched along the way to a more ethical fashion future&#8221; &#8211;&nbsp;</em><strong>Katie &amp; Diana George</strong><em>&nbsp;</em><strong>(<span data-sheets-value=\"{&quot;1&quot;:2,&quot;2&quot;:&quot;@saiintgroup&quot;}\" data-sheets-userformat=\"{&quot;2&quot;:14915,&quot;3&quot;:{&quot;1&quot;:0},&quot;4&quot;:{&quot;1&quot;:2,&quot;2&quot;:16120058},&quot;9&quot;:1,&quot;12&quot;:0,&quot;14&quot;:{&quot;1&quot;:2,&quot;2&quot;:0},&quot;15&quot;:&quot;Droid Sans&quot;,&quot;16&quot;:10}\"><a rel=\"noopener\" href="" target=\"_blank\" class=\"in-cell-link\">@saiintgroup</a>)</span></strong></p>\n\n\n\n<h4>The Note Passer</h4>\n\n\n\n<p>Elizabeth Stillwell calls herself a sustainability nerd. Her goal is to provide all of us with ethical lifestyle options. When visiting a blog for inspiration the term recommendations is often a good sign. It means that you will receive some good pointers or directions. Well,&nbsp;<a rel=\"nofollow noopener\" href="" target=\"_blank\">The Note Passer</a> has a huge recommendations section, where you can find stores and brands that will fit your sustainable (life)style.</p>\n\n\n\n<p><em>&#8220;I&#8217;m attracted to slow fashion because it respects the resources, time, and&nbsp;energy that go into creating a garment. Slow fashion also rejects marketing&nbsp;tactics that makes me feel like I have to catch up or else be out of step&nbsp;with the current fashion. When I choose timeless, quality, ethically-made&nbsp;garments, that kind of marketing loses its power over me and I am happier&nbsp;as a result.&#8221;</em> &#8211; <strong>Elizabeth Stilwell (<a href="" class=\"ProfileHeaderCard-screennameLink u-linkComplex js-nav\">@<span class=\"u-linkComplex-target\">NotePasserNYC</span></a><span data-sheets-value=\"{&quot;1&quot;:2,&quot;2&quot;:&quot;@NotePasserNYC&quot;}\" data-sheets-userformat=\"{&quot;2&quot;:6208,&quot;9&quot;:1,&quot;14&quot;:{&quot;1&quot;:2,&quot;2&quot;:0},&quot;15&quot;:&quot;Droid Sans&quot;}\">)</span></strong></p>\n\n\n\n<h4>The American Edit</h4>\n\n\n\n<p>The founder of <a rel=\"nofollow noopener\" href="" target=\"_blank\">The American Edit</a> is Rita Mehta. Part of sustainability with regards to fashion is knowing how and where your purchases are made. This blog focuses on brands that manufacture locally. In this case, that would be The United States. To get some inspiration you can do more than just read this blog, you can also listen to her podcasts.</p>\n\n\n\n<p><em>&#8220;I&#8217;m attracted to slow fashion because there are no negatives &#8211; it&#8217;s better for the planet, for the people, and for the economy.&#8221;</em>&nbsp;<strong>&#8211; Rita Mehta (On Instagram:&nbsp;<a rel=\"nofollow noopener\" href="" target=\"_blank\">@theamericanedit</a>)</strong></p>\n\n\n\n<h4>Charlie + Mary</h4>\n\n\n\n<p>Charlie and Mary love fashion and the stories behind it. Their blog is a platform to shine a light on the positive developments in the fashion industry. If you are on the lookout for sustainable brands this is a blog to check out. Especially if you like to find out some more in depth info about brands. <a rel=\"nofollow noopener\" href="" target=\"_blank\">Charlie + Mary</a> keep up with some of the more famous sustainable brands.&nbsp;</p>\n\n\n\n<h4>Strawberry Earth</h4>\n\n\n\n<p>Strawberry Earth is a website that wants to inspire you to make <em>&#8220;social, green and ridiculously good choices&#8221;</em>. Follow this blog to stay updated on what is happening in the world of sustainable fashion, whether it is on brands, trends or events you will not be disappointed after visiting this site.</p>\n\n\n\n<h4>Recovergirl</h4>\n\n\n\n<p>Jennifer Moore, the founder of <a rel=\"nofollow noopener\" href="" target=\"_blank\">Recovergirl</a> and a sustainable style blogger and editor for Style Queue Magazine, is often on the look out for individuals with a unique style. However, she does not just spot individuals with a cool fashion style, Jennifer shares a lot of the amazing things she discovers with regards to sustainable fashion.</p>\n\n\n\n<p><em>&#8220;I prefer Slow Fashion because I prefer quality over quantity and classics over fads. I shop almost exclusively at thrift stores, so I come in contact with fast fashion. Honestly,I don&#8217;t understand the appeal. It looks cheap, it feels cheap, and it drapes poorly. If the goal is to look good and save money then let&#8217;s all look at old photos for inspiration. People used to have far few items in their wardrobe but I would argue that they look better than we do now. Our goal should be to build a wardrobe of good quality pieces that fit well. We can still show off our individuality with high-quality accessories, a thoughtful cuff, and a sincere smile.&#8221;&nbsp;</em>&#8211; <strong>Jennifer Moore (<span data-sheets-value=\"{&quot;1&quot;:2,&quot;2&quot;:&quot;@recovergirl&quot;}\" data-sheets-userformat=\"{&quot;2&quot;:6721,&quot;3&quot;:{&quot;1&quot;:0},&quot;9&quot;:1,&quot;12&quot;:0,&quot;14&quot;:{&quot;1&quot;:2,&quot;2&quot;:0},&quot;15&quot;:&quot;Droid Sans&quot;}\"><a rel=\"noopener\" href="" target=\"_blank\" class=\"in-cell-link\">@recovergirl</a>)</span></strong></p>\n\n\n\n<h3 id=\"Designers\">The Designers</h3>\n\n\n<div class=\"wp-block-image\">\n<figure class=\"aligncenter is-resized\"><img loading=\"lazy\" src="" alt=\"Designer (1)\" class=\"wp-image-61723\" width=\"770\" height=\"360\" /></figure></div>\n\n\n<h4>Leotie Lovely</h4>\n\n\n\n<p>The creative mind behind <a rel=\"nofollow noopener\" href="" target=\"_blank\">Leotie Lovely</a> considers herself a curator, not a designer. But in all fairness after seeing her clutches we think she certainly belongs in our designer category. That being said Leotie Lovely is about more than creating. For some inspiration follow her #gonegreen2016 journey.</p>\n\n\n\n<p><em>&#8220;What attracts me to slow fashion, in addition to the fact that it is better for the planet and her inhabitants, is that brands who genuinely take the meaningful steps of cradle-to-cradle creation, develop garments which are privy to a kind of love most clothing will never know. If you&#8217;re familiar with Dr. Masaru Emoto&#8217;s water molecules experiment you might agree this could produce results you could have never imagined. The threads which unite the slow fashion community are symbolic of conscious culture as a whole; it goes beyond fashion, it&#8217;s a lifestyle, it&#8217;s a revolution, it&#8217;s about genuinely trying to be the change you wish to see in the world. If &#8220;you are what you wear&#8221;, as the mainstream fashion industry so often threatens, I can&#8217;t consciously choose to support anything else.&#8221;</em> &#8211; <strong>Leotie Lovely (<span data-sheets-value=\"{&quot;1&quot;:2,&quot;2&quot;:&quot;@LeotieLovely&quot;}\" data-sheets-userformat=\"{&quot;2&quot;:6721,&quot;3&quot;:{&quot;1&quot;:0},&quot;9&quot;:1,&quot;12&quot;:0,&quot;14&quot;:{&quot;1&quot;:2,&quot;2&quot;:0},&quot;15&quot;:&quot;Droid Sans&quot;}\"><a rel=\"noopener\" href="" target=\"_blank\" class=\"in-cell-link\">@LeotieLovely</a>)</span></strong></p>\n\n\n\n<h4>Randomly Happy</h4>\n\n\n\n<p>The creative woman behind <a rel=\"nofollow noopener\" href="" target=\"_blank\">Randomly Happy</a> is Elena. One way to create a sustainable wardrobe is by making your own and with Elena’s tips, tricks and DIY’s you can surely succeed in your own projects.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>&#8220;I think slow fashion is ethical fashion. Sewing my own clothes makes me feel proud, but I don&#8217;t think that&#8217;s how many workers in the garment industry feel as they work for low wages in deplorable conditions. I think everyone deserves a chance to feel proud. We should all question the real value of fast fashion.&#8221; &#8211; <strong>Elena (<span data-sheets-value=\"{&quot;1&quot;:2,&quot;2&quot;:&quot;@randomly_happy&quot;}\" data-sheets-userformat=\"{&quot;2&quot;:6721,&quot;3&quot;:{&quot;1&quot;:0},&quot;9&quot;:1,&quot;12&quot;:0,&quot;14&quot;:{&quot;1&quot;:2,&quot;2&quot;:0},&quot;15&quot;:&quot;Droid Sans&quot;}\"><a rel=\"noopener\" href="" target=\"_blank\" class=\"in-cell-link\">@randomly_happy</a>)</span></strong></p>\n\n\n\n<h4>The Craft Sessions</h4>\n\n\n\n<p>Bringing people with a love for arts and crafts together is what Felicia, the founder of <a rel=\"nofollow noopener\" href="" target=\"_blank\">The Craft Sessions</a>, aims to do. The Craft Sessions also organizes retreat weekends, where people can come meet to be creative together and bond. The retreat takes place in the Yarra Valley, close to Melbourne. For those that can not attend, this blog will provide you with more than enough inspiration to get your own projects started.