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    double glazed doors</a> and <a href="">windows.


    The great thing about installing your own door and window alarms is that that it is quick, easy and will typically cost you far less than getting a contractor to do the work for you. You can also look forward to being able to take them with you when you move home as most of the latest systems use wireless technology.</p>\n\n\n\n<h3>Why You Need A Home Window &amp; Door Alarm System</h3>\n\n\n\n<p>The most obvious reason for needing a window &amp; door alarm system is to enjoy better home security and be alerted should you ever have an intruder. However, there are also other reasons for getting a system installed. Some of these reasons include:</p>\n\n\n\n<ul><li>Lowering your home insurance premium.</li><li>Having the ability to monitor your property when you are out with a smart system.</li><li>Being able to monitor whether children or vulnerable relatives are leaving the house.</li><li>Alarms act as a deterrent for a would-be intruder.</li><li>Giving you peace of mind that your home and valuables are kept as safe as possible.</li></ul>\n\n\n\n<h3>Self Install, DIY Double Glazing Door &amp; Window Alarms</h3>\n\n\n\n<p>If you are keen to find a <a href="">high-quality door</a> and window alarm system for your home, then check out some of the best systems currently on the market below. All of these can be easily installed without the need for professional help and are perfect for double glazed doors and windows.</p>\n\n\n\n<h4>Tiiwee Home Alarm System</h4>\n\n\n\n<p>The Tiiwee home alarm system was created for apartments and smaller homes and offers a 120-decibel siren that will ward off any potential intruders. It is simple to use, is completely wireless and battery operated. You can even hook them up to a power supply via a micro USB if you prefer.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>If you want to expand the system, you can add door, window and motion sensors which will give you complete peace of mind. The alarm system is PIN coded for ease of use, and you simply enter your PIN and vacate your home within 15 seconds for it to be activated. When you get home, you have 20 seconds to enter your PIN and disable to alarm. There is also an ‘at home’ feature that allows you to alarm the home when you are asleep, meaning that if anyone attempted entry during this time, then the alarm would sound immediately.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>Should you ever decide to pack up and move, you can easily take your Tiiwee with you. If your new home is bigger than your current place, you do not need to worry! Tiiwee have made it easy to add additional units so you can extend your system to cover your new home.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>Price: Full kit from £69.90</p>\n\n\n\n<h4>Ring Home Door &amp; Window Alarm System</h4>\n\n\n\n<p>Ring has a huge range of devices to support homeowners with safety, security, and smart living. The Ring Alarm can be set up in minutes from your mobile device and placed in key areas around your home. The great thing is that this alarm can be used for any sized home as you can purchase as many add-ons as you need to cover each room in your home.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>When it is set up, you will receive notifications to your mobile device that will share when a person enters a room or if a window is open and the siren set off. You can then check the issue and deal with it without needing to worry about walking into a potentially dangerous situation.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>The five-piece kit comes with the base station that connects the device, a keypad, range-extending device and one contact and one motion sensor. When you set up the system, you can enable all types of alerts and reminders to keep your alarm functioning properly at all times.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>Price: £249 for the full 5 piece kit.</p>\n\n\n\n<h4>Noopel Window &amp; Door Alarms</h4>\n\n\n\n<p>The Noopel window and door alarm system is an ultra-thin alarm that fits anywhere in the home and operates using a magnetic force. It is easy to install and does not require any drilling or screwing, which makes it a brilliant choice if you rent or if you are planning to move to a new home soon.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>Because it is easy to install in any location, you can use it to keep the family inside and be alerted should your children or pets try to exit the home without your knowledge. When it comes to power, you simply insert three batteries into each until and they are ready to work. When the batteries are running low, you will see a warning on your device that will prompt you to install fresh batteries.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>If you ever wanted to extend the system, you would just need to buy as many more units as you needed and install them in the same way. Each unit houses its own alarm, so there is no difficult pairing process required, saving you time and hassle!</p>\n\n\n\n<p>Price: £22.99 for 4 unit package</p>\n\n\n\n<h4>Yale Home Alarm System</h4>\n\n\n\n<p>The Yale alarm system can be fully controlled from the dedicated app and is completely wire-free, making it discreet and accessible wherever you are! It works to secure the entry points of your house and your windows by sounding an alarm if they are opened.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>Yale is a well-known name when it comes to home security, and their alarm system is not just simple to operate, but it is also really easy to install yourself, taking just a few minutes to get up and running. You can even link up to 40 accessories to the base so that you know your home is as secure possible at all times.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>When it comes to utilising smart features, this alarm system works with both Phillips Hue and Alexa by Amazon so that you can manage your home with ease and make the most of all your gadgets. Yale even offers a two-year guarantee and support service so that you should never be without help when you need it.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>Price: £260.65 for a full 6 piece kit</p>\n\n\n\n<p>Whichever system you chose, it is wise to have an up to date window and door alarm system in your property which is compatible with your double glazed units. When you consider models that you can install yourself, you are able to order them to arrive quickly and have them set up within minutes so that your home is as safe as possible.</p>\n","lastUpdated":"30 July 2023","topBanner":null,"pageHeader":{"type":"text","title":"Making the UK greener, one house at a time","subtitle":"","media_type":"testimonials"},"breadcrumbs":[{"name":"GreenMatch","url":""},{"name":"Blog","url":""},{"name":"Window and Door Alarm Systems","url":null}],"authors":[],"relatedArticles":[{"id":66536,"url":"","image":"","title":"How to Draught Proof Doors"},{"id":66555,"url":"","image":"","title":"RAL Colour Chart for Windows and Doors"},{"id":66706,"url":"","image":"","title":"Aluminium Doors"},{"id":66716,"url":"","image":"","title":"Coloured uPVC Doors"}],"subPages":[],"topPages":[],"hideMoreOnThisTopic":false,"hideItsThatEasy":false,"hideBecomeAPartner":false,"hideContentHeader":false,"guideLinks":[]},"url":"/blog/window-door-alarm-systems","version":"d7531b8a015825e3b6a9864394912f97"}">

