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    cleaning conservatory roofs</a>, any type of windows, bathroom tiles, and mirrors to professional use for painting silk screens and smoothing photographic paper for the development process.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>Feeling one of these might be a great addition to your cleaning tool kit? We are here to help you choose something that best fits your needs. With all specifications, uses, and pros and cons, here are the reviews of the best window squeegees for domestic, professional, and multi-purpose use.</p>\n\n\n\n<h2>Window squeegee comparison chart</h2>\n\n\n\n<p>Here is a quick comparison chart for the five best window squeegees:</p>\n\n\n\n<figure class=\"wp-block-table\"><table><tbody><tr><td>Product</td><td>Oxo</td><td>MR.SIGA</td><td>MR.SIGA</td><td>Als Ellan</td><td>Professional</td></tr><tr><td>Overview</td><td>Good grip</td><td>Combo</td><td>Multipurpose</td><td>3 in 1</td><td>Windo Squeegee</td></tr><tr><td>Colour</td><td>White/Black</td><td>Blue</td><td>Grey and Black</td><td>Blue</td><td>Grey and Orange</td></tr><tr><td>Style</td><td>Stainless steel</td><td>Plastic</td><td>Plastic</td><td>ABS Plastic</td><td>ABS Plastic</td></tr><tr><td>Blade material</td><td>Rubber</td><td>Rubber &amp; Microfibre</td><td>Silicon</td><td>Silicon &amp; Microfibre</td><td>Rubber</td></tr><tr><td>Head size</td><td>10 inch</td><td>10 and 14 inch</td><td>10 Inch</td><td>10 Inch</td><td>12 inch</td></tr><tr><td>Weight</td><td>113 grams</td><td>260 grams</td><td>120 grams</td><td>780 grams</td><td>650 grams</td></tr><tr><td>Extension pole</td><td>No</td><td>No</td><td>No</td><td>265 cm</td><td>158 cm</td></tr></tbody></table></figure>\n\n\n\n<p>Let’s dive into the detail of what each window squeegee has to offer and what helped them make it to the list of the best squeegees.</p>\n\n\n\n<h2>Best 5 window squeegees reviewed</h2>\n\n\n\n<h3>OXO Good Grip Stainless Steel Squeegee</h3>\n\n\n\n<h4>Product description</h4>\n\n\n\n<p>Say no to streaks with OXO good grip’s versatile window squeegee modelled with a stiff rubber mounted on a stainless steel handle, equipped with a soft, contoured, and non-slip grip. The flexible rubber blade is also efficient to be employed on rippled surfaces giving smooth and resistant free strokes in every use.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>This squeegee is complimented with a rotating suction cup to neatly store the tool after usage.</p>\n\n\n\n<h4>Uses</h4>\n\n\n\n<p>The multi-purpose handy window cleaning squeegee is great for use on mirrors, tiles, shower enclosures, windows, and more. Use the model to effortlessly clean tiles, fogged mirrors, soapy shower doors, and stained mirrors without a problem.</p>\n\n\n\n<h4>Pros</h4>\n\n\n\n<ul><li>Flexible blade for streak-free drying</li><li>Easy to use with rippled surfaces</li><li>Lightweight and stylish structure</li><li>Complimentary suction hook for storage</li><li>Compact design – good for hard to reach areas</li><li>Stainless steel prevents rusting</li><li>Soft silicon gripped handles</li></ul>\n\n\n\n<h4>Cons</h4>\n\n\n\n<ul><li>Thin blade and small size requires more effort when employed on large surface areas</li><li>The rubber head is bent inward in angle</li></ul>\n\n\n\n<h3>MR.SIGA Professional Window Cleaning Combo</h3>\n\n\n\n<h4>Product description</h4>\n\n\n\n<p>This model guarantees flawless cleaning with a combination of two tools: a 25cm window squeegee and a microfibre window scrubber.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>The squeegee is equipped with an aluminium clip with a replaceable rubber blade and a light-weighted plastic handle that can be attached to a telescopic pole to reach areas at height. The microfibre window scrubber is consists of a thick microfibre cloth with great water-absorbing ability. The rubber blade has a firm edge and smooth action to instantly wipe off the liquid while the microfibre scrubber offers a transparent glass look by taking care of every water spot.