</p>\n\n\n\n<p><em>&#8220;Choosing Slow Fashion means simply: to take responsibility for the choices&nbsp;we make around our consumption of clothing, while participating in ongoing&nbsp;personal education about the complexities of our choices, and while taking&nbsp;into account our personal life circumstances thereby making the most&nbsp;ethical choice we can at any given time.&#8221; &#8211;&nbsp;</em><strong>Felicia (<span data-sheets-value=\"{&quot;1&quot;:2,&quot;2&quot;:&quot;@thecraftsession&quot;}\" data-sheets-userformat=\"{&quot;2&quot;:6721,&quot;3&quot;:{&quot;1&quot;:0},&quot;9&quot;:1,&quot;12&quot;:0,&quot;14&quot;:{&quot;1&quot;:2,&quot;2&quot;:0},&quot;15&quot;:&quot;Droid Sans&quot;}\"><a rel=\"noopener\" href="" target=\"_blank\" class=\"in-cell-link\">@thecraftsession</a>)</span></strong></p>\n\n\n\n<h4>What Katie Sews</h4>\n\n\n\n<p>This blog is Katie’s, the founder of this blog, record of her sewing projects. Through <a rel=\"nofollow noopener\" href="" target=\"_blank\">What Katie Sews</a> she aims to show that creating your own wardrobe is doable and that it can be fun as well!</p>\n\n\n\n<h4>Sotela: Blog</h4>\n\n\n\n<p>Sotela is an ethical clothing brand “for woman, by woman”. The founder of Sotela started blogging in 2013, to share her outfits and other projects. But the concept of fast fashion did not sit well with her. After her interest in sustainable fashion was kindled, she believed there was a lack of ethical clothing that fits every woman. So she created her own clothing line. On the <a rel=\"nofollow noopener\" href="" target=\"_blank\">Sotela blog page</a> you can follow the journey of this amazing initiative.</p>\n\n\n\n<p><em>&#8220;Slow fashion is buying clothing with intention. You are more conscious and&nbsp;aware of the story behind each piece of clothing when you buy from an&nbsp;ethically made or eco-friendly fashion brand. We no longer have to&nbsp;compromise people or the planet when buying clothing because there are so&nbsp;many amazing independent sustainable brands.&#8221;</em> &#8211; <strong>Hanna (<a href="" class=\"ProfileHeaderCard-screennameLink u-linkComplex js-nav\">@<span class=\"u-linkComplex-target\">sotelaco</span></a>)</strong></p>\n\n\n\n<h4>The Private Life of a Girl</h4>\n\n\n\n<p>The girl behind <a rel=\"nofollow noopener\" href="" target=\"_blank\">The Private Life of a Girl</a> is Sophie. The jewelry designer and full-time blogger, founded her blog in 2013 to share recommendations and reviews. But today her blog is a platform where she informs ethical shoppers on what is out there and gives career advice to those that would love to have their own creative business.</p>\n\n\n\n<h4>Bestowed Clothing: Blog</h4>\n\n\n\n<p><a rel=\"nofollow noopener\" href="" target=\"_blank\">Bestowed Clothing</a> is an Australian eco-fashion label. Their clothes are manufactured in Australia and made from pure cotton fabrics. The amazing thing is that this label does not only make sustainable clothing, they also do what they can to maintain a zero waste work environment. On their blog you can follow their collections and good information on cotton. For example, how to take care of cotton fabrics.</p>\n\n\n\n<h4>Bibico: Blog</h4>\n\n\n\n<p>From a high-end ‘fast fashion’ designer to an own sustainable fashion label, this would be Snow’s story in a tiny tiny nutshell. And it started with a visit to a women’s cooperative in Mumbai. On <a rel=\"nofollow noopener\" href="" target=\"_blank\">Bibico&#8217;s blog page</a> you can find a variety of fun sustainable lifestyle articles.</p>\n\n\n\n<h4>Tengri: Blog</h4>\n\n\n\n<p>Tengri is a ‘collective movement’ that manufactures luxury knitwear. They believe in a social and an ethical way of doing business. The creative mind behind Tengri is Nancy Johnston. She got inspired after staying with herder families in Mongolia. On <a rel=\"nofollow noopener\" href="" target=\"_blank\">Tengri’s blog page</a> Nancy shares her journey.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>&#8220;<em>I saw an opportunity where a collective movement of design, fashion, ethics, business, environmental activism and individual consumer choice could come together to do good and can make a difference. Mongolia is the world’s second largest supplier of luxury fibres, contributing to the €60 billion luxury apparel market. The fashion industry is experiencing, first-hand, the detrimental impact that economic and environmental challenges are having on the source of much of its premium raw materials. The current landscape is unsustainable and we must make a change. Fashion shouldn’t cost the earth – people and animals should not be harmed in the making of it.</em>&#8221; <strong>Nancy (<a href="" class=\"ProfileHeaderCard-screennameLink u-linkComplex js-nav\">@_BroadShoulders</a>)</strong></p>\n\n\n\n<h4>Clara Vuletich</h4>\n\n\n\n<p><a rel=\"nofollow noopener\" href="" target=\"_blank\">Clara Vuletich</a> is a researcher and consultant focussed on the social and ethical impacts of fashion. She is a designer as well. On her blog you can find articles on (sutra) stitching and creative projects, but her blog offers more than that. You can find quite some deep articles that will invite you to think about the fashion industry as most of us know it.</p>\n\n\n\n<h3 id=\"Behind-the-sceners\">The Behind the Scene-ers</h3>\n\n\n<div class=\"wp-block-image\">\n<figure class=\"aligncenter\"><img loading=\"lazy\" width=\"770\" height=\"360\" src="" alt=\"\" class=\"wp-image-61724\" /></figure></div>\n\n\n<h4>Eco Vintage</h4>\n\n\n\n<p><a rel=\"nofollow noopener\" href="" target=\"_blank\">Eco Vintage</a> takes you behind the scenes. You get a glimpse of the designing processes of the brands and item she mentions. And of course they all have one thing in common: they are eco-friendly.</p>\n\n\n\n<p><em>&#8220;Along with benefiting our environment, slow fashion also means that we as consumers can hold more value in our clothing, as we have fewer pieces that mean more to us. They can hold memories and be reminiscent of moments in our lives that we wish to hold on to, and therefore we can appreciate them more.&#8221;</em> &#8211; <strong>Katie Thomas (<span data-sheets-value=\"{&quot;1&quot;:2,&quot;2&quot;:&quot;@eco_vintage&quot;}\" data-sheets-userformat=\"{&quot;2&quot;:14915,&quot;3&quot;:{&quot;1&quot;:0},&quot;4&quot;:{&quot;1&quot;:2,&quot;2&quot;:16120058},&quot;9&quot;:1,&quot;12&quot;:0,&quot;14&quot;:{&quot;1&quot;:2,&quot;2&quot;:0},&quot;15&quot;:&quot;Droid Sans&quot;,&quot;16&quot;:10}\"><a rel=\"noopener\" href="" target=\"_blank\" class=\"in-cell-link\">@eco_vintage</a>)</span></strong></p>\n\n\n\n<h4>Fashion Revolution: Blog</h4>\n\n\n\n<p>It is all in the name. <a rel=\"nofollow noopener\" href="" target=\"_blank\">Fashion Revolution</a> is a website about change. In this case changing the mainstream fashion industry, through creating awareness. This ‘global movement’ asks a really powerful question: “Who made my clothes?” If you can not answer this question (yet), check out their blog page and the resources they offer. You will get an eye-opening look behind the scenes through their articles.</p>\n\n\n\n<h4>The Thread</h4>\n\n\n\n<p>People three is a sustainable fashion label that has high standards when it comes to manufacturing their products. On <a rel=\"nofollow noopener\" href="" target=\"_blank\">The Thread</a>, their blog, you can keep track of the developments within the world of sustainable fashion. They also offer small peeks behind the scenes.</p>\n\n\n\n<h4>The Eco Edit</h4>\n\n\n\n<p>Roxy, the author of this blog, created this blog as a place to share her favorites when it comes to living a sustainable lifestyle. On <a rel=\"nofollow noopener\" href="" target=\"_blank\">The Eco Edit</a> you can find quite in depth information on the ethical brands she discovered &#8211; a peek behind the scenes -, fun OOTD’s (Outfit Of The Day), and interesting articles.</p>\n\n\n\n<p><em>&#8220;Slow fashion choices for me, are about making sure everyone involved in&nbsp;the process is paid and treated fairly. One child dies every 90 seconds&nbsp;from water pollution and one of the greatest causes of this is the clothing&nbsp;industry. We all have a responsibility to make conscious choices that do&nbsp;not harm people, or our planet. With so many brands out there doing amazing&nbsp;things, my blog is all about finding the trend-led ones that most suit my&nbsp;style, celebrating and sharing them!&#8221;</em></p>\n\n\n\n<h4>Slow Fashioned</h4>\n\n\n\n<p><a rel=\"nofollow noopener\" href="" target=\"_blank\">Slow Fashioned </a>is an online magazine with a clear mission to: “educate, inspire, and influence change in the fashion industry by encouraging consumers to slow down and make more conscious consumption decisions.” They invite others to slow down and think in general, but especially when it comes to fashion. Visit this blog to stay up-to-date on what happens with regards to this movement.</p>\n\n\n\n<h4>Heart Sleeves</h4>\n\n\n\n<p>Ariel Azoff is an entrepreneur, a traveler, and a writer. Ariel joined the sustainable fashion movement in November 2011. And through her blog she wishes to show her readers that living a sustainable lifestyle is quite “fun and easy”. On <a rel=\"nofollow noopener\" href="" target=\"_blank\">Heart Sleeves</a>, you can find a lot of fun articles on how designers and brands create their sustainable fashion.</p>\n\n\n\n<h4>Shopanthropic Blog</h4>\n\n\n\n<p>Shopanthropic is an ethical fashion label that manufactures accessories and gifts. This company really focuses on the makers of the products and invites its customers to make a difference in their lives. Quite a lot of the articles on <a rel=\"nofollow noopener\" href="" target=\"_blank\">Shopanthropic Blog</a> give you a glimpse of what happens behind the scenes within both the mainstream and the ethical fashion industry.</p>\n\n\n\n<h4>Dress Well Do Good</h4>\n\n\n\n<p>Ellie Kirkland and Elizabeth Carroll are two friends that want to invite you to join the conversation on sustainable fashion. Through the company profiles on <a rel=\"nofollow noopener\" href="" target=\"_blank\">Dress Well Do Good</a> they offer you can get some in-depth information on fantastic ethical brands out there.</p>\n\n\n\n<p><em>&#8220;Slow fashion items, similar to home cooked foods, are made with care and&nbsp;provide sustenance. Slow fashion is about quality, classic, traditional,&nbsp;small batch productions, often with local production chains. Slow fashion&nbsp;encourages taking time to ensure quality production, giving value to the&nbsp;product, the person that made the product, and the connection with the&nbsp;environment.&#8221; &#8211; </em><strong>Ellie Kirkland &amp; Elizabeth Carroll (On Instagram:&nbsp;<a rel=\"noopener\" href="" target=\"_blank\">dresswelldogood</a>)</strong></p>\n\n\n\n<h4>Beyoutiful Hope</h4>\n\n\n\n<p>Christine created her blog,<a rel=\"nofollow noopener\" href="" target=\"_blank\"> Beyoutiful Hope</a>, with the hopes of inspiring others. She realized the beauty in the fact that “fashion connects the globe in a positive manner”. On her blog you can find numerous posts that show you how certain products came to be.</p>\n\n\n\n<h4>Oxfam: Fashion Blog</h4>\n\n\n\n<p>Oxfam, founded in 1942, is a well-known confederation that does what she can to fight poverty. The fervently believe that a just world without poverty is possible.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>Did you know that Oxfam has a <a rel=\"nofollow noopener\" href="" target=\"_blank\">fashion blog</a> as well? It is a blog with a wide variety of articles on ethical fashion. You can find stories about events, experiences and they also take you behind the scenes.</p>\n\n\n\n<h3 id=\"Creators\">The Buzz Creators</h3>\n\n\n<div class=\"wp-block-image\">\n<figure class=\"aligncenter is-resized\"><img loading=\"lazy\" src="" alt=\"6\" class=\"wp-image-61725\" width=\"770\" height=\"360\" /></figure></div>\n\n\n<p><span data-sheets-value=\"{&quot;1&quot;:2,&quot;2&quot;:&quot;@eco_vintage&quot;}\" data-sheets-userformat=\"{&quot;2&quot;:14915,&quot;3&quot;:{&quot;1&quot;:0},&quot;4&quot;:{&quot;1&quot;:2,&quot;2&quot;:16120058},&quot;9&quot;:1,&quot;12&quot;:0,&quot;14&quot;:{&quot;1&quot;:2,&quot;2&quot;:0},&quot;15&quot;:&quot;Droid Sans&quot;,&quot;16&quot;:10}\"></span></p>\n\n\n\n<h4>Fashion Hound</h4>\n\n\n\n<p>This blog will provide you with practical and easy tips to always look amazing without having to spend a fortune on your wardrobe. Faye De Lanty, the creative mind behind <a rel=\"nofollow noopener\" href="" target=\"_blank\">Fashion Hound</a> knows this is possible from personal experience. An experience she shares through her blog, but also as an Eco stylist and commentator on a huge breakfast television program in Australia.</p>\n\n\n\n<p><em>&#8220;While living overseas, thrift shopping was all I could afford so I had to find a way to make it look expensive for all the meetings and job interviews I had. So I hit British vogue again and challenged myself to recreate the dreamy expensive style I saw inside. It worked! When I returned to Australia I pitched my concept of &#8216;Recreating looks for less&#8217; to a TV station here and they loved it. Then I pitched the concept to the Salvation Army and they loved it too. Three years later I am now their full time Eco stylist and a fashion commentator on Australia&#8217;s Today show. But if you&#8217;d told me 10 years ago I would be an Eco stylist I wouldn&#8217;t have been able to tell you what the was. My job didn&#8217;t exist, I created it. I love that slow fashion has the power to break down boundaries! Style isn&#8217;t about how much you spend or having the newest and the best. You can absolutely look a million bucks without having to spend it. So now I am absolutely obsessed with what I call Eco Chic, showing people the power of preloved and ethical fashion. It is absolutely just as stylish and protecting the planet makes you even more chic in my book.&#8221;</em> <strong>&#8211; Faye De Lanty (<span data-sheets-value=\"{&quot;1&quot;:2,&quot;2&quot;:&quot;@fayedelanty&quot;}\" data-sheets-userformat=\"{&quot;2&quot;:6721,&quot;3&quot;:{&quot;1&quot;:0},&quot;9&quot;:1,&quot;12&quot;:0,&quot;14&quot;:{&quot;1&quot;:2,&quot;2&quot;:0},&quot;15&quot;:&quot;Droid Sans&quot;}\"><a rel=\"noopener\" href="" target=\"_blank\" class=\"in-cell-link\">@fayedelanty</a></span>)</strong></p>\n\n\n\n<h4>Fashion Me Green</h4>\n\n\n\n<p>Greta Eagan, the creative mind behind <a rel=\"nofollow noopener\" href="" target=\"_blank\">Fashion Me Green</a>, started blogging shortly after graduating from the London College of Fashion. She keeps herself busy with quite a lot of creative projects. In 2014 her style bible: <em>Wear No Evil: How to Change the World with Your Wardrobe&nbsp;</em>got published.<em>&nbsp;</em>On her blog you can find&nbsp;a clear green guide, that shows what aspects of producing and consuming fashion are important to keep in mind.&nbsp;</p>\n\n\n\n<p><em>&#8220;For me, slow fashion is about intention. When we slow down we create time and hold space to ask ourselves key questions before we make a purchase. Is this item aligned with my ethics? Does it support the practices and world I believe in? Does it fit into my life and sense of self? Will it bring me joy for years to come and not just a few weeks? With slow fashion we get a slower, more intentional design and manufacturing process. We also get a more conscious level of participation on the consumer side where each purchase is thoughtful and incorporated into the long term.&#8221;</em>&nbsp;&#8211;&nbsp;<strong>Greta Eagan (<span data-sheets-value=\"{&quot;1&quot;:2,&quot;2&quot;:&quot;@gretaeagan&quot;}\" data-sheets-userformat=\"{&quot;2&quot;:14915,&quot;3&quot;:{&quot;1&quot;:0},&quot;4&quot;:{&quot;1&quot;:2,&quot;2&quot;:16777215},&quot;9&quot;:1,&quot;12&quot;:0,&quot;14&quot;:{&quot;1&quot;:2,&quot;2&quot;:0},&quot;15&quot;:&quot;Droid Sans&quot;,&quot;16&quot;:10}\"><a rel=\"noopener\" href="" target=\"_blank\" class=\"in-cell-link\">@gretaeagan</a>)</span></strong></p>\n\n\n\n<h4>Into Mind</h4>\n\n\n\n<p>Going slow with regards to fashion takes planning. It is about a conscious view on fashion, right? Whether you are just starting out with a slower approach to fashion or updating your wardrobe you might not know where to start. If this is the case <a rel=\"nofollow noopener\" href="" target=\"_blank\">Into Mind</a> is the perfect blog for you! Anuschka, the founder of this blog, provides you with easy step by steps, guides and charts. It is safe to say that people love the concept of charts and lists, because Anuschka got published. &#8220;<em>The Curated Closet: A Simple System for Discovering Your Personal Style and Building Your Dream Wardrobe</em>&#8221; will come out this September.</p>\n\n\n\n<h4>The Discerning Brute</h4>\n\n\n\n<p>If there are any guys reading this list, this blog is especially a go-to or you. From fashion to grooming you will find that an amazing style can go hand in hand with making conscious choices. And Joshua Katcher, creator of <a rel=\"nofollow noopener\" href="" target=\"_blank\">The Discerning Brute</a> is getting noticed. With mentions in W Magazine and on we can safely say that Katcher is buzzing.</p>\n\n\n\n<h4>Glamourina</h4>\n\n\n\n<p>Natalia Viktorovna is a full-time blogger and founder of <a rel=\"nofollow noopener\" href="" target=\"_blank\">Glamourina</a>. She works closely together with her husband, since he is the man behind the camera. This blog focusses on a clean and sustainable way of living. And Natalia is doing something right, because she can share her thoughts about sustainability with quite a lot of followers on her blog but on her Social Media channels as well.</p>\n\n\n\n<p><em>&#8220;In my opinion slow fashion is not only good for the planet, but it also changes the way we look at our clothes and accessories. They become a piece of art, I often buy handmade unique pieces from artists or in vintage shops, I don’t need to have a lot of clothes. The main thing for me is to be unique and we cannot buy this kind of quality in regular shops.&#8221;</em>&nbsp;<strong>&#8211; Natalia Viktorovna (<span data-sheets-value=\"{&quot;1&quot;:2,&quot;2&quot;:&quot;@Glamourinapl&quot;}\" data-sheets-userformat=\"{&quot;2&quot;:14915,&quot;3&quot;:{&quot;1&quot;:0},&quot;4&quot;:{&quot;1&quot;:2,&quot;2&quot;:16777215},&quot;9&quot;:1,&quot;12&quot;:0,&quot;14&quot;:{&quot;1&quot;:2,&quot;2&quot;:2699059},&quot;15&quot;:&quot;Droid Sans&quot;,&quot;16&quot;:10}\"><a rel=\"noopener\" href="" target=\"_blank\" class=\"in-cell-link\">@Glamourinapl</a></span>)</strong></p>\n\n\n\n<h4>Eco Cult</h4>\n\n\n\n<p>The woman behind <a rel=\"nofollow noopener\" href="" target=\"_blank\">Eco Cult</a> is Alden Wicker. Living a green lifestyle was not a foreign concept to her. After she moved to New York she wanted to show others how great living a sustainable lifestyle can be.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>Lists, they do make live a little easier, don’t they? Well, Eco Cult has a huge list of stores and brands you can safely purchase from if you believe in the concept of sustainable fashion.</p>\n\n\n\n<h4>Renée&nbsp;Blogs</h4>\n\n\n\n<p>Renée wears different hats: naturopath, writer, and presenter. Her blog focuses on a healthy and conscious lifestyle in general. Fashion is, of course, a part of that. On <a rel=\"nofollow noopener\" href="" target=\"_blank\">Renée Blogs</a>&nbsp;you can find the basics of slow fashion and great tips as well! Why put this blog in the ‘Buzz’ category you ask? The conscious mind behind this blog is often asked for her insights through interviews. As a writer and presenter she has amazing platforms to inspire others to ‘go slow’.</p>\n\n\n\n<h4>Kate Fletcher</h4>\n\n\n\n<p><a rel=\"nofollow noopener\" href="" target=\"_blank\">Kate Fletcher</a>, founder of the blog that is named after her, is a researcher, an author, a consultant and activist. She has written multiple books and quite some scholarly articles on the topic. If you want to know more about the different developments within the fashion industry this is a blog you should check out. We can thank her for introducing the term: &#8216;<strong>Slow Fashion</strong>&#8216;.</p>\n\n\n\n<h4>The Little Foxes</h4>\n\n\n\n<p>Ashlee is the creative mind behind this blog. <a rel=\"nofollow noopener\" href="" target=\"_blank\">The Little Foxes</a> is her platform to share her thoughts on a vegan lifestyle. Of course, fashion is a part of that. The Little Foxes has been featured in quite some of the big media platforms (e.g. Fox, Refiniry29).</p>\n\n\n\n<p><em>&#8220;There&#8217;s something so much more special about slow fashion. Whether you&#8217;re&nbsp;buying second-hand, or from a fairly-paid and valued artisan, or supporting&nbsp;a fledgling business that&#8217;s doing wonderful things in the realm of vegan,&nbsp;zero-waste, eco-friendly, etc, these clothes tell a story, and that story&nbsp;is wildly different and more positive than the stories imbued in the fibers&nbsp;of fast fashion. I feel lucky to be living in a time when so many stylish&nbsp;folks understand that to value quality and virtue over quantity is truly&nbsp;the new luxury.&#8221;</em> &#8211; <strong>Ashlee Piper (<span data-sheets-value=\"{&quot;1&quot;:2,&quot;2&quot;:&quot;@TheLilFoxes&quot;}\" data-sheets-userformat=\"{&quot;2&quot;:6721,&quot;3&quot;:{&quot;1&quot;:0},&quot;9&quot;:1,&quot;12&quot;:0,&quot;14&quot;:{&quot;1&quot;:2,&quot;2&quot;:0},&quot;15&quot;:&quot;Droid Sans&quot;}\"><a rel=\"noopener\" href="" target=\"_blank\" class=\"in-cell-link\">@TheLilFoxes</a>)</span></strong></p>\n\n\n\n<h4>Plein Vanity</h4>\n\n\n\n<p>Kasey Lum is the woman behind <a rel=\"nofollow noopener\" href="" target=\"_blank\">Plein Vanity</a>. Her blog focuses mostly on natural beauty, but she appreciates sustainability in general. So on her blog you can find interesting articles on sustainable fashion as well. Plein Vanity has been mentioned in quite some big on- and- offline magazines, like Lucky Magazine.</p>\n\n\n\n<h3>Also check:&nbsp;</h3>\n\n\n\n<h4>Another J</h4>\n\n\n\n<p><a rel=\"nofollow noopener\" href="" target=\"_blank\">Another J</a> is a fairly new Dutch fashion blog (mostly written in English). Through this blog the founders Judith and Janneke, both working in the field of law, were able to combine two things they are passionate about: law and fashion. This blog is all about fair and sustainable produced fashion! Another J offers readers a great mix of updates on trends, tips on how to go about sustainable fashion while looking amazing, and personal experiences.</p>\n\n\n\n<p><em>&#8220;As much as we love fashion we love our world with everything and everyone&nbsp;in it. We truly believe that one should not disclose the other. You always&nbsp;have a choice. Fashion can be an opportunity to share your authenticity. To&nbsp;express yourself. When you feel good in what you wear, the world picks up&nbsp;on your energy and what you feel is reflected back to you. By making&nbsp;sustainable and fair decisions for your wardrobe you&#8217;ll contribute towards&nbsp;a major positive change in the fashion industry. We hope to inspire and&nbsp;convince people that you can do this without making concessions on&nbsp;hipness&#8221;</em> &#8211; <strong>Judith &amp; Janneke</strong></p>\n</div></div>\n","lastUpdated":"26 April 2023","topBanner":null,"pageHeader":{"title":"<strong>Making the UK greener,</strong> one house at a time","type":"text","subtitle":"","media_type":"testimonials"},"breadcrumbs":{"0":{"name":"GreenMatch","url":""},"1":{"name":"Blog","url":""},"4":{"name":"The Most Inspirational Blogs On Sustainable Fashion","url":null}},"authors":[],"relatedArticles":[{"id":29268,"url":"","image":"","title":"Best Conscious Travel Blogs 2016"},{"id":29273,"url":"","image":"","title":"Best Green Lifestyle Blogs 2016"},{"id":29274,"url":"","image":"","title":"Go Green Awards 2016: Food Edition"},{"id":29297,"url":"","image":"","title":"Best All Natural Beauty Blogs 2016"}],"subPages":[],"topPages":[],"hideMoreOnThisTopic":false,"hideItsThatEasy":false,"hideBecomeAPartner":false,"hideContentHeader":false,"guideLinks":[{"title":"The guides","link":"Guides"},{"title":"The spotters","link":"Spotters"},{"title":"The designers","link":"Designers"},{"title":"The behind the scene-ers","link":"Behind-the-sceners"},{"title":"The buzz creators","link":"Creators"}]},"url":"/blog/2016/06/the-most-inspirational-blogs-on-sustainable-fashion","version":"ac2a83a8524e6253e8813eee7189a636"}">

    Making the UK greener, one house at a time
    Media & Testimonials
    Last updated: 26 April 2023

    The Most Inspirational Blogs On Sustainable Fashion

    As GreenMatch we strive to do our part in working towards a greener now. When the word ‘green’ is used one might think it is merely about our environment. But whether we are talking about green home solutions (e.g. solar panels, triple glazed windows, heat pumps), clean food, zero waste or sustainable fashion it is about our planet, about people and essentially about life.

    Green Match is always searching for inspiration and people that inspire. Through the ‘Go Slow Awards 2016’ we acknowledge and reward fashion bloggers that focus on sustainable fashion and really put time and effort in inspiring others in a creative manner. In this list, you can get a taste of their inspirational words as some of our favorite bloggers share their take on what attraction slow fashion holds for them.There are five categories:

    Congratulations to our 50 favorite blogs on sustainable fashion.

    The featured blogs are more than welcome to use the code below to place the badge on their website. 

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    The Guides


    Tartan Brunette

    Jen Brownlie, the founder of The Sustainable Edit, started off as a ‘regular’ fashion blogger in 2014. But a year later her views on fashion changed. Fast was not the way to go for her anymore. And now she shares her experiences with slow fashion with all of you. Her blog focusses mostly on capsule wardrobes. The idea behind this is that you can still look your best with a small wardrobe. So less can be more!

    “Embracing slow fashion and changing the way I shop has lifted a weight off my shoulders. Before I publicly ended my relationship with fast fashion I felt so much pressure to always have a new outfit and worried about what I was wearing. Now I’m taking the time to think through all my purchases and focusing on buying better quality. This means I always have something to wear and don’t feel the pressure to buy something new for an event. Another plus is it’s saving me money, yes the clothes are more expensive to purchase but I’m buying so much less in the long run.” – Jen Brownlie (@sustainableedit)

    Closet Confessional

    To Dana fashion has a lot of meaning. Fashion, to her, is a way to express herself and to her fashion brings her joy. But mind you, fashion is not about just filling your closet with as many goodies as you can get. It is about taking a conscious approach to fashion. For amazing tips from an actual stylist on how to look amazing in vintage pieces, Closet Confessional is really worth visiting.

    “Supporting slow fashion is about more than positively impacting the environment. It’s about making a choice to support the people behind the clothes, to choose quality over quantity, to choose longevity over trends. As a personal stylist, I regularly witness our society’s obsession with consumption and the constant need for more. This ultimately just leads to more waste. Rather than supporting this narrative and the pressure to keep up with the never ending and ever changing trends, I decided to slow down and change my habits. Slow fashion is about more than clothes. It’s about the story behind your clothes.”Dana Frost (@DanaFrost)

    Sustainability In Style

    Katie Roberts, the founder of Sustainability In Style and an environmental scientist, puts what she studied into practice. In 2011 she started blogging. What started as a series on clothing swap events turned into an amazing blog with a lot of variety. The posts mostly center on sharing knowledge, tips, and experiences.

    “Slow fashion has provided me with a platform to discuss sustainability related topics and practice the delivery of sustainability education techniques that I have learned through my masters studies. Fashion is an easily accessible and understandable consumer good for shoppers to start making sustainable and ethical purchasing decisions. It is also an area where people (usually) put a little thought into their purchases which means it’s a great place to provide tools and knowledge for consumers to find items that fit their values.” Katie Roberts (@Sustaininstyle)

    Fashion Hedge

    A blog created with a clear mission in mind. Yarina, the founder of Fashion Hedge, wanted to provide her readers wit a good source on sustainable fashion, so that is exactly what she did. Fashion Hedge has a section called: ‘What is ethical fashion?’. On this blog, you will find a clear explanation on this concept. And better yet you will find a variety of guides to help you on your sustainable fashion journey.

    Live Eco

    Nikki Stear founded her blog in 2008 with the desire to start her own company. Live Eco is her way of combining at least two of the things she appreciates greatly: the environment and fashion. If you are new to the world of sustainable fashion, tips, how-to’s and guides will take you long way. Live Eco is a blog with a good amount of those. A part of slow fashion is loving and taking care of your clothing items and accessories. On this blog you can find, for example, tips on how to keep your white clothes pearly white.

    Eco Warrior Princess

    Jennifer Nini created this platform to raise awareness about all the downsides of the mainstream fashion industry. On Eco Warrior Princess you will find a lot of good insights and tips on sustainable fashion. Also on her website you can find a free guide to help you live a more conscious lifestyle.

    EF Magazine

    Malorie Bertrand, a media relations and communications officer, considers sharing knowledge about sustainable consumption a passion. If you want to make sustainable fashion part of your lifestyle, it is also important that you find out what works for you. EF Magazine is a really relatable blog where you can find different practical methods to go about slow fashion.

    What Pixies Wear

    Sabrina Schlack founded her blog, What Pixies Wear, in 2012. This blog is her medium to share her thoughts on fashion. On this blog, you can find a variety of fun articles with outfit examples, how-to’s and shopping guides. Be sure to read the article: #FashionRevolution: What Slow Fashion Means to Me for a great explanation on what slow fashion means.

    Sustainable Siren

    Jennifer, the founder of this blog, started blogging when she was 15 years old. As a design student and through a love for fashion she learned a lot about the ins and outs of the fashion industry. Seeing the documentary ‘Racing Extinction’ drove her to be more serious about conscious fashion. Through this blog, she invites others to do the same. On Sustainable Siren you can find a lot of outfit examples. The post also mentions something on what inspired the creator of the blog to wear the specific outfit, where the pieces are from and why they deserve the label sustainable.

    Tortoise and Lady Grey

    The creative mind behind Tortoise and Lady Grey has a great love for fashion. But the fact that mainstream fashion comes with a lot of downsides for our planet as well as its inhabitants lead her to the path of sustainable fashion. The founder of this blog is passionate about writing and connecting with her readers. This blog is filled with good tips, guides and how-to’s when it comes to a sustainable lifestyle and fashion in particular.

    The Spotters

    The Peahen

    Kasi founded her blog with the purpose of sharing her thoughts about ethical fashion. She refers to herself as a fast-fashion burnout, meaning she bought fashion mostly thinking about style. After the realization that the consumption of fast fashion takes a toll on our planet and the people living on it, she decided it was time for a change. The Peahen helps you out with a list of amazing ethical designers and brands. You will also find alternatives for your favorite nonethical brands. This is a blog that invites you to think about the way your clothing comes to be.

    “The more I learn about sustainability and the natural balance of ecosystems – the more I’m convinced that nothing we do will really ever ‘benefit’ the planet. Our sheer existence puts more demand on the earth than it can naturally provide. The reason slow fashion resonates with me is because it’s one step we can take to alleviate some demand on the earth and stave off harmful impacts. We can’t go wrong with a slower approach because 1. it reduces resources, and 2. it gives us more time to do research that might make way for new, zero-waste technologies (think: closed loop manufacturing). Slow fashion can lead to better conditions for workers because business practices come under more scrutiny. While this doesn’t have a direct scientific correlation to the planet, I think when humans are treated fair they will channel their sense of happiness into how they treat the earth – better. I advocate for Slow Fashion through my writing on The Peahen and call on both brands and consumers to help change the industry. My call to action is #SlowDownMyClothes”Kasi Martin (@PeahenBlog)

    Eco Boost

    Kate Arnell, a tv-presenter and the founder of Eco Boost, ‘spots’ and shares and you can benefit from her findings. However, this blog is not just about what trendy sustainable brands or items are out there. The why of ‘going slow’ is also important and in the articles on this blog ‘the why’ is very clear.

    “I think slow fashion is also about understanding the whole story of each garment and appreciating the joy each carefully chosen piece brings. Knowing that the people who made my clothes were treated fairly and with respect as well as paid well for their work without being exposed to harmful chemicals brings a sense of empowerment to each garment. It’s time we owned our clothes with pride, instead of our clothes owning us with guilt and insecurity.”Kate Arnell (@EcoBoostBlog)

    Sustainably Chic

    Natalie started her blog in July of 2014. As a fashion major she got quite familiar with the ins and outs of the fashion industry. As she did not like what she found out, she decided to go for the sustainable and ethical route. Visiting Sustainably Chic will make your life easier if you are on the lookout for ethical brands. Better yet the articles focus on how you can impact the world around you through your fashion choices.

    “Besides putting in the effort to reduce our carbon print, slow fashion truly enables us to experience and appreciate the work which goes into creating the garments. Fashion shouldn’t be easy or disposable. Why fall in love with a dress you can only wear a few times? My clothes.. I’ll have them for life, and I’ll know exactly who made them.”Natalie Kay Smith (@sustainablychc)

    The Eco Style Editor

    A catwalk junkie? This blog will provide you with a healthy dose of runway inspiration. And while looking like you plucked your outfit from a page of a fashion magazine you can still stay true to you desire to take a slower and more conscious approach to style. For those that find it hard to take the time to research how their fashion items came to be, The Eco Style Editor does all the research for you.


    The two sisters Diana and Katie share a passion for sustainable practices and fashion. One of the first things you will read on this blog: “Fashion and lifestyle blog that discovers ethical and sustainable brands.” The Saiint sisters discover, but more importantly they share their amazing finds with you! Through their blog they also support businesses that have an ethical approach to producing fashion.

    “We are big fans of slow fashion because we strongly believe in taking those around you with you on your success journey. Without awareness of the people, processes and impact your clothes have, how can you truly say you respect those who contribute to your vanity. Every person (and indeed the planet we live on) deserves to be treated equally without letting greed cloud your vision of what success really means. We believe everybodys live scan be enriched along the way to a more ethical fashion future” – Katie & Diana George (@saiintgroup)

    The Note Passer

    Elizabeth Stillwell calls herself a sustainability nerd. Her goal is to provide all of us with ethical lifestyle options. When visiting a blog for inspiration the term recommendations is often a good sign. It means that you will receive some good pointers or directions. Well, The Note Passer has a huge recommendations section, where you can find stores and brands that will fit your sustainable (life)style.

    “I’m attracted to slow fashion because it respects the resources, time, and energy that go into creating a garment. Slow fashion also rejects marketing tactics that makes me feel like I have to catch up or else be out of step with the current fashion. When I choose timeless, quality, ethically-made garments, that kind of marketing loses its power over me and I am happier as a result.”Elizabeth Stilwell (@NotePasserNYC)

    The American Edit

    The founder of The American Edit is Rita Mehta. Part of sustainability with regards to fashion is knowing how and where your purchases are made. This blog focuses on brands that manufacture locally. In this case, that would be The United States. To get some inspiration you can do more than just read this blog, you can also listen to her podcasts.

    “I’m attracted to slow fashion because there are no negatives – it’s better for the planet, for the people, and for the economy.” – Rita Mehta (On Instagram: @theamericanedit)

    Charlie + Mary

    Charlie and Mary love fashion and the stories behind it. Their blog is a platform to shine a light on the positive developments in the fashion industry. If you are on the lookout for sustainable brands this is a blog to check out. Especially if you like to find out some more in depth info about brands. Charlie + Mary keep up with some of the more famous sustainable brands. 

    Strawberry Earth

    Strawberry Earth is a website that wants to inspire you to make “social, green and ridiculously good choices”. Follow this blog to stay updated on what is happening in the world of sustainable fashion, whether it is on brands, trends or events you will not be disappointed after visiting this site.


    Jennifer Moore, the founder of Recovergirl and a sustainable style blogger and editor for Style Queue Magazine, is often on the look out for individuals with a unique style. However, she does not just spot individuals with a cool fashion style, Jennifer shares a lot of the amazing things she discovers with regards to sustainable fashion.

    “I prefer Slow Fashion because I prefer quality over quantity and classics over fads. I shop almost exclusively at thrift stores, so I come in contact with fast fashion. Honestly,I don’t understand the appeal. It looks cheap, it feels cheap, and it drapes poorly. If the goal is to look good and save money then let’s all look at old photos for inspiration. People used to have far few items in their wardrobe but I would argue that they look better than we do now. Our goal should be to build a wardrobe of good quality pieces that fit well. We can still show off our individuality with high-quality accessories, a thoughtful cuff, and a sincere smile.” Jennifer Moore (@recovergirl)

    The Designers

    Designer (1)

    Leotie Lovely

    The creative mind behind Leotie Lovely considers herself a curator, not a designer. But in all fairness after seeing her clutches we think she certainly belongs in our designer category. That being said Leotie Lovely is about more than creating. For some inspiration follow her #gonegreen2016 journey.

    “What attracts me to slow fashion, in addition to the fact that it is better for the planet and her inhabitants, is that brands who genuinely take the meaningful steps of cradle-to-cradle creation, develop garments which are privy to a kind of love most clothing will never know. If you’re familiar with Dr. Masaru Emoto’s water molecules experiment you might agree this could produce results you could have never imagined. The threads which unite the slow fashion community are symbolic of conscious culture as a whole; it goes beyond fashion, it’s a lifestyle, it’s a revolution, it’s about genuinely trying to be the change you wish to see in the world. If “you are what you wear”, as the mainstream fashion industry so often threatens, I can’t consciously choose to support anything else.”Leotie Lovely (@LeotieLovely)

    Randomly Happy

    The creative woman behind Randomly Happy is Elena. One way to create a sustainable wardrobe is by making your own and with Elena’s tips, tricks and DIY’s you can surely succeed in your own projects.

    “I think slow fashion is ethical fashion. Sewing my own clothes makes me feel proud, but I don’t think that’s how many workers in the garment industry feel as they work for low wages in deplorable conditions. I think everyone deserves a chance to feel proud. We should all question the real value of fast fashion.” – Elena (@randomly_happy)

    The Craft Sessions

    Bringing people with a love for arts and crafts together is what Felicia, the founder of The Craft Sessions, aims to do. The Craft Sessions also organizes retreat weekends, where people can come meet to be creative together and bond. The retreat takes place in the Yarra Valley, close to Melbourne. For those that can not attend, this blog will provide you with more than enough inspiration to get your own projects started.

    “Choosing Slow Fashion means simply: to take responsibility for the choices we make around our consumption of clothing, while participating in ongoing personal education about the complexities of our choices, and while taking into account our personal life circumstances thereby making the most ethical choice we can at any given time.” – Felicia (@thecraftsession)

    What Katie Sews

    This blog is Katie’s, the founder of this blog, record of her sewing projects. Through What Katie Sews she aims to show that creating your own wardrobe is doable and that it can be fun as well!

    Sotela: Blog

    Sotela is an ethical clothing brand “for woman, by woman”. The founder of Sotela started blogging in 2013, to share her outfits and other projects. But the concept of fast fashion did not sit well with her. After her interest in sustainable fashion was kindled, she believed there was a lack of ethical clothing that fits every woman. So she created her own clothing line. On the Sotela blog page you can follow the journey of this amazing initiative.

    “Slow fashion is buying clothing with intention. You are more conscious and aware of the story behind each piece of clothing when you buy from an ethically made or eco-friendly fashion brand. We no longer have to compromise people or the planet when buying clothing because there are so many amazing independent sustainable brands.”Hanna (@sotelaco)

    The Private Life of a Girl

    The girl behind The Private Life of a Girl is Sophie. The jewelry designer and full-time blogger, founded her blog in 2013 to share recommendations and reviews. But today her blog is a platform where she informs ethical shoppers on what is out there and gives career advice to those that would love to have their own creative business.

    Bestowed Clothing: Blog

    Bestowed Clothing is an Australian eco-fashion label. Their clothes are manufactured in Australia and made from pure cotton fabrics. The amazing thing is that this label does not only make sustainable clothing, they also do what they can to maintain a zero waste work environment. On their blog you can follow their collections and good information on cotton. For example, how to take care of cotton fabrics.

    Bibico: Blog

    From a high-end ‘fast fashion’ designer to an own sustainable fashion label, this would be Snow’s story in a tiny tiny nutshell. And it started with a visit to a women’s cooperative in Mumbai. On Bibico’s blog page you can find a variety of fun sustainable lifestyle articles.

    Tengri: Blog

    Tengri is a ‘collective movement’ that manufactures luxury knitwear. They believe in a social and an ethical way of doing business. The creative mind behind Tengri is Nancy Johnston. She got inspired after staying with herder families in Mongolia. On Tengri’s blog page Nancy shares her journey.

    I saw an opportunity where a collective movement of design, fashion, ethics, business, environmental activism and individual consumer choice could come together to do good and can make a difference. Mongolia is the world’s second largest supplier of luxury fibres, contributing to the €60 billion luxury apparel market. The fashion industry is experiencing, first-hand, the detrimental impact that economic and environmental challenges are having on the source of much of its premium raw materials. The current landscape is unsustainable and we must make a change. Fashion shouldn’t cost the earth – people and animals should not be harmed in the making of it.Nancy (@_BroadShoulders)

    Clara Vuletich

    Clara Vuletich is a researcher and consultant focussed on the social and ethical impacts of fashion. She is a designer as well. On her blog you can find articles on (sutra) stitching and creative projects, but her blog offers more than that. You can find quite some deep articles that will invite you to think about the fashion industry as most of us know it.

    The Behind the Scene-ers

    Eco Vintage

    Eco Vintage takes you behind the scenes. You get a glimpse of the designing processes of the brands and item she mentions. And of course they all have one thing in common: they are eco-friendly.

    “Along with benefiting our environment, slow fashion also means that we as consumers can hold more value in our clothing, as we have fewer pieces that mean more to us. They can hold memories and be reminiscent of moments in our lives that we wish to hold on to, and therefore we can appreciate them more.”Katie Thomas (@eco_vintage)

    Fashion Revolution: Blog

    It is all in the name. Fashion Revolution is a website about change. In this case changing the mainstream fashion industry, through creating awareness. This ‘global movement’ asks a really powerful question: “Who made my clothes?” If you can not answer this question (yet), check out their blog page and the resources they offer. You will get an eye-opening look behind the scenes through their articles.

    The Thread

    People three is a sustainable fashion label that has high standards when it comes to manufacturing their products. On The Thread, their blog, you can keep track of the developments within the world of sustainable fashion. They also offer small peeks behind the scenes.

    The Eco Edit

    Roxy, the author of this blog, created this blog as a place to share her favorites when it comes to living a sustainable lifestyle. On The Eco Edit you can find quite in depth information on the ethical brands she discovered – a peek behind the scenes -, fun OOTD’s (Outfit Of The Day), and interesting articles.

    “Slow fashion choices for me, are about making sure everyone involved in the process is paid and treated fairly. One child dies every 90 seconds from water pollution and one of the greatest causes of this is the clothing industry. We all have a responsibility to make conscious choices that do not harm people, or our planet. With so many brands out there doing amazing things, my blog is all about finding the trend-led ones that most suit my style, celebrating and sharing them!”

    Slow Fashioned

    Slow Fashioned is an online magazine with a clear mission to: “educate, inspire, and influence change in the fashion industry by encouraging consumers to slow down and make more conscious consumption decisions.” They invite others to slow down and think in general, but especially when it comes to fashion. Visit this blog to stay up-to-date on what happens with regards to this movement.

    Heart Sleeves

    Ariel Azoff is an entrepreneur, a traveler, and a writer. Ariel joined the sustainable fashion movement in November 2011. And through her blog she wishes to show her readers that living a sustainable lifestyle is quite “fun and easy”. On Heart Sleeves, you can find a lot of fun articles on how designers and brands create their sustainable fashion.

    Shopanthropic Blog

    Shopanthropic is an ethical fashion label that manufactures accessories and gifts. This company really focuses on the makers of the products and invites its customers to make a difference in their lives. Quite a lot of the articles on Shopanthropic Blog give you a glimpse of what happens behind the scenes within both the mainstream and the ethical fashion industry.

    Dress Well Do Good

    Ellie Kirkland and Elizabeth Carroll are two friends that want to invite you to join the conversation on sustainable fashion. Through the company profiles on Dress Well Do Good they offer you can get some in-depth information on fantastic ethical brands out there.

    “Slow fashion items, similar to home cooked foods, are made with care and provide sustenance. Slow fashion is about quality, classic, traditional, small batch productions, often with local production chains. Slow fashion encourages taking time to ensure quality production, giving value to the product, the person that made the product, and the connection with the environment.” – Ellie Kirkland & Elizabeth Carroll (On Instagram: dresswelldogood)

    Beyoutiful Hope

    Christine created her blog, Beyoutiful Hope, with the hopes of inspiring others. She realized the beauty in the fact that “fashion connects the globe in a positive manner”. On her blog you can find numerous posts that show you how certain products came to be.

    Oxfam: Fashion Blog

    Oxfam, founded in 1942, is a well-known confederation that does what she can to fight poverty. The fervently believe that a just world without poverty is possible.

    Did you know that Oxfam has a fashion blog as well? It is a blog with a wide variety of articles on ethical fashion. You can find stories about events, experiences and they also take you behind the scenes.

    The Buzz Creators


    Fashion Hound

    This blog will provide you with practical and easy tips to always look amazing without having to spend a fortune on your wardrobe. Faye De Lanty, the creative mind behind Fashion Hound knows this is possible from personal experience. An experience she shares through her blog, but also as an Eco stylist and commentator on a huge breakfast television program in Australia.

    “While living overseas, thrift shopping was all I could afford so I had to find a way to make it look expensive for all the meetings and job interviews I had. So I hit British vogue again and challenged myself to recreate the dreamy expensive style I saw inside. It worked! When I returned to Australia I pitched my concept of ‘Recreating looks for less’ to a TV station here and they loved it. Then I pitched the concept to the Salvation Army and they loved it too. Three years later I am now their full time Eco stylist and a fashion commentator on Australia’s Today show. But if you’d told me 10 years ago I would be an Eco stylist I wouldn’t have been able to tell you what the was. My job didn’t exist, I created it. I love that slow fashion has the power to break down boundaries! Style isn’t about how much you spend or having the newest and the best. You can absolutely look a million bucks without having to spend it. So now I am absolutely obsessed with what I call Eco Chic, showing people the power of preloved and ethical fashion. It is absolutely just as stylish and protecting the planet makes you even more chic in my book.” – Faye De Lanty (@fayedelanty)

    Fashion Me Green

    Greta Eagan, the creative mind behind Fashion Me Green, started blogging shortly after graduating from the London College of Fashion. She keeps herself busy with quite a lot of creative projects. In 2014 her style bible: Wear No Evil: How to Change the World with Your Wardrobe got published. On her blog you can find a clear green guide, that shows what aspects of producing and consuming fashion are important to keep in mind. 

    “For me, slow fashion is about intention. When we slow down we create time and hold space to ask ourselves key questions before we make a purchase. Is this item aligned with my ethics? Does it support the practices and world I believe in? Does it fit into my life and sense of self? Will it bring me joy for years to come and not just a few weeks? With slow fashion we get a slower, more intentional design and manufacturing process. We also get a more conscious level of participation on the consumer side where each purchase is thoughtful and incorporated into the long term.” – Greta Eagan (@gretaeagan)

    Into Mind

    Going slow with regards to fashion takes planning. It is about a conscious view on fashion, right? Whether you are just starting out with a slower approach to fashion or updating your wardrobe you might not know where to start. If this is the case Into Mind is the perfect blog for you! Anuschka, the founder of this blog, provides you with easy step by steps, guides and charts. It is safe to say that people love the concept of charts and lists, because Anuschka got published. “The Curated Closet: A Simple System for Discovering Your Personal Style and Building Your Dream Wardrobe” will come out this September.

    The Discerning Brute

    If there are any guys reading this list, this blog is especially a go-to or you. From fashion to grooming you will find that an amazing style can go hand in hand with making conscious choices. And Joshua Katcher, creator of The Discerning Brute is getting noticed. With mentions in W Magazine and on we can safely say that Katcher is buzzing.


    Natalia Viktorovna is a full-time blogger and founder of Glamourina. She works closely together with her husband, since he is the man behind the camera. This blog focusses on a clean and sustainable way of living. And Natalia is doing something right, because she can share her thoughts about sustainability with quite a lot of followers on her blog but on her Social Media channels as well.

    “In my opinion slow fashion is not only good for the planet, but it also changes the way we look at our clothes and accessories. They become a piece of art, I often buy handmade unique pieces from artists or in vintage shops, I don’t need to have a lot of clothes. The main thing for me is to be unique and we cannot buy this kind of quality in regular shops.” – Natalia Viktorovna (@Glamourinapl)

    Eco Cult

    The woman behind Eco Cult is Alden Wicker. Living a green lifestyle was not a foreign concept to her. After she moved to New York she wanted to show others how great living a sustainable lifestyle can be.

    Lists, they do make live a little easier, don’t they? Well, Eco Cult has a huge list of stores and brands you can safely purchase from if you believe in the concept of sustainable fashion.

    Renée Blogs

    Renée wears different hats: naturopath, writer, and presenter. Her blog focuses on a healthy and conscious lifestyle in general. Fashion is, of course, a part of that. On Renée Blogs you can find the basics of slow fashion and great tips as well! Why put this blog in the ‘Buzz’ category you ask? The conscious mind behind this blog is often asked for her insights through interviews. As a writer and presenter she has amazing platforms to inspire others to ‘go slow’.

    Kate Fletcher

    Kate Fletcher, founder of the blog that is named after her, is a researcher, an author, a consultant and activist. She has written multiple books and quite some scholarly articles on the topic. If you want to know more about the different developments within the fashion industry this is a blog you should check out. We can thank her for introducing the term: ‘Slow Fashion‘.

    The Little Foxes

    Ashlee is the creative mind behind this blog. The Little Foxes is her platform to share her thoughts on a vegan lifestyle. Of course, fashion is a part of that. The Little Foxes has been featured in quite some of the big media platforms (e.g. Fox, Refiniry29).

    “There’s something so much more special about slow fashion. Whether you’re buying second-hand, or from a fairly-paid and valued artisan, or supporting a fledgling business that’s doing wonderful things in the realm of vegan, zero-waste, eco-friendly, etc, these clothes tell a story, and that story is wildly different and more positive than the stories imbued in the fibers of fast fashion. I feel lucky to be living in a time when so many stylish folks understand that to value quality and virtue over quantity is truly the new luxury.”Ashlee Piper (@TheLilFoxes)

    Plein Vanity

    Kasey Lum is the woman behind Plein Vanity. Her blog focuses mostly on natural beauty, but she appreciates sustainability in general. So on her blog you can find interesting articles on sustainable fashion as well. Plein Vanity has been mentioned in quite some big on- and- offline magazines, like Lucky Magazine.

    Also check: 

    Another J

    Another J is a fairly new Dutch fashion blog (mostly written in English). Through this blog the founders Judith and Janneke, both working in the field of law, were able to combine two things they are passionate about: law and fashion. This blog is all about fair and sustainable produced fashion! Another J offers readers a great mix of updates on trends, tips on how to go about sustainable fashion while looking amazing, and personal experiences.

    “As much as we love fashion we love our world with everything and everyone in it. We truly believe that one should not disclose the other. You always have a choice. Fashion can be an opportunity to share your authenticity. To express yourself. When you feel good in what you wear, the world picks up on your energy and what you feel is reflected back to you. By making sustainable and fair decisions for your wardrobe you’ll contribute towards a major positive change in the fashion industry. We hope to inspire and convince people that you can do this without making concessions on hipness”Judith & Janneke

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