    Making the UK greener, one house at a time
    Media & Testimonials
    Last updated: 30 July 2023

    Home Window & Door Alarm Systems For Double Glazing

    We look at the different home alarm systems for double glazed windows and doors that you can easily install yourself.

    If you are keen to keep your loved ones and your home safe and secure and are happy to complete the work yourself, then you should consider purchasing a do it yourself alarm kit that you are sure to find easy to install. These window and door alarm kits are universal and fit most double glazed doors and windows.

    The great thing about installing your own door and window alarms is that that it is quick, easy and will typically cost you far less than getting a contractor to do the work for you. You can also look forward to being able to take them with you when you move home as most of the latest systems use wireless technology.

    Why You Need A Home Window & Door Alarm System

    The most obvious reason for needing a window & door alarm system is to enjoy better home security and be alerted should you ever have an intruder. However, there are also other reasons for getting a system installed. Some of these reasons include:

    • Lowering your home insurance premium.
    • Having the ability to monitor your property when you are out with a smart system.
    • Being able to monitor whether children or vulnerable relatives are leaving the house.
    • Alarms act as a deterrent for a would-be intruder.
    • Giving you peace of mind that your home and valuables are kept as safe as possible.

    Self Install, DIY Double Glazing Door & Window Alarms

    If you are keen to find a high-quality door and window alarm system for your home, then check out some of the best systems currently on the market below. All of these can be easily installed without the need for professional help and are perfect for double glazed doors and windows.

    Tiiwee Home Alarm System

    The Tiiwee home alarm system was created for apartments and smaller homes and offers a 120-decibel siren that will ward off any potential intruders. It is simple to use, is completely wireless and battery operated. You can even hook them up to a power supply via a micro USB if you prefer.

    If you want to expand the system, you can add door, window and motion sensors which will give you complete peace of mind. The alarm system is PIN coded for ease of use, and you simply enter your PIN and vacate your home within 15 seconds for it to be activated. When you get home, you have 20 seconds to enter your PIN and disable to alarm. There is also an ‘at home’ feature that allows you to alarm the home when you are asleep, meaning that if anyone attempted entry during this time, then the alarm would sound immediately.

    Should you ever decide to pack up and move, you can easily take your Tiiwee with you. If your new home is bigger than your current place, you do not need to worry! Tiiwee have made it easy to add additional units so you can extend your system to cover your new home.

    Price: Full kit from £69.90

    Ring Home Door & Window Alarm System

    Ring has a huge range of devices to support homeowners with safety, security, and smart living. The Ring Alarm can be set up in minutes from your mobile device and placed in key areas around your home. The great thing is that this alarm can be used for any sized home as you can purchase as many add-ons as you need to cover each room in your home.

    When it is set up, you will receive notifications to your mobile device that will share when a person enters a room or if a window is open and the siren set off. You can then check the issue and deal with it without needing to worry about walking into a potentially dangerous situation.

    The five-piece kit comes with the base station that connects the device, a keypad, range-extending device and one contact and one motion sensor. When you set up the system, you can enable all types of alerts and reminders to keep your alarm functioning properly at all times.

    Price: £249 for the full 5 piece kit.

    Noopel Window & Door Alarms

    The Noopel window and door alarm system is an ultra-thin alarm that fits anywhere in the home and operates using a magnetic force. It is easy to install and does not require any drilling or screwing, which makes it a brilliant choice if you rent or if you are planning to move to a new home soon.

    Because it is easy to install in any location, you can use it to keep the family inside and be alerted should your children or pets try to exit the home without your knowledge. When it comes to power, you simply insert three batteries into each until and they are ready to work. When the batteries are running low, you will see a warning on your device that will prompt you to install fresh batteries.

    If you ever wanted to extend the system, you would just need to buy as many more units as you needed and install them in the same way. Each unit houses its own alarm, so there is no difficult pairing process required, saving you time and hassle!

    Price: £22.99 for 4 unit package

    Yale Home Alarm System

    The Yale alarm system can be fully controlled from the dedicated app and is completely wire-free, making it discreet and accessible wherever you are! It works to secure the entry points of your house and your windows by sounding an alarm if they are opened.

    Yale is a well-known name when it comes to home security, and their alarm system is not just simple to operate, but it is also really easy to install yourself, taking just a few minutes to get up and running. You can even link up to 40 accessories to the base so that you know your home is as secure possible at all times.

    When it comes to utilising smart features, this alarm system works with both Phillips Hue and Alexa by Amazon so that you can manage your home with ease and make the most of all your gadgets. Yale even offers a two-year guarantee and support service so that you should never be without help when you need it.

    Price: £260.65 for a full 6 piece kit

    Whichever system you chose, it is wise to have an up to date window and door alarm system in your property which is compatible with your double glazed units. When you consider models that you can install yourself, you are able to order them to arrive quickly and have them set up within minutes so that your home is as safe as possible.

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