</p>\n\n\n\n<h4>Uses</h4>\n\n\n\n<p>Great to employ on any smooth surface including shower doors, windows, mirrors, and ceramics. Ideal for large window cleaning.</p>\n\n\n\n<h4>Pros</h4>\n\n\n\n<ul><li>Combination of two tools for flawless cleaning</li><li>Tools are large in size to aid easy cleaning of large surfaces and lightweight handles can be attached to telescopic poles</li><li>Equipped with durable aluminium clip for holding rubber blade and replacing when needed</li><li>Rubber blade can be fastened with a velcro system</li><li>The scrubber is equipped with a washable microfibre cloth</li></ul>\n\n\n\n<h4>Cons</h4>\n\n\n\n<ul><li>A telescopic extension pole is not included.</li><li>Using external extension poles won’t guarantee a great fit</li></ul>\n\n\n\n<h3>MR.SIGA Multi-Purpose Silicone Squeegee</h3>\n\n\n\n<h4>Product Specifications</h4>\n\n\n\n<p>With an ergonomic design, this quality squeegee is designed to deliver streak-free cleaning with maximum power and minimum effort. The durable resistance-free silicone blade is good to remove soap scum, water droplets, and dried minerals and give a crystal clear cleaning as compared to rubber ones. Constructed with a 10-inch silicon blade and a light-weighted yet durable body, this tool ensures quick cleaning with ease and no arm strains.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>For convenient storage, the set comes with a suction hook that can be mounted on any smooth surface for storing squeegee after use.</p>\n\n\n\n<h4>Uses</h4>\n\n\n\n<p>This versatile cleaning tool is best suited for window cleaning, car windshields, shower enclosures, fogged mirrors, countertops, and patios. With a silicon head, the squeegee yields efficient results on both flat and rippled surfaces.</p>\n\n\n\n<h4>Pros</h4>\n\n\n\n<ul><li>The ergonomic design is easy to hold and the non-slip handle is easy to grasp</li><li>Yields optimal cleaning results with less physical effort</li><li>Silicon blade allows multipurpose usage</li><li>Complimented with suction holder for easy storage</li></ul>\n\n\n\n<h4>Cons</h4>\n\n\n\n<ul><li>10-inch silicone head is small and less compatible with ergonomic design</li></ul>\n\n\n\n<h3>Als Ellan Professional 3 in 1 Window Squeegee</h3>\n\n\n\n<h4>Product description</h4>\n\n\n\n<p>This all in one fine quality multipurpose squeegee is designed to take care of all your domestic and commercial needs with telescopic reach. Made of 100% plastic structure and equipped with a precise silicon blade, this model offers quick and easy streak free drying. This multi function pack includes</p>\n\n\n\n<ol><li>180 degree adjustable microfibre pad attachment that reaches every angle and attracts all dust and stains from surface giving you a crystalline look.</li><li>Removable spray bottle attached with the handle. Say bye to bucket-shower hassle and spray right when you clean!</li><li>The squeeqee kit is updated with 265cm long extension pole making it suitable to reach heights for cleaning. Telescopic pole for extra reach eliminating the need for dangerous stools and ladders.</li></ol>\n\n\n\n<p>Assemble the squeegee, microfibre scrubber, and spray together to do all the jobs perfectly in one go. Spray, scrap, and absorb with a single wipe!</p>\n\n\n\n<h4>Uses</h4>\n\n\n\n<p>This versatile squeegee kit is ideal for window cleaning, <a href="">glass doors</a>, shower enclosures, car windows, and tile with a single wipe.</p>\n\n\n\n<h4>Pros</h4>\n\n\n\n<ul><li>Does job of spraying, wiping, and scrubbing with one swipe saving both your time and effort</li><li>Washable microfibre scrubber for multiple uses</li><li>1 spare microfibre pad for replacement</li><li>Extension pole with 6 sections helping you set the right height always.</li></ul>\n\n\n\n<h4>Cons</h4>\n\n\n\n<ul><li>Spray bottle can not be used when squeegee is attached to extension pole</li><li>Extension pole requires more space for storage</li></ul>\n\n\n\n<h3>Professional Window Squeegee Cleaner</h3>\n\n\n\n<p>Product description</p>\n\n\n\n<p>This 2 in 1 professional squeegee is manufactured with bendable head and replaceable microfibre cloth. The handle is designed with spring rubber to allow the squeegee reach every angle and clean the dead corners removing every stain. The kit is also equipped with a 62 inch long lightweighted and extendable aluminium pole for telescopic reach. Enjoy smooth squeegee glides with rubber scrape and super absorbent microfibre scrubber.</p>\n\n\n\n<h4>Uses</h4>\n\n\n\n<p>The professional kit is ideal for both indoor and outdoor glass surfaces, high rise windows, and large surfaces. Also effective for auto windshields.</p>\n\n\n\n<h4>Pros</h4>\n\n\n\n<ul><li>Adjustable 4 section telescopic pole to reach the right height</li><li>Squeegee can be used as a hand unit for bathroom and small surface cleaning purposes.</li><li>Rubber handle to ensure non-slip grip</li><li>Convenient to store once used</li><li>Made from light in weight and high in strength ABS plastic</li><li>Easy to assemble and dissemble with a button unit</li></ul>\n\n\n\n<h4>Cons</h4>\n\n\n\n<ul><li>The squeeze is flimsy</li><li>Hard to put pressure at height with extension pole&nbsp;</li></ul>\n\n\n\n<h2>Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)</h2>\n\n\n\n<h3>What size of blade do I need?</h3>\n\n\n\n<p>The size of blade determines how much surface area you want to clean in one go. The wider the head, the lesser time it will take to clean large surface areas. For outdoor windows and professional use, look for a 16-24 inches headed squeegee. If you are looking for a squeegee for bathroom purposes, choose a blade of length 6-10 inches.</p>\n\n\n\n<h3>Can squeegees be used for different types of glass?</h3>\n\n\n\n<p>Yes. When you order a window, car or shower squeegee you can typically use these for different <a href="">types of glass</a> and with the domestic ones you will often get similar results.</p>\n\n\n\n<h3>Where can I order a window squeegee?</h3>\n\n\n\n<p>From the range of best multipurpose squeegees, you can order any from the official website as well online stores like Amazon.</p>\n\n\n\n<h3>Can I get on door delivery?</h3>\n\n\n\n<p>Yes. Online stores deliver squeegees from different brands to customers on their doorsteps in 5-7 working days.</p>\n\n\n\n<h2>Final Thoughts</h2>\n\n\n\n<p>Fresh, bright, and crystalline. There is nothing better than a chic view thorough you glass windows and sophistication of your clean mirrors.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>Effective housekeeping is always complimented by clean mirrors, enclosures, ceramics, and windows. For sparkling interior and exterior experience, both in domestic and commercial setting, we have prepared you to choose the right window squeegee from the range. Choose for your needs and make cleaning effortless. Happy shopping!</p>\n","lastUpdated":"12 January 2024","topBanner":null,"pageHeader":{"type":"text","title":"SAVE up to £180 per year on your energy bills by installing New Windows!","subtitle":"","media_type":"testimonials"},"breadcrumbs":[{"name":"GreenMatch","url":""},{"name":"Blog","url":""},{"name":"Best Window Squeegees","url":null}],"authors":[],"relatedArticles":[],"subPages":[],"topPages":[],"hideMoreOnThisTopic":false,"hideItsThatEasy":false,"hideBecomeAPartner":false,"hideContentHeader":false,"guideLinks":[]},"url":"/blog/window-squeegee","version":"d7531b8a015825e3b6a9864394912f97"}">

    SAVE up to £180 per year on your energy bills by installing New Windows!
    Media & Testimonials
    Last updated: 12 January 2024

    Best Window Squeegees for Professional and Multipurpose Use

    Do you spend hours wiping and scrubbing your windshield and glass windows only to end up being irritated by water stains? Do you live in a hard water area where saltwater deposits and dried minerals cloud your fancy shower glass? Well, if you relate to any of these, it is time to bring home your humble friend, a Window Squeegee!

    An often forgotten but must-have tool, a Squeegee is a stiff rubber blade mounted on a plastic or metallic handle used to wipe off liquid from large and flat surfaces. It is a handy tool fulfilling a variety of purposes.

     Squeegee is available in many different sizes and types with each model designed to perform specific tasks. Its application ranges from domestic use for cleaning conservatory roofs, any type of windows, bathroom tiles, and mirrors to professional use for painting silk screens and smoothing photographic paper for the development process.

    Feeling one of these might be a great addition to your cleaning tool kit? We are here to help you choose something that best fits your needs. With all specifications, uses, and pros and cons, here are the reviews of the best window squeegees for domestic, professional, and multi-purpose use.

    Window squeegee comparison chart

    Here is a quick comparison chart for the five best window squeegees:

    ProductOxoMR.SIGAMR.SIGAAls EllanProfessional
    OverviewGood gripComboMultipurpose3 in 1Windo Squeegee
    ColourWhite/BlackBlueGrey and BlackBlueGrey and Orange
    StyleStainless steelPlasticPlasticABS PlasticABS Plastic
    Blade materialRubberRubber & MicrofibreSiliconSilicon & MicrofibreRubber
    Head size10 inch10 and 14 inch10 Inch10 Inch12 inch
    Weight113 grams260 grams120 grams780 grams650 grams
    Extension poleNoNoNo265 cm158 cm

    Let’s dive into the detail of what each window squeegee has to offer and what helped them make it to the list of the best squeegees.

    Best 5 window squeegees reviewed

    OXO Good Grip Stainless Steel Squeegee

    Product description

    Say no to streaks with OXO good grip’s versatile window squeegee modelled with a stiff rubber mounted on a stainless steel handle, equipped with a soft, contoured, and non-slip grip. The flexible rubber blade is also efficient to be employed on rippled surfaces giving smooth and resistant free strokes in every use.

    This squeegee is complimented with a rotating suction cup to neatly store the tool after usage.


    The multi-purpose handy window cleaning squeegee is great for use on mirrors, tiles, shower enclosures, windows, and more. Use the model to effortlessly clean tiles, fogged mirrors, soapy shower doors, and stained mirrors without a problem.


    • Flexible blade for streak-free drying
    • Easy to use with rippled surfaces
    • Lightweight and stylish structure
    • Complimentary suction hook for storage
    • Compact design – good for hard to reach areas
    • Stainless steel prevents rusting
    • Soft silicon gripped handles


    • Thin blade and small size requires more effort when employed on large surface areas
    • The rubber head is bent inward in angle

    MR.SIGA Professional Window Cleaning Combo

    Product description

    This model guarantees flawless cleaning with a combination of two tools: a 25cm window squeegee and a microfibre window scrubber.

    The squeegee is equipped with an aluminium clip with a replaceable rubber blade and a light-weighted plastic handle that can be attached to a telescopic pole to reach areas at height. The microfibre window scrubber is consists of a thick microfibre cloth with great water-absorbing ability. The rubber blade has a firm edge and smooth action to instantly wipe off the liquid while the microfibre scrubber offers a transparent glass look by taking care of every water spot.


    Great to employ on any smooth surface including shower doors, windows, mirrors, and ceramics. Ideal for large window cleaning.


    • Combination of two tools for flawless cleaning
    • Tools are large in size to aid easy cleaning of large surfaces and lightweight handles can be attached to telescopic poles
    • Equipped with durable aluminium clip for holding rubber blade and replacing when needed
    • Rubber blade can be fastened with a velcro system
    • The scrubber is equipped with a washable microfibre cloth


    • A telescopic extension pole is not included.
    • Using external extension poles won’t guarantee a great fit

    MR.SIGA Multi-Purpose Silicone Squeegee

    Product Specifications

    With an ergonomic design, this quality squeegee is designed to deliver streak-free cleaning with maximum power and minimum effort. The durable resistance-free silicone blade is good to remove soap scum, water droplets, and dried minerals and give a crystal clear cleaning as compared to rubber ones. Constructed with a 10-inch silicon blade and a light-weighted yet durable body, this tool ensures quick cleaning with ease and no arm strains.

    For convenient storage, the set comes with a suction hook that can be mounted on any smooth surface for storing squeegee after use.


    This versatile cleaning tool is best suited for window cleaning, car windshields, shower enclosures, fogged mirrors, countertops, and patios. With a silicon head, the squeegee yields efficient results on both flat and rippled surfaces.


    • The ergonomic design is easy to hold and the non-slip handle is easy to grasp
    • Yields optimal cleaning results with less physical effort
    • Silicon blade allows multipurpose usage
    • Complimented with suction holder for easy storage


    • 10-inch silicone head is small and less compatible with ergonomic design

    Als Ellan Professional 3 in 1 Window Squeegee

    Product description

    This all in one fine quality multipurpose squeegee is designed to take care of all your domestic and commercial needs with telescopic reach. Made of 100% plastic structure and equipped with a precise silicon blade, this model offers quick and easy streak free drying. This multi function pack includes

    1. 180 degree adjustable microfibre pad attachment that reaches every angle and attracts all dust and stains from surface giving you a crystalline look.
    2. Removable spray bottle attached with the handle. Say bye to bucket-shower hassle and spray right when you clean!
    3. The squeeqee kit is updated with 265cm long extension pole making it suitable to reach heights for cleaning. Telescopic pole for extra reach eliminating the need for dangerous stools and ladders.

    Assemble the squeegee, microfibre scrubber, and spray together to do all the jobs perfectly in one go. Spray, scrap, and absorb with a single wipe!


    This versatile squeegee kit is ideal for window cleaning, glass doors, shower enclosures, car windows, and tile with a single wipe.


    • Does job of spraying, wiping, and scrubbing with one swipe saving both your time and effort
    • Washable microfibre scrubber for multiple uses
    • 1 spare microfibre pad for replacement
    • Extension pole with 6 sections helping you set the right height always.


    • Spray bottle can not be used when squeegee is attached to extension pole
    • Extension pole requires more space for storage

    Professional Window Squeegee Cleaner

    Product description

    This 2 in 1 professional squeegee is manufactured with bendable head and replaceable microfibre cloth. The handle is designed with spring rubber to allow the squeegee reach every angle and clean the dead corners removing every stain. The kit is also equipped with a 62 inch long lightweighted and extendable aluminium pole for telescopic reach. Enjoy smooth squeegee glides with rubber scrape and super absorbent microfibre scrubber.


    The professional kit is ideal for both indoor and outdoor glass surfaces, high rise windows, and large surfaces. Also effective for auto windshields.


    • Adjustable 4 section telescopic pole to reach the right height
    • Squeegee can be used as a hand unit for bathroom and small surface cleaning purposes.
    • Rubber handle to ensure non-slip grip
    • Convenient to store once used
    • Made from light in weight and high in strength ABS plastic
    • Easy to assemble and dissemble with a button unit


    • The squeeze is flimsy
    • Hard to put pressure at height with extension pole 

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    What size of blade do I need?

    The size of blade determines how much surface area you want to clean in one go. The wider the head, the lesser time it will take to clean large surface areas. For outdoor windows and professional use, look for a 16-24 inches headed squeegee. If you are looking for a squeegee for bathroom purposes, choose a blade of length 6-10 inches.

    Can squeegees be used for different types of glass?

    Yes. When you order a window, car or shower squeegee you can typically use these for different types of glass and with the domestic ones you will often get similar results.

    Where can I order a window squeegee?

    From the range of best multipurpose squeegees, you can order any from the official website as well online stores like Amazon.

    Can I get on door delivery?

    Yes. Online stores deliver squeegees from different brands to customers on their doorsteps in 5-7 working days.

    Final Thoughts

    Fresh, bright, and crystalline. There is nothing better than a chic view thorough you glass windows and sophistication of your clean mirrors.

    Effective housekeeping is always complimented by clean mirrors, enclosures, ceramics, and windows. For sparkling interior and exterior experience, both in domestic and commercial setting, we have prepared you to choose the right window squeegee from the range. Choose for your needs and make cleaning effortless. Happy shopping